Produce an Open Source Vulnerability JSON file based on information in an SPDX document, that has been created with SALUS
java -jar spdx-to-osv-with-dependencies.jar -I SpdxFile.spdx -O OSVOutput.json
where SpdxFile.spdx is an SPDX file in one of the following file extensions:
- .json JSON SPDX format
- .yaml YAML SPDX format
- .spdx Tag/Value SPDX format
- .rdf.xml, .rdf - RDF/XML SPDX format
- .xlsx, .xls Spreadsheet SPDX format
Optional parameters:
Include vulnerabilities for all packages in the SPDX file. Default is to only include vulnerabilities related to the element described by the document.-f
,--inputFormat <arg>
Input file format - RDFXML, JSON, XLS, XLSX, YAML, or TAG
The utility produces an output file OSVOutput.json in the OSV JSON format
The utility uses the OSV API's to query the OSV database using the following information if available:
- Package name and version
- CVE ExternalRef
- Github download location if it includes a hash or version tag
Only vulnerabilities related to the SPDX element described by the document will be reported unless the --all
option is used in which case vulnerabilities for all packages in the document will be provided.