- Refactored deprecated function calls, updated supported Golang version;
- Added support for direct mode, where the file image path can be passed directly to the application as a command line argument. Multiple paths can be passed as space-delimited arguments.
- Added
(for Windows users) andrunme.sh
(for MacOS users). Both files contain command to call to the application with some parameters, assigned to default values. It should be convenient for users not familiar with the terminal. Just edit.sh
file, relevant to your operating system and set the parameter value according to your needs or add/remove necessary/unwanted parameters.
- Renamed default folder "fixed-files" to "repaired-files"
- Introduced new option "-deleteWhatsAppFiles", when it is set to true, the application deletes source whatsapp files upon processing and only repaired files remain. By default it is false.
Breaking changes. Introduced new command line options to control source and destination path, file modification time for fixed files, and user interface control option.
The first release of the application. Plain and basic :)