Tools used for analysis and interpretation of foriegn DNA integration elements, such as retroviruses, retroviral-based gene therapy vectors, retrotransposons, or DNA oligos incorporated into a host genome by a Non-Homologous End Joining pathway.
Functions contained in the gintools
package can be separated into different catagories:
Nucleotide sequence processing - managing nucleotide sequence data from machine output, including demultiplexing, trimming, filtering, and consolidating. Alignment can be handled by the user's preferred sequence aligner (BLAT, BWA, ...).
Alignment interpretation - interpret alignment information from PSL or SAM/BAM inputs. Identify important locations, standarize across samples, or resolve edges of observed nucleotide alignments to help reduce noise inherent in the data from PCR amplification and sequencing.
Analytics - functions designed to assist in analysis of processed data. Track observations across specimens, determine abundances of clones, or consolidate data into a summary of observations.
Utilities - functions designed to assist with the other catagories and serve to make seemingly simple operations just that.
To install gintools
, simply run the following command within an R session:
# Or
- banmat : A binary ambiguous nucleotide matrix based on NUC4.4.
- standardize_sites : Returns a GRanges object where the site positions have been standardized with all other sites in the dataset which are within the gap distance.
- refine_breakpoints : Returns a GRanges object where the break point positions have been adjused based on positional clusterting and read counts within the dataset and specified distances.
- track_clones : Returns a GRangesList of integration sites shared between multiple GRanges objects.
- condense_intsites : Returns a GRanges object containing a single integration site in each row, removing all breakpoint information.
- determine_abundance : Returns a data.frame with position ids and abundances, calculated by the number of unique fragment lengths or utilizing the sonicLength package.
- cluster_kv : Returns the cluster or group membership based on connections between key nodes based on supplied values.
- generate_posid : Creates a character vector of position IDs in the format of [chromosome(+/-/*)position] given a GRanges object or ID information.
- db_to_granges : Converts an INSPIIRED database query into a GRanges object.
- unique_granges : Considers and keeps metadata columns when identifying unique ranges within a GRanges object.
- pop_calcs : Calculations for describing features of populations, i.e. Shannon Diversity, Clonality, Gini Index ...
- vzip : Combines two or more vectors in a "zipping" fashion and returns a single vector.
- vintersect : Identify intersecting values in two or more vectors.
- vcollapse : Collapse row contents into a single vector from a data.frame or matrix.
The gintools
package depends on R 3.2
or higher and will Import
the following packages during installation unless they are already present:
- dplyr (>= 0.7)
- GenomicRanges (>= 1.26)
- igraph (>= 1.0.1)
- IRanges (>= 2.10)
- magrittr(>= 1.0)
- Matrix (>= 1.2)
- parallel(>= 3.2)
- S4Vectors (>= 0.12)
The following packages are suggested for increased utility:
- Biostrings
- digest
- geneRxCluster
- plyr
- ShortRead
- stringr
- sonicLength
- testthat