diff --git a/FWCore/Skeletons/doc/man/skeletons.1 b/FWCore/Skeletons/doc/man/skeletons.1
index 920359e8066ed..42c7501c02732 100644
--- a/FWCore/Skeletons/doc/man/skeletons.1
+++ b/FWCore/Skeletons/doc/man/skeletons.1
@@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ The following CMS commands is available for your needs:
\fBmkrecord\fP generates code based on Record template
.IP \(bu 2
\fBmkskel\fP generates code based on Skeleton template
-.IP \(bu 2
-\fBmktsel\fP generate code based on TSelector template
The \fBmkrecord\fP and \fBmkskel\fP scripts will run anywhere on your system, while
diff --git a/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/BuildFile.xml b/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/BuildFile.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c66ff2cc3f667..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/BuildFile.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/Driver.dir b/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/Driver.dir
deleted file mode 100644
index c3737695246b1..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/Driver.dir
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/TSelector.cc b/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/TSelector.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 018121772b828..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/TSelector.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// Package: __subsys__/__pkgname__
-// Class: __class__
- Description: [one line class summary]
- Implementation:
- [Notes on implementation]
-// Original Author: __author__
-// Created: __date__
-// system include files
-#include "TCanvas.h"
-// user include files
-#include "__subsys__/__pkgname__/interface/__class__.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
-@example_track#include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/Track.h"
-@example_track#include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/TrackFwd.h"
-// constants shared between the Selector and the Workers
-@example_trackconst char* const kPt = "pt";
-//const char* const kA = "a";
-//A worker processes the events.
-// A new worker is created each time the events are processed
-// ------------ constructed for each PROOF Node ------------
-// The arguments are
-// fromSelector: these are copies of values set in the selector and sent to all workers
-// out: these are the items which will be passed back to the selector (e.g. histograms)
-__class__Worker::__class__Worker(const TList* fromSelector, TList& out) {
- //h_a = new TH1F( kA , "a" , 100, 0, 20 );
- //out.Add(h_a);
-@example_track h_pt = new TH1F(kPt, "P_t", 100, 0, 100);
-@example_track out.Add(h_pt);
-__class__Worker::~__class__Worker() {}
-// ------------ method called for each event ------------
-void __class__Worker::process(const edm::Event& iEvent) {
- using namespace edm;
-@example_track using reco::TrackCollection;
-@example_track Handle tracks;
-@example_track iEvent.getByLabel("ctfWithMaterialTracks", tracks);
-@example_track for (const auto& track : *tracks) {
-@example_track h_pt->Fill(track.pt());
-@example_track }
- //using namespace edmtest;
- //edm::Handle hThings;
- //iEvent.getByLabel("Thing", hThings);
- //for (const auto& thing : *hThings) {
- // h_a ->Fill(it->a);
- //}
-// ------------ called after processing the events ------------
-// The argument is the same as for the constructor
-void __class__Worker::postProcess(TList& out) {}
-//Only one Selector is made per job. It gets all the results from each worker.
-__class__::__class__() {}
-__class__::~__class__() {}
-// ------------ called just before all workers are constructed ------------
-void __class__::begin(TList*& toWorkers) {}
-// ------------ called after all workers have finished ------------
-// The argument 'fromWorkers' contains the accumulated output of all Workers
-void __class__::terminate(TList& fromWorkers) {
- using namespace std;
- auto canvas = std::make_unique();
- //{
- // TObject* hist = fromWorkers.FindObject(kA);
- // if (nullptr != hist) {
- // hist->Draw();
- // canvas->SaveAs("a.jpg");
- // } else {
- // cout << "no '" << kA << "' histogram" << endl;
- // }
- //
-@example_track {
-@example_track TObject* hist = fromWorkers.FindObject(kPt);
-@example_track if (nullptr != hist) {
-@example_track hist->Draw();
-@example_track canvas->SaveAs("pt.jpg");
-@example_track } else {
-@example_track cout << "no '" << kPt << "' histogram" << endl;
-@example_track }
-@example_track }
diff --git a/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/TSelector.h b/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/TSelector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 319e56c44b2ff..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/TSelector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __subsys_____pkgname_____class___h
-#define __subsys_____pkgname_____class___h
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// Package: __subsys__/__pkgname__
-// Class: __class__
-/**\class __class__ __class__.h __subsys__/__pkgname__/plugins/__class__.h
-Description: [one line class summary]
-[Notes on implementation]
-// Original Author: __author__
-// Created: __date__
-#include "FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/interface/TFWLiteSelector.h"
-//A worker processes the events. When using PROOF there is one Worker per PROOF CPU Node.
-struct __class__Worker {
- __class__Worker(const TList*, TList&);
- ~__class__Worker();
- void process(const edm::Event& iEvent);
- void postProcess(TList&);
- //Place histograms, etc that you want to fill here
- //TH1F* h_a;
-@example_track TH1F* h_pt;
-//Only one Selector is made per job. It gets all the results from each worker.
-class __class__ : public TFWLiteSelector<__class__Worker> {
- __class__();
- ~__class__() override;
- void begin(TList*&) override;
- void terminate(TList&) override;
- __class__(__class__ const&);
- __class__ operator=(__class__ const&);
- ClassDef(__class__, 2)
diff --git a/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/classes.h b/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/classes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a6c1436a72d87..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/classes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "__subsys__/__class__/src/__class__.h"
diff --git a/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/classes_def.xml b/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/classes_def.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f7f8689f3be08..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/Skeletons/mkTemplates/TSelector/classes_def.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/FWCore/Skeletons/scripts/mktsel b/FWCore/Skeletons/scripts/mktsel
deleted file mode 100755
index ef933d6d4bed8..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/Skeletons/scripts/mktsel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#pylint: disable-msg=
-File : mktsel
-Author : Valentin Kuznetsov
-Description: mktsel code
-# system modules
-import sys
-if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
- raise Exception("This script requires python 2.6 or greater")
-# package modules
-from FWCore.Skeletons.cms import generate, config
-def pkg_help():
- "mktsel help function"
- msg = '\nmktsel script generates CMS TSelector code'
- msg += '\nUsage : mktsel ProducerName -author "FirstName LastName"'
- msg += ' '
- msg += '\nOutput : '
- msg += """
- MyTSel/
- |-- BuildFile.xml
- | src/
- | |-- MyTSel.cc
- | interface/
- | |-- MyTSel.h
- | |-- classes.h
- | |-- classes_def.xml
- """
- msg += '\nExample:'
- msg += '\n # create new TSelector code'
- msg += '\n mktsel MyTSel'
- msg += '\n # create new TSelector code with given author'
- msg += '\n mktsel MyTSel -author "First Last"'
- msg += '\n # create new TSelector code with myparticle example'
- msg += '\n mktsel MyTSel example_track'
- msg += '\n'
- return msg
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- generate(config('TSelector', pkg_help()))
diff --git a/FWCore/Skeletons/test/runtests.sh b/FWCore/Skeletons/test/runtests.sh
index 78f68303a423c..856dd2fafa49c 100755
--- a/FWCore/Skeletons/test/runtests.sh
+++ b/FWCore/Skeletons/test/runtests.sh
@@ -53,9 +53,6 @@ mkdatapkg TestDataPackage -author "Test Author"
mkskel TestSkeleton -author "Test Author"
-mktsel TestSelector -author "Test Author"
-mktsel TestSelectorTrack example_track -author "Test Author"
git add TestSubsystem
git commit -a -m "Other skeletong code"
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/BuildFile.xml b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/BuildFile.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d44f61a0987a..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/BuildFile.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/doc/proofNotes.txt b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/doc/proofNotes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8994d46b834e0..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/doc/proofNotes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-To get use proof from root:
-The twiki might prove useful if you have difficulties below:
- http://higweb.lns.mit.edu/twikis/proof/bin/view/Proof/ProofDocs
-Install proof according to the instructions in
-One problem we had was that we needed to give the proofd the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-where it can find the library with our TSelector that we were testing.
-For example,
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mylogin/CMSSW_0_9_0/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-The best way to determine the proper LD_LIBRARY_PATH is to look for LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-issued by the command 'scramv1 run -csh'.
-This is unfortunate for several reasons:
-1) Once you start the proofd, it will only use libraries for the software
- release pointed to by that LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
-2) There isn't a way to ensure that the release used by proofd is consistent
- with the release you are using.
-3) Anyone making a new shared library for the release used by proofd has to
- install it somewhere in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH used to start all the proofd daemons.
-If you want reasonably open access, make a suitably writable directory for people to
-install their shared libraries and add it to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH of proofd.
-Proofd also needs access (e.g., via NFS or AFS) to the binary you
-want to run. So when setting up your proof.conf file, make sure it
-has access to your binaries. We did this by configuring the proofd
-machines with NFS images.
-There may be some other way of getting the binaries and libraries to the
-proof daemons for execution, but we haven't found it yet.
-For our simple test setup, we used the same host for master and workers.
-It has 2 CPUs, so we set up two workers.
-Our $ROOTSYS/proof/etc/proof.conf file contains:
-master hostie.lns.cornell.edu image=nfs
-worker hostie.lns.cornell.edu perf=100 image=nfs
-worker hostie.lns.cornell.edu perf=100 image=nfs
-Note, you don't need to start the proofd from /etc/inetd.conf for an
-initial test. You can just log in to the master proof server and run
-$ROOTSYS/bin/proofd $ROOTSYS &
-The output will be logged to the screen where you started it, which is
-what you probably want for a quick test.
-You need a password to access proof. Create that as follows, replacing
-the string secret_passwd with the password that you want.
-$ROOTSYS/proof/utils/crypt secret_passwd > $HOME/.rootdpass
-chmod 0600 $HOME/.rootdpass
-Note: this appears to provides no security of any value.Anybody who can
- access your master proofd host can issue themselves a password and
- start using your system.
-Now you can start root.
-At the root prompt, issue the following command, replacing proof-master-host
-with the fully qualified name of the host running the proofd master.
- gROOT->Proof("proof-master-host")
-for example,
- gROOT->Proof("hostie.lns.cornell.edu");
-You will get a pop-up dialog asking for your password. It is really
-annoying that it doesn't ask for the password at the CLI where you
-were already typing.
-If all went well, type
- gProof->print()
-This will print 20-30 lines of helpful information that will enlighten you.
-Now you will want to do something useful, like run a TSelector.
-This turned out to be quite tricky. Here is an example.
-We made a ThingsTSelector, which we put into libFWCoreTFWLiteSelectorTest.
-To ensure that our TSelector was auto-loaded we loaded libFWCoreFWLite
-and then enabled fwlite.
-NOTE WELL: libFWCoreTFWLiteSelectorTest.so must be in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-for all the proofd's you are running.
-After that, our library was correctly loaded. Next we made a TDSet.
-In non-proof code you would make a TChain, but for proof you make a TDSet.
-We added a file to the TDSet and were able to read in our data. The sequence
-of root commands is as follows.
-First make a file called proof_remote.C with the following code to make
-everything load properly on the remote proof host(s).
- {
- // This makes the TSelectors in the library available to the
- // remote proof session
- gSystem->Load("libFWCoreFWLite");
- FWLiteEnabler::enable();
- gSystem->Load("libFWCoreTFWLiteSelectorTest");
- }
-Now make proof_local.C
- {
- // Setup the connection to the proof server
- gROOT->Proof( "lnx7108.lns.cornell.edu" );
- // You need this to allow ROOT to be able to use a ThingsTSelector
- gSystem->Load("libFWCoreFWLite");
- FWLiteEnabler::enable();
- gSystem->Load("libFWCoreTFWLiteSelectorTest");
- // This makes sure the TSelector library and dictionary are properly
- // installed in the remote PROOF servers
- gProof->Exec( ".x proof_remote.C" );
- // This creates the 'data set' which defines what files we need to process
- // NOTE: the files given must be accessible by the remote systems.
- TDSet c( "TTree", "Events");
- c.Add("/mylogin/CMSSW_0_9_0/src/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/test.root");
- //This makes the actual processing happen
- c.Process( "ThingsTSelector" );
- }
-Start root and at the root command prompt run the command
- .x proof_local.C
-This should execute on several proof hosts.
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/interface/TFWLiteSelector.h b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/interface/TFWLiteSelector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3491915ef2de7..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/interface/TFWLiteSelector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef FWCore_TFWLiteSelector_TFWLiteSelector_h
-#define FWCore_TFWLiteSelector_TFWLiteSelector_h
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// Package: TFWLiteSelector
-// Class : TFWLiteSelector
-/**\class TFWLiteSelector TFWLiteSelector.h FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/interface/TFWLiteSelector.h
- Description: A 'safe' form of a TSelector which uses a Worker helper class to do the processing
- Usage:
- This is a safe form of a TSelector which separates the processing (which could happen on many
- computers when using PROOF) from the handling of the final result (which only happens on the
- original computer which is running the ROOT job).
- The processing is handled by a worker class. This class is expected to have the following methods
- 1) a constructor which takes a 'const TList*' and a 'TList&' as its arguments. The 'const TList*' holds
- objects The 'TList&' is used to hold all the
- 'TObject' items (e.g. histograms) you want to access for the final result (e.g. the sum of all
- histograms created by the many Workers running on different computers). You should create the
- items in the constructor, hold onto them as member data in the Worker and 'Add' them to the TList.
- In addition, the 'TList&' can hold items sent to the workers from the TFWLiteSelector.
- 2) a method called 'process(const edm::Event&)'
- this is called for each Event
- 3) a destructor which does what ever you want to have done after all the Events have finished
- You should inherit from TFWLiteSelector<...> where the template argument should be the worker you want
- to use. You need to implement the following methods
- 1) 'begin(const TList*& itemsForProcessing)'
- this is called before processing has started and before any workers get created. If you want to pass data to
- your workers, you can create a new TList and assign it to 'itemsForProcessing' and then add the objects you
- want passed into that list.
- NOTE: you are responsible for deleting the created TList and for deleting all items held by the TList. The easiest
- way to do this is to add a 'std::unique_ptr' member data to your Selector and then call 'SetOwner()' on the TList.
- 2) 'terminate(TList&)'
- this is called after all processing has finished. The TList& contains all the accumulated information
- from all the workers.
-// Original Author: Chris Jones
-// Created: Fri Jun 30 21:04:46 CDT 2006
-// system include files
-class TList;
-// user include files
-#include "FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/interface/TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h"
-#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/propagate_const.h"
-// forward declarations
-class TFWLiteSelector : public TFWLiteSelectorBasic {
- TFWLiteSelector() : worker_() {}
- ~TFWLiteSelector() override {}
- // ---------- const member functions ---------------------
- // ---------- static member functions --------------------
- // ---------- member functions ---------------------------
- TFWLiteSelector(const TFWLiteSelector&); // stop default
- const TFWLiteSelector& operator=(const TFWLiteSelector&); // stop default
- void preProcessing(const TList* in, TList& out) override { worker_ = std::make_shared(in, out); }
- void process(const edm::Event& iEvent) override { worker_->process(iEvent); }
- void postProcessing(TList& out) override { worker_->postProcess(out); }
- // ---------- member data --------------------------------
- edm::propagate_const> worker_;
- ClassDefOverride(TFWLiteSelector, 2)
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/interface/TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/interface/TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a5f7cbb0bfd5..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/interface/TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef FWCore_TFWLiteSelector_TFWLiteSelectorBasic_h
-#define FWCore_TFWLiteSelector_TFWLiteSelectorBasic_h
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// Package: TFWLiteSelector
-// Class : TFWLiteSelectorBasic
-/**\class TFWLiteSelectorBasic TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h FWCore/FWLite/interface/TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h
- Description: A ROOT TSelector which accesses data using an edm::Event
- Usage:
- By inheriting from this class one can make a TSelector for ROOT which works with PROOF and which
-allows you to access data using an edm::Event.
-// Original Author: Chris Jones
-// Created: Tue Jun 27 16:37:27 EDT 2006
-// system include files
-#include "TSelector.h"
-// user include files
-#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/propagate_const.h"
-// forward declarations
-class TFile;
-class TList;
-class TTree;
-namespace edm {
- class Event;
- namespace root {
- struct TFWLiteSelectorMembers;
- }
-} // namespace edm
-class TFWLiteSelectorBasic : public TSelector {
- TFWLiteSelectorBasic();
- ~TFWLiteSelectorBasic() override;
- // ---------- const member functions ---------------------
- // ---------- static member functions --------------------
- // ---------- member functions ---------------------------
- /**Called each time the 'client' begins processing (remote 'slaves' do not see this message)
- \param in an assignable pointer to a list of objects you want passed to 'preProcessing'. This
- list is used to communicate with remote slaves. NOTE: you are responsible for deleting this TList
- and its content once you are done with it.
- */
- virtual void begin(TList*& in) = 0;
- /**Called each time the 'slave' is about to start processing
- \param in a pointer to the list of objects created in 'begin()'. The pointer can be 0
- \param out a list of objects that are the result of processing (e.g. histograms).
- You should call 'Add()' for each object you want sent to the 'terminate' method.
- */
- virtual void preProcessing(const TList* in, TList& out) = 0;
- /**Call each time the 'slave' gets a new Event
- \param event a standard edm::Event which works just like it does in cmsRun
- */
- virtual void process(const edm::Event& event) = 0;
- /**Called each time the 'slave' has seen all the events
- \param out the list of objects that will be sent to 'terminate'.
- You can Add() additional objects to 'out' at this point as well.
- */
- virtual void postProcessing(TList& out) = 0;
- /**Called each time the 'client' has finished processing.
- \param out contains the accumulated output of all slaves.
- */
- virtual void terminate(TList& out) = 0;
- TFWLiteSelectorBasic(const TFWLiteSelectorBasic&); // stop default
- const TFWLiteSelectorBasic& operator=(const TFWLiteSelectorBasic&); // stop default
- void Begin(TTree*) override;
- void SlaveBegin(TTree*) override;
- void Init(TTree*) override;
- Bool_t Notify() override;
- Bool_t Process(Long64_t /*entry*/) override;
- void SlaveTerminate() override;
- void Terminate() override;
- Int_t Version() const override { return 1; }
- void setupNewFile(TFile&);
- // ---------- member data --------------------------------
- edm::propagate_const> m_;
- bool everythingOK_;
- ClassDefOverride(TFWLiteSelectorBasic, 2)
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/src/TFWLiteSelectorBasic.cc b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/src/TFWLiteSelectorBasic.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index d3ff96802e7fd..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/src/TFWLiteSelectorBasic.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// Package: TFWLiteSelector
-// Class : TFWLiteSelectorBasic
-// Implementation:
-// Original Author: Chris Jones
-// Created: Tue Jun 27 17:58:10 EDT 2006
-// user include files
-#include "FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/interface/TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Common/interface/RefCoreStreamer.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Common/interface/setIsMergeable.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/BranchDescription.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/BranchIDList.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/BranchIDListHelper.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/BranchListIndex.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ProductProvenanceRetriever.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/BranchType.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/EventAuxiliary.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/EventEntryDescription.h" // kludge to allow compilation
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/EventSelectionID.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/EventToProcessBlockIndexes.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/FileFormatVersion.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/LuminosityBlockAuxiliary.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ModuleDescription.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ParameterSetBlob.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProcessConfiguration.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProcessHistory.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProcessHistoryRegistry.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProductRegistry.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/RunAuxiliary.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ThinnedAssociationsHelper.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/DelayedReader.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventPrincipal.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/LuminosityBlockPrincipal.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/RunPrincipal.h"
-#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/Registry.h"
-#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
-#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/FriendlyName.h"
-#include "FWCore/Reflection/interface/ObjectWithDict.h"
-#include "FWCore/Reflection/interface/TypeWithDict.h"
-#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/WrappedClassName.h"
-#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/get_underlying_safe.h"
-// system include files
-#include "TBranch.h"
-#include "TChain.h"
-#include "TFile.h"
-#include "TTree.h"
-namespace edm {
- namespace root {
- class FWLiteDelayedReader : public DelayedReader {
- public:
- FWLiteDelayedReader() : entry_(-1), eventTree_(nullptr) {}
- void setEntry(Long64_t iEntry) { entry_ = iEntry; }
- void setTree(TTree* iTree) { eventTree_ = iTree; }
- void set(std::shared_ptr> iMap) {
- bidToDesc_ = std::move(iMap);
- }
- private:
- std::unique_ptr getTheProduct(BranchID const& k) const;
- std::shared_ptr getProduct_(BranchID const& k, EDProductGetter const* ep) override;
- virtual std::unique_ptr getProvenance_(BranchKey const&) const {
- return std::unique_ptr();
- }
- void mergeReaders_(DelayedReader*) override {}
- void reset_() override {}
- signalslot::Signal const* preEventReadFromSourceSignal()
- const override {
- return nullptr;
- }
- signalslot::Signal const* postEventReadFromSourceSignal()
- const override {
- return nullptr;
- };
- Long64_t entry_;
- TTree* eventTree_;
- std::shared_ptr> bidToDesc_;
- };
- std::shared_ptr FWLiteDelayedReader::getProduct_(BranchID const& k, EDProductGetter const* /*ep*/) {
- return getTheProduct(k);
- }
- std::unique_ptr FWLiteDelayedReader::getTheProduct(BranchID const& k) const {
- auto itFind = bidToDesc_->find(k.id());
- if (itFind == bidToDesc_->end()) {
- throw Exception(errors::ProductNotFound) << "could not find entry for product " << k;
- }
- BranchDescription const& bDesc = *(itFind->second);
- TBranch* branch = eventTree_->GetBranch(bDesc.branchName().c_str());
- if (nullptr == branch) {
- throw cms::Exception("MissingBranch") << "could not find branch named '" << bDesc.branchName() << "'"
- << "\n Perhaps the data being requested was not saved in this file?";
- }
- //find the class type
- std::string const fullName = wrappedClassName(bDesc.className());
- TypeWithDict classType = TypeWithDict::byName(fullName);
- if (!bool(classType)) {
- throw cms::Exception("MissingDictionary") << "could not find dictionary for type '" << fullName << "'"
- << "\n Please make sure all the necessary libraries are available.";
- }
- //create an instance of it
- ObjectWithDict wrapperObj = classType.construct();
- if (nullptr == wrapperObj.address()) {
- throw cms::Exception("FailedToCreate") << "could not create an instance of '" << fullName << "'";
- }
- void* address = wrapperObj.address();
- branch->SetAddress(&address);
- ObjectWithDict edProdObj = wrapperObj.castObject(TypeWithDict::byName("edm::WrapperBase"));
- WrapperBase* prod = reinterpret_cast(edProdObj.address());
- if (nullptr == prod) {
- throw cms::Exception("FailedConversion") << "failed to convert a '" << fullName << "' to a edm::WrapperBase."
- << "Please contact developers since something is very wrong.";
- }
- branch->GetEntry(entry_);
- return std::unique_ptr(prod);
- }
- struct TFWLiteSelectorMembers {
- TFWLiteSelectorMembers()
- : tree_(nullptr),
- reg_(new ProductRegistry()),
- bidToDesc_(std::make_shared>()),
- phreg_(new ProcessHistoryRegistry()),
- branchIDListHelper_(new BranchIDListHelper()),
- // Note that thinned collections are not supported yet, the next
- // line just makes it compile but when the Ref or Ptr tries to
- // find the thinned collection it will report them not found.
- // More work needed here if this is needed (we think no one
- // is using TFWLiteSelector anymore and intend to implement
- // this properly if it turns out we are wrong)
- thinnedAssociationsHelper_(new ThinnedAssociationsHelper()),
- processNames_(),
- reader_(new FWLiteDelayedReader),
- prov_(),
- pointerToBranchBuffer_(),
- provRetriever_(new edm::ProductProvenanceRetriever(0)) {
- reader_->set(get_underlying_safe(bidToDesc_));
- }
- void setTree(TTree* iTree) {
- tree_ = iTree;
- reader_->setTree(iTree);
- }
- TTree const* tree() const { return get_underlying_safe(tree_); }
- TTree*& tree() { return get_underlying_safe(tree_); }
- std::shared_ptr reg() const { return get_underlying_safe(reg_); }
- std::shared_ptr& reg() { return get_underlying_safe(reg_); }
- std::shared_ptr branchIDListHelper() const {
- return get_underlying_safe(branchIDListHelper_);
- }
- std::shared_ptr& branchIDListHelper() { return get_underlying_safe(branchIDListHelper_); }
- std::shared_ptr thinnedAssociationsHelper() const {
- return get_underlying_safe(thinnedAssociationsHelper_);
- }
- std::shared_ptr& thinnedAssociationsHelper() {
- return get_underlying_safe(thinnedAssociationsHelper_);
- }
- edm::propagate_const tree_;
- edm::propagate_const> reg_;
- edm::propagate_const>> bidToDesc_;
- edm::propagate_const> phreg_;
- edm::propagate_const> branchIDListHelper_;
- edm::propagate_const> thinnedAssociationsHelper_;
- ProcessHistory processNames_;
- edm::propagate_const> reader_;
- std::vector prov_;
- std::vector pointerToBranchBuffer_;
- FileFormatVersion fileFormatVersion_;
- edm::propagate_const> provRetriever_;
- edm::ProcessConfiguration pc_;
- edm::propagate_const> ep_;
- edm::ModuleDescription md_;
- };
- } // namespace root
-} // namespace edm
-// constants, enums and typedefs
-// static data member definitions
-// constructors and destructor
-TFWLiteSelectorBasic::TFWLiteSelectorBasic() : m_(new edm::root::TFWLiteSelectorMembers), everythingOK_(false) {}
-// TFWLiteSelectorBasic::TFWLiteSelectorBasic(TFWLiteSelectorBasic const& rhs)
-// {
-// // do actual copying here;
-// }
-TFWLiteSelectorBasic::~TFWLiteSelectorBasic() {}
-// assignment operators
-// TFWLiteSelectorBasic const& TFWLiteSelectorBasic::operator=(TFWLiteSelectorBasic const& rhs)
-// {
-// //An exception safe implementation is
-// TFWLiteSelectorBasic temp(rhs);
-// swap(rhs);
-// return *this;
-// }
-// member functions
-void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::Begin(TTree* iTree) {
- Init(iTree);
- begin(fInput);
-void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::SlaveBegin(TTree* iTree) {
- Init(iTree);
- preProcessing(fInput, *fOutput);
-void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::Init(TTree* iTree) {
- if (iTree == nullptr)
- return;
- m_->setTree(iTree);
-Bool_t TFWLiteSelectorBasic::Notify() {
- //std::cout << "Notify start" << std::endl;
- //we have switched to a new file
- //get new file from Tree
- if (nullptr == m_->tree_) {
- std::cout << "No tree" << std::endl;
- return kFALSE;
- }
- TFile* file = m_->tree_->GetCurrentFile();
- if (nullptr == file) {
- //When in Rome, do as the Romans
- TChain* chain = dynamic_cast(m_->tree());
- if (nullptr == chain) {
- std::cout << "No file" << std::endl;
- return kFALSE;
- }
- file = chain->GetFile();
- if (nullptr == file) {
- std::cout << "No file" << std::endl;
- return kFALSE;
- }
- }
- setupNewFile(*file);
- return everythingOK_ ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
-namespace {
- struct Operate {
- Operate(edm::EDProductGetter const* iGetter) : old_(setRefCoreStreamer(iGetter)) {}
- ~Operate() { setRefCoreStreamer(old_); }
- private:
- edm::EDProductGetter const* old_;
- };
-} // namespace
-Bool_t TFWLiteSelectorBasic::Process(Long64_t iEntry) {
- //std::cout << "Process start" << std::endl;
- if (everythingOK_) {
- std::unique_ptr eaux = std::make_unique();
- edm::EventAuxiliary& aux = *eaux;
- edm::EventAuxiliary* pAux = eaux.get();
- TBranch* branch = m_->tree_->GetBranch(edm::BranchTypeToAuxiliaryBranchName(edm::InEvent).c_str());
- branch->SetAddress(&pAux);
- branch->GetEntry(iEntry);
- //NEW m_->processNames_ = aux.processHistory();
- // std::cout << "ProcessNames\n";
- // for(auto const& name : m_->processNames_) {
- // std::cout << " " << name << std::endl;
- // }
- edm::EventSelectionIDVector eventSelectionIDs;
- edm::EventSelectionIDVector* pEventSelectionIDVector = &eventSelectionIDs;
- TBranch* eventSelectionsBranch = m_->tree_->GetBranch(edm::poolNames::eventSelectionsBranchName().c_str());
- if (!eventSelectionsBranch) {
- throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::FatalRootError) << "Failed to find event Selections branch in event tree";
- }
- eventSelectionsBranch->SetAddress(&pEventSelectionIDVector);
- eventSelectionsBranch->GetEntry(iEntry);
- edm::BranchListIndexes branchListIndexes;
- edm::BranchListIndexes* pBranchListIndexes = &branchListIndexes;
- TBranch* branchListIndexBranch = m_->tree_->GetBranch(edm::poolNames::branchListIndexesBranchName().c_str());
- if (!branchListIndexBranch) {
- throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::FatalRootError) << "Failed to find branch list index branch in event tree";
- }
- branchListIndexBranch->SetAddress(&pBranchListIndexes);
- branchListIndexBranch->GetEntry(iEntry);
- m_->branchIDListHelper_->fixBranchListIndexes(branchListIndexes);
- edm::EventToProcessBlockIndexes dummyEventToProcessBlockIndexes;
- try {
- m_->reader_->setEntry(iEntry);
- auto rp = std::make_shared(m_->reg(), m_->pc_, nullptr, 0);
- rp->setAux(edm::RunAuxiliary(aux.run(), aux.time(), aux.time()));
- auto lbp = std::make_shared(m_->reg(), m_->pc_, nullptr, 0);
- lbp->setAux(edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary(rp->run(), 1, aux.time(), aux.time()));
- auto history = m_->phreg_->getMapped(eaux->processHistoryID());
- m_->ep_->fillEventPrincipal(*eaux,
- history,
- std::move(eventSelectionIDs),
- std::move(branchListIndexes),
- dummyEventToProcessBlockIndexes,
- *(m_->provRetriever_),
- m_->reader_.get());
- lbp->setRunPrincipal(rp);
- m_->ep_->setLuminosityBlockPrincipal(lbp.get());
- m_->processNames_ = m_->ep_->processHistory();
- edm::Event event(*m_->ep_, m_->md_, nullptr);
- //Make the event principal accessible to edm::Ref's
- Operate sentry(m_->ep_->prodGetter());
- process(event);
- } catch (std::exception const& iEx) {
- std::cout << "While processing entry " << iEntry << " the following exception was caught \n"
- << iEx.what() << std::endl;
- } catch (...) {
- std::cout << "While processing entry " << iEntry << " an unknown exception was caught" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- return everythingOK_ ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
-void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::SlaveTerminate() { postProcessing(*fOutput); }
-void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::Terminate() { terminate(*fOutput); }
-void TFWLiteSelectorBasic::setupNewFile(TFile& iFile) {
- //look up meta-data
- //get product registry
- //std::vector eventProcessHistoryIDs_;
- TTree* metaDataTree = dynamic_cast(iFile.Get(edm::poolNames::metaDataTreeName().c_str()));
- if (!metaDataTree) {
- std::cout << "could not find TTree " << edm::poolNames::metaDataTreeName() << std::endl;
- everythingOK_ = false;
- return;
- }
- edm::FileFormatVersion* fftPtr = &(m_->fileFormatVersion_);
- if (metaDataTree->FindBranch(edm::poolNames::fileFormatVersionBranchName().c_str()) != nullptr) {
- metaDataTree->SetBranchAddress(edm::poolNames::fileFormatVersionBranchName().c_str(), &fftPtr);
- }
- edm::ProductRegistry* pReg = &(*m_->reg_);
- metaDataTree->SetBranchAddress(edm::poolNames::productDescriptionBranchName().c_str(), &(pReg));
- typedef std::map PsetMap;
- PsetMap psetMap;
- PsetMap* psetMapPtr = &psetMap;
- if (metaDataTree->FindBranch(edm::poolNames::parameterSetMapBranchName().c_str()) != nullptr) {
- metaDataTree->SetBranchAddress(edm::poolNames::parameterSetMapBranchName().c_str(), &psetMapPtr);
- } else {
- TTree* psetTree = dynamic_cast(iFile.Get(edm::poolNames::parameterSetsTreeName().c_str()));
- if (nullptr == psetTree) {
- throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::FileReadError)
- << "Could not find tree " << edm::poolNames::parameterSetsTreeName() << " in the input file.\n";
- }
- typedef std::pair IdToBlobs;
- IdToBlobs idToBlob;
- IdToBlobs* pIdToBlob = &idToBlob;
- psetTree->SetBranchAddress(edm::poolNames::idToParameterSetBlobsBranchName().c_str(), &pIdToBlob);
- for (long long i = 0; i != psetTree->GetEntries(); ++i) {
- psetTree->GetEntry(i);
- psetMap.insert(idToBlob);
- }
- }
- edm::ProcessHistoryRegistry::vector_type pHistVector;
- edm::ProcessHistoryRegistry::vector_type* pHistVectorPtr = &pHistVector;
- if (metaDataTree->FindBranch(edm::poolNames::processHistoryBranchName().c_str()) != nullptr) {
- metaDataTree->SetBranchAddress(edm::poolNames::processHistoryBranchName().c_str(), &pHistVectorPtr);
- }
- edm::ProcessConfigurationVector procConfigVector;
- edm::ProcessConfigurationVector* procConfigVectorPtr = &procConfigVector;
- if (metaDataTree->FindBranch(edm::poolNames::processConfigurationBranchName().c_str()) != nullptr) {
- metaDataTree->SetBranchAddress(edm::poolNames::processConfigurationBranchName().c_str(), &procConfigVectorPtr);
- }
- auto branchIDListsHelper = std::make_shared();
- edm::BranchIDLists const* branchIDListsPtr = &branchIDListsHelper->branchIDLists();
- if (metaDataTree->FindBranch(edm::poolNames::branchIDListBranchName().c_str()) != nullptr) {
- metaDataTree->SetBranchAddress(edm::poolNames::branchIDListBranchName().c_str(), &branchIDListsPtr);
- }
- metaDataTree->GetEntry(0);
- for (auto& prod : m_->reg_->productListUpdator()) {
- prod.second.init();
- setIsMergeable(prod.second);
- }
- // Merge into the registries. For now, we do NOT merge the product registry.
- edm::pset::Registry& psetRegistry = *edm::pset::Registry::instance();
- for (auto const& entry : psetMap) {
- edm::ParameterSet pset(entry.second.pset());
- pset.setID(entry.first);
- psetRegistry.insertMapped(pset);
- }
- for (auto const& ph : pHistVector) {
- m_->phreg_->registerProcessHistory(ph);
- }
- m_->pointerToBranchBuffer_.erase(m_->pointerToBranchBuffer_.begin(), m_->pointerToBranchBuffer_.end());
- std::unique_ptr newReg = std::make_unique();
- edm::ProductRegistry::ProductList& prodList = m_->reg_->productListUpdator();
- {
- for (auto& item : prodList) {
- edm::BranchDescription& prod = item.second;
- //std::cout << "productname = " << item.second << " end " << std::endl;
- std::string newFriendlyName = edm::friendlyname::friendlyName(prod.className());
- if (newFriendlyName == prod.friendlyClassName()) {
- newReg->copyProduct(prod);
- } else {
- if (m_->fileFormatVersion_.splitProductIDs()) {
- throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::UnimplementedFeature)
- << "Cannot change friendly class name algorithm without more development work\n"
- << "to update BranchIDLists. Contact the framework group.\n";
- }
- edm::BranchDescription newBD(prod);
- newBD.updateFriendlyClassName();
- newReg->copyProduct(newBD);
- }
- prod.init();
- }
- m_->reg().reset(newReg.release());
- }
- edm::ProductRegistry::ProductList& prodList2 = m_->reg_->productListUpdator();
- std::vector temp(prodList2.size(), edm::EventEntryDescription());
- m_->prov_.swap(temp);
- m_->pointerToBranchBuffer_.reserve(prodList2.size());
- for (auto& item : prodList2) {
- edm::BranchDescription& prod = item.second;
- if (prod.branchType() == edm::InEvent) {
- prod.init();
- //NEED to do this and check to see if branch exists
- if (m_->tree_->GetBranch(prod.branchName().c_str()) == nullptr) {
- prod.setDropped(true);
- }
- prod.setOnDemand(true);
- //std::cout << "id " << it->first << " branch " << it->second << std::endl;
- //m_->pointerToBranchBuffer_.push_back(&(*itB));
- //void* tmp = &(m_->pointerToBranchBuffer_.back());
- //edm::EventEntryDescription* tmp = &(*itB);
- //CDJ need to fix provenance and be backwards compatible, for now just don't read the branch
- //m_->metaTree_->SetBranchAddress(prod.branchName().c_str(), tmp);
- }
- }
- m_->branchIDListHelper_->updateFromInput(*branchIDListsPtr);
- m_->reg_->setFrozen();
- m_->bidToDesc_->clear();
- for (auto const& p : m_->reg_->productList()) {
- m_->bidToDesc_->emplace(p.second.branchID().id(), &p.second);
- }
- m_->ep_ = std::make_shared(
- m_->reg(), m_->branchIDListHelper(), m_->thinnedAssociationsHelper(), m_->pc_, nullptr);
- everythingOK_ = true;
-// const member functions
-// static member functions
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/src/classes.h b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/src/classes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d89adb3f7f3c..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/src/classes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include "FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/interface/TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h"
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/src/classes_def.xml b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/src/classes_def.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e5f10a341c674..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/src/classes_def.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/BuildFile.xml b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/BuildFile.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c88252224884..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/BuildFile.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/TestRunnerFWCoreTFWLiteSelector.cpp b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/TestRunnerFWCoreTFWLiteSelector.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b2991bd18ae57..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/TestRunnerFWCoreTFWLiteSelector.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/TestHelper.h"
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/gen_things_cfg.py b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/gen_things_cfg.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 12f5902078ebc..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/gen_things_cfg.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file for RefTest_t
-import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
-process = cms.Process("TEST")
-process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
- input = cms.untracked.int32(2)
-process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource")
-process.Thing = cms.EDProducer("ThingProducer")
-process.OtherThing = cms.EDProducer("OtherThingProducer")
-process.out = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule",
- fileName = cms.untracked.string('testTFWLiteSelector.root')
-process.p = cms.Path(process.Thing*process.OtherThing)
-process.o = cms.EndPath(process.out)
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/proof_remote.C b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/proof_remote.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 7658f031af9fc..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/proof_remote.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- //This make the TSelectors in the library available to the remote proof session
- gSystem->Load("libFWCoreFWLite");
- FWLiteEnabler::enable();
- gSystem->Load("libFWCoreTFWLiteSelectorTest");
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/run_all_t.sh b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/run_all_t.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index b4eba6671e9af..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/run_all_t.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Pass in name and status
-function die { echo $1: status $2 ; exit $2; }
-export TMPDIR=`pwd`
-cmsRun ${LOCAL_TEST_DIR}/gen_things_cfg.py || die 'Failed generating test root file' $?
-rm -f a.jpg refA.jpg
-root -b -n -q ${LOCAL_TEST_DIR}/thing_sel.C || die 'Failed tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector test' $?
-[ -s a.jpg ] && [ -s refA.jpg ] || die 'Failed tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector test, no histograms' 20
-rm -f a.jpg refA.jpg
-root -b -n -q ${LOCAL_TEST_DIR}/thing2_sel.C || die 'Failed tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector2 test' $?
-[ -s a.jpg ] && [ -s refA.jpg ] || die 'Failed tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector2 test, no histograms' 20
-rm -f a.jpg refA.jpg
-exit 0
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/thing2_sel.C b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/thing2_sel.C
deleted file mode 100644
index e273de19921f7..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/thing2_sel.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- //Need this to allow ROOT to be able to use a ThingsTSelector
- gSystem->Load("libFWCoreFWLite");
- FWLiteEnabler::enable();
- gSystem->Load("libFWCoreTFWLiteSelectorTest");
- TSelector* sel = new tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector2();
- //This holds the list of files and 'TTree' to process
- TChain c("Events");
- c.Add("testTFWLiteSelector.root");
- //This actually processes the data
- c.Process(sel);
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/thing_sel.C b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/thing_sel.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 0201a43aaa729..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/test/thing_sel.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- //Need this to allow ROOT to be able to use a ThingsTSelector
- gSystem->Load("libFWCoreFWLite");
- FWLiteEnabler::enable();
- gSystem->Load("libFWCoreTFWLiteSelectorTest");
- TSelector* sel = new tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector();
- //This holds the list of files and 'TTree' to process
- TChain c("Events");
- c.Add("testTFWLiteSelector.root");
- //This actually processes the data
- c.Process(sel);
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/BuildFile.xml b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/BuildFile.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 21a7647fa4433..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/BuildFile.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector.cc b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index d3c155d655a18..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-#include "FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector.h"
-#include "Rtypes.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
-#include "DataFormats/TestObjects/interface/OtherThingCollection.h"
-#include "DataFormats/TestObjects/interface/ThingCollection.h"
-#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/thread_safety_macros.h"
-using namespace tfwliteselectortest;
-static const char* kA = "a";
-static const char* kRefA = "refA";
-void ThingsTSelector::begin(TList*&) {}
-void ThingsTSelector::preProcessing(const TList*, TList& out) {
- if (nullptr != h_a) {
- out.Remove(h_a);
- delete h_a.get();
- h_a = nullptr;
- }
- h_a = new TH1F(kA, "a", 100, 0, 20);
- out.Add(h_a);
- if (nullptr != h_refA) {
- out.Remove(h_refA);
- delete h_refA.get();
- h_refA = nullptr;
- }
- h_refA = new TH1F(kRefA, "refA", 100, 0, 20);
- out.Add(h_refA);
-void ThingsTSelector::process(const edm::Event& iEvent) {
- std::cout << "processing event " << std::endl;
- // chain->GetEntry( entry );
- using namespace edmtest;
- edm::Handle hOThings;
- // In case of an exception prints the message and aborts the process
- CMS_SA_ALLOW try {
- iEvent.getByLabel("OtherThing", "testUserTag", hOThings);
- std::cout << ">> other things found:" << hOThings->size() << std::endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < hOThings->size(); ++i) {
- const OtherThing& thing = (*hOThings)[i];
- h_refA->Fill(thing.ref->a);
- std::cout << ">> ref->a: " << thing.ref->a << std::endl;
- }
- edm::Handle hThings;
- iEvent.getByLabel("Thing", hThings);
- const ThingCollection& things = *hThings;
- std::cout << ">> things found:" << things.size() << std::endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < things.size(); ++i) {
- const Thing& thing = things[i];
- h_a->Fill(thing.a);
- std::cout << ">> a: " << thing.a << std::endl;
- }
- } catch (cms::Exception& x) {
- std::cout << std::endl << "Failed with cms::Exception: " << std::endl;
- std::cout << x.what() << std::endl;
- abort();
- } catch (std::exception& x) {
- std::cout << std::endl << "Failed with std::exception" << std::endl;
- std::cout << x.what() << std::endl;
- abort();
- } catch (...) {
- std::cout << std::endl << "Failed with unknown exception" << std::endl;
- abort();
- }
-void ThingsTSelector::postProcessing(TList&) {}
-void ThingsTSelector::terminate(TList& out) {
- std::cout << "terminate" << std::endl;
- TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas();
- {
- TObject* hist = out.FindObject(kA);
- if (nullptr != hist) {
- hist->Draw();
- canvas->SaveAs("a.jpg");
- } else {
- std::cout << "no '" << kA << "' histogram" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- {
- TObject* hist = out.FindObject(kRefA);
- if (nullptr != hist) {
- hist->Draw();
- canvas->SaveAs("refA.jpg");
- } else {
- std::cout << "no '" << kRefA << "' histogram" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- delete canvas;
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector.h b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fbaa2591aa68e..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ThingsTSelector_h
-#define ThingsTSelector_h
-/** \class ThingsTSelector
- *
- * Simple interactive analysis example based on TSelector
- * accessing EDM data
- *
- * \author Luca Lista, INFN
- *
- */
-#include "TH1.h"
-#include "FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/interface/TFWLiteSelectorBasic.h"
-#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/propagate_const.h"
-namespace tfwliteselectortest {
- class ThingsTSelector : public TFWLiteSelectorBasic {
- public:
- ThingsTSelector() : h_a(nullptr), h_refA(nullptr) {}
- void begin(TList*&) override;
- void preProcessing(const TList*, TList&) override;
- void process(const edm::Event&) override;
- void postProcessing(TList&) override;
- void terminate(TList&) override;
- private:
- /// histograms
- edm::propagate_const h_a;
- edm::propagate_const h_refA;
- ThingsTSelector(ThingsTSelector const&);
- ThingsTSelector operator=(ThingsTSelector const&);
- ClassDefOverride(ThingsTSelector, 2)
- };
-} // namespace tfwliteselectortest
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector2.cc b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector2.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c008bb1b30e3..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector2.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#include "FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector2.h"
-#include "Rtypes.h"
-#include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
-#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
-#include "DataFormats/TestObjects/interface/OtherThingCollection.h"
-#include "DataFormats/TestObjects/interface/ThingCollection.h"
-#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/thread_safety_macros.h"
-using namespace tfwliteselectortest;
-//Names used in common between the worker and the Selector
-static const char* kA = "a";
-static const char* kRefA = "refA";
-ThingsWorker::ThingsWorker(const TList*, TList& out) {
- std::cout << "begin" << std::endl;
- h_a = new TH1F(kA, "a", 100, 0, 20);
- out.Add(h_a);
- h_refA = new TH1F(kRefA, "refA", 100, 0, 20);
- out.Add(h_refA);
-void ThingsWorker::process(const edm::Event& iEvent) {
- std::cout << "processing event " << std::endl;
- // chain->GetEntry( entry );
- using namespace edmtest;
- edm::Handle hOThings;
- // In case of an exception prints the message and aborts the process
- CMS_SA_ALLOW try {
- iEvent.getByLabel("OtherThing", "testUserTag", hOThings);
- std::cout << ">> other things found:" << hOThings->size() << std::endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < hOThings->size(); ++i) {
- const OtherThing& thing = (*hOThings)[i];
- h_refA->Fill(thing.ref->a);
- std::cout << ">> ref->a: " << thing.ref->a << std::endl;
- }
- edm::Handle hThings;
- iEvent.getByLabel("Thing", hThings);
- const ThingCollection& things = *hThings;
- std::cout << ">> things found:" << things.size() << std::endl;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < things.size(); ++i) {
- const Thing& thing = things[i];
- h_a->Fill(thing.a);
- std::cout << ">> a: " << thing.a << std::endl;
- }
- } catch (cms::Exception& x) {
- std::cout << std::endl << "Failed with cms::Exception: " << std::endl;
- std::cout << x.what() << std::endl;
- abort();
- } catch (std::exception& x) {
- std::cout << std::endl << "Failed with std::exception" << std::endl;
- std::cout << x.what() << std::endl;
- abort();
- } catch (...) {
- std::cout << std::endl << "Failed with unknown exception" << std::endl;
- abort();
- }
-void ThingsWorker::postProcess(TList&) {}
-void ThingsTSelector2::begin(TList*&) {}
-void ThingsTSelector2::terminate(TList& out) {
- std::cout << "terminate" << std::endl;
- TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas();
- {
- TObject* hist = out.FindObject(kA);
- if (nullptr != hist) {
- hist->Draw();
- canvas->SaveAs("a.jpg");
- } else {
- std::cout << "no '" << kA << "' histogram" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- std::cout << "refA" << std::endl;
- {
- TObject* hist = out.FindObject(kRefA);
- if (nullptr != hist) {
- hist->Draw();
- canvas->SaveAs("refA.jpg");
- } else {
- std::cout << "no '" << kRefA << "' histogram" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- delete canvas;
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector2.h b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ddcb396366a9..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ThingsTSelector2_h
-#define ThingsTSelector2_h
-/** \class ThingsTSelector2
- *
- * Simple interactive analysis example based on TSelector
- * accessing EDM data
- *
- * \author Luca Lista, INFN
- *
- */
-#include "TH1.h"
-#include "FWCore/TFWLiteSelector/interface/TFWLiteSelector.h"
-namespace tfwliteselectortest {
- struct ThingsWorker {
- ThingsWorker(const TList*, TList&);
- void process(const edm::Event& iEvent);
- void postProcess(TList&);
- edm::propagate_const h_a;
- edm::propagate_const h_refA;
- };
- class ThingsTSelector2 : public TFWLiteSelector {
- public:
- ThingsTSelector2() {}
- void begin(TList*&) override;
- void terminate(TList&) override;
- private:
- ThingsTSelector2(ThingsTSelector2 const&);
- ThingsTSelector2 operator=(ThingsTSelector2 const&);
- ClassDefOverride(ThingsTSelector2, 2)
- };
-} // namespace tfwliteselectortest
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/classes.h b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/classes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ca4ddccb89560..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/classes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-#include "FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector.h"
-#include "FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/ThingsTSelector2.h"
diff --git a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/classes_def.xml b/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/classes_def.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index dd233f782c0c4..0000000000000
--- a/FWCore/TFWLiteSelectorTest/src/classes_def.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Utilities/ReleaseScripts/scripts/duplicateReflexLibrarySearch.py b/Utilities/ReleaseScripts/scripts/duplicateReflexLibrarySearch.py
index 29d4ba33f175f..bed28cfebde3d 100755
--- a/Utilities/ReleaseScripts/scripts/duplicateReflexLibrarySearch.py
+++ b/Utilities/ReleaseScripts/scripts/duplicateReflexLibrarySearch.py
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
{'PhysicsToolsObjects' : ['PhysicsTools::Calibration']},
{'TrackReco' : ['reco::Track','reco::TrackRef']},
{'VertexReco' : ['reco::Vertex']},
- {'TFWLiteSelectorTest' : ['tfwliteselectortest']},
{'TauReco' : ['reco::PFJetRef']},
{'JetReco' : ['reco::.*Jet','reco::.*Jet(Collection|Ref)']},
{'HGCDigi' : ['HGCSample']},