Releases: charmbracelet/mods
New Features
- d0d321d: feat: --show-last (#150) (@sylv-io)
- 1c1ea8a: feat: add --dirs to print the dirs mods stores its data (#155) (@caarlos0)
- 9fdc073: feat: adds support to api key on settings mods.yaml (#147) (@Streppel)
- 8fbb5e0: feat: have --quiet supress all stderr messages for success (@emivespa)
- 06cebfe: feat: reduce binary size (#158) (@caarlos0)
Bug fixes
Dependency updates
- 11b577b: feat(deps): bump from 0.8.0 to 0.9.1 (#146) (@dependabot[bot])
- 57dca35: feat(deps): bump from 1.15.3 to 1.16.0 (@caarlos0)
- eb083de: feat(deps): bump from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0 (#142) (@dependabot[bot])
- 63d7d91: feat(deps): bump from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0 (#139) (@dependabot[bot])
Documentation updates
- 927dfd5: docs: update windows instructions (@caarlos0)
- ade194a: docs: windows installation option using scoop (#120) (@goostleek)
- e97bddf: docs: winget install (@caarlos0)
Other work
- 62e1548: fix typo in Editorialize example (@cvan)
- 2121516: refactor: use ordered.First (#143) (@caarlos0)
Verifying the artifacts
First, download the checksums.txt
file, for example, with wget
wget ''
Then, verify it using cosign
cosign verify-blob \
--certificate-identity '' \
--certificate-oidc-issuer '' \
--cert '' \
--signature '' \
If the output is Verified OK
, you can safely use it to verify the checksums of other artifacts you downloaded from the release using sha256sum
sha256sum --ignore-missing -c checksums.txt
Done! You artifacts are now verified!
Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.
Mods v1.0.0 features streaming responses, saved conversations, Azure OpenAI support and a bunch of smaller features, fixes and UX adjustments.
New Features
- 08c6abd: feat: --continue-last (#101) (@caarlos0)
- 4d36459: feat:
backup & restore defaults (@toby) - 84712b5: feat: add --raw flag to disable glamourizing (@toby)
- 6163a85: feat: add ability to continue, save, and manage conversations (#82) (@im-aIex)
- 0d77a1f: feat: add azure openai support (@sozercan)
- b63c7db: feat: add gpt-3.5-turbo-32k (@toby)
- 4637368: feat: add support for HTTP proxy in the configuration. (#88) (@yuguorui)
- 3e3b1a4: feat: alias -s to --show, update docs (#105) (@caarlos0)
- ee65378: feat: anim color cycling (@meowgorithm)
- b052425: feat: auto --glamour if tty (#93) (@caarlos0)
- 00f9c3e: feat: better
styling (@toby) - 17a19d4: feat: cobra, shell completions, perf and ui improvements (#112) (@aymanbagabas)
- 23b408d: feat: custom -f response formatting text in config (@toby)
- 4d10417: feat: improve --continue, --show, auto-save, and added a db (#95) (@caarlos0)
- c78c4b8: feat: list shows time since (#128) (@caarlos0)
- 3bd6d54: feat: specify api key env var in config (@toby)
- 79e6dbc: feat: stream response,
to render with glamour (@toby)
Bug fixes
- 710785e: fix(docs): use --reset-settings description in the README in the CLI (@meowgorithm)
- 2c65938: fix(docs): use toby's superior --fanciness description (@meowgorithm)
- 5261849: fix(lint): drop deprecated 'ifshort' in soft linter (@meowgorithm)
- 37762d9: fix(lint): magic number (@meowgorithm)
- eb6ab5a: fix(readme): pass to stdin in the example (@acuteenvy)
- 1564ce0: fix: --settings not working (@caarlos0)
- fe198ef: fix: correctly render standard in with -P flag (@toby)
- e603536: fix: do not save if --no-cache (@caarlos0)
- b6d2983: fix: err is always nil (@caarlos0)
- 365d8b0: fix: handle no conversations folder on --list (#94) (@caarlos0)
- be953ab: fix: import (@caarlos0)
- dd8fd04: fix: improve conversation saving (@caarlos0)
- dd1d32b: fix: improve helph on invalid flag usage (#122) (@caarlos0)
- 4164632: fix: improve sqlite open/ping error handling (@caarlos0)
- 1a71d3e: fix: mods variabled spelling (@maaslalani)
- c833a16: fix: only exhaust stdin if its not a tty (@caarlos0)
- 3ca6dbe: fix: print the filename if config is invalid (@caarlos0)
- 66b4da2: fix: properly exit bubble tea on missing flag err (@toby)
- ff8e3b9: fix: remove unneeded env (@caarlos0)
- 2836e33: fix: rename --save to --title (#104) (@caarlos0)
- cb20d20: fix: render final result (#124) (@caarlos0)
- 19815de: fix: response in the next line on --show (@caarlos0)
- b31ce32: fix: styles init (#123) (@caarlos0)
Dependency updates
- 69eb92d: feat(deps): bump from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 (#131) (@dependabot[bot])
- 9f5979b: feat(deps): bump from 0.7.1 to 0.8.0 (#108) (@dependabot[bot])
- a149b14: feat(deps): bump (@dependabot[bot])
- e25b6d5: feat(deps): bump from 1.10.1 to 1.11.2 (@dependabot[bot])
- b1b334a: feat(deps): bump from 1.11.3 to 1.12.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 4f17fb0: feat(deps): bump from 1.14.1 to 1.14.2 (#103) (@dependabot[bot])
- 709cab0: feat(deps): bump from 1.14.2 to 1.15.1 (#115) (@dependabot[bot])
- 5a820cf: feat(deps): bump from 1.15.1 to 1.15.2 (#126) (@dependabot[bot])
- ee2baf0: feat(deps): bump from 1.15.2 to 1.15.3 (#129) (@dependabot[bot])
- c0b2e6a: feat(deps): bump from 1.6.1 to 1.7.0 (#116) (@dependabot[bot])
- eb2b5fe: feat(deps): bump from 1.8.1 to 1.8.4 (#102) (@dependabot[bot])
- f13587e: feat(deps): update timea.go (@caarlos0)
- 59944a3: feat(deps): upgrade to Go 1.20 (@meowgorithm)
Documentation updates
- a564b91: docs: add updated streaming readme gifs (#110) (@maaslalani)
- 3609301: docs: fix --settings (@caarlos0)
- 339291d: docs: move examples to (@toby)
- 646a56f: docs: update readme (@caarlos0)
Other work
- 6891685: ci: increase lint timeout (@caarlos0)
- eb4d648: refactor: improve api error handling (#106) (@caarlos0)
- 057fbff: refactor: remove clear line once (#127) (@caarlos0)
Verifying the artifacts
First, download the checksums.txt
file, for example, with wget
wget ''
Then, verify it using cosign
cosign verify-blob \
--certificate-identity '' \
--certificate-oidc-issuer '' \
--cert '' \
--signature '' \
If the output is Verified OK
, you can safely use it to verify the checksums of other artifacts you downloaded from the release using sha256sum
sha256sum --ignore-missing -c checksums.txt
Done! You artifacts are now verified!
Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.
This is a major release that adds support for LocalAI and multiple API endpoints. It also includes a new settings file and the ability to edit it with the mods -s
New Settings
Using LocalAI
To setup LocalAI you can follow this tutorial:
New Features
- 8c93788: feat: add config file (@toby)
- ec4b86e: feat: configure models in settings file (@toby)
- 8f06373: feat: customize text shown in generating animation (@meowgorithm)
- aa6e574: feat: edit settings with -s flag (@toby)
- 0125493: feat: improve config file error handling (@toby)
- 77033f1: feat: streamline yaml config (@toby)
- 0ab7a5a: feat: support multiple openai compatible endpoints (@toby)
- 89f7031: feat: use XDG_CONFIG_HOME as config path if set (@meowgorithm)
Bug fixes
- 3a0a624: fix(ci): remove soft-serve workflow (@aymanbagabas)
- facd11e: fix: create style with model's Lip Gloss renderer (@meowgorithm)
- 2ed145c: fix: don't require openai token when using localai (@toby)
- b305eee: fix: trim newline in template (@toby)
Documentation updates
- e6352fd: docs(readme): add AUR installation instructions (@meowgorithm)
- 723d801: docs: add local model support (@toby)
Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.
New Features
Bug fixes
- 7a3daf2: fix(docs): correct installation instructions (again) (@meowgorithm)
- 938f864: fix(docs): links to releases (@meowgorithm)
- 33fe990: fix(docs): links to releases, again (@meowgorithm)
Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.
New Features
- 0bc5dce: feat: add
flag to disable truncation (@toby) - ac2e40a: feat: add support for gpt-4-32k (@toby)
- 245bf57: feat: better openai api error handling and retries (@toby)
- e61a33a: feat: configure via the environment (@meowgorithm)
- 99fc1e9: feat: flag to control the size of the 'generating' anim (@meowgorithm)
- 5891232: feat: highlight example code in usage (@meowgorithm)
- c6d9261: feat: use mods logotype colors in generating anim (@meowgorithm)
Bug fixes
- b98be4f: fix(lint): add assorted nolint comments (@meowgorithm)
- 4433165: fix(lint): add nolint rule to fanciness in config (@meowgorithm)
- 2576823: fix(lint): remove magic number (@meowgorithm)
- 504e703: fix(lint): use consts for HTTP status codes (@meowgorithm)
- 6905233: fix: don't panic if the Bubble Tea runtime errors (@meowgorithm)
- 2199248: fix: print help and exit (@aymanbagabas)
- 8f4858f: fix: readme images (@meowgorithm)
- fddd986: fix: remove space before anim if --fanciness is 0 (@meowgorithm)
- d6c5e8b: fix: skip over terminal background color query (@meowgorithm)
- 253f336: fix: use basename of args[0] (@caarlos0)
- b17478a: fix: wrap errors according to the window width (@meowgorithm)
Documentation updates
- 8d585b8: docs: add install instructions (@toby)
- 20a9de4: docs: add settings to readme (@toby)
- ad79161: docs: make settings smaller (@toby)
- 7b28b54: docs: match example commands to gifs (@toby)
- 5079e6c: docs: more accurate model references (@toby)
Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.