The following is a list of Recognized Contributors, ordered by last name. Recognized Contributors carry certain roles and responsibilities in the Bytecode Alliance, including (but not limited to) voting in various Bytecode Alliance elections.
To nominate a new Recognized Contributor, make a pull request adding the candidate to this list, and then choose and complete the recognized-contributor
pull request template. Self-nominations are allowed.
Format of entries: Surname, First name (GitHub Username)
. When it is traditional to put surname first, the comma is omitted.
- Adossi, Victor (@vados-cosmonic)
- Bakker, Dave (@badeend)
- Bedford, Guy (@guybedford)
- Berger, Mendy (@MendyBerger)
- Birch Jr, Johnnie L (@jlb6740)
- bjorn3 (@bjorn3)
- Bofarull, Antoni (@tonibofarull)
- Bordado, Afonso (@afonso360)
- Bourassa, Jimmy (@jbourassa)
- Bouvier, Benjamin (@bnjbvr)
- Brown, Andrew (@abrown)
- Brown, Robin (@esoterra)
- Butcher, Matt (@technosophos)
- Cabrera, Javier (@Jacarte)
- Cabrera, Saúl (@saulecabrera)
- Champion, Jake (@JakeChampion)
- Charles, Jeff (@jeffcharles)
- Chegham, Wassim (@manekinekko)
- Chu, Karen (@karenhchu)
- Clark, Lin (@linclark)
- Craig, Philip (@philipc)
- Crichton, Alex (@alexcrichton)
- Delendik, Yury (@yurydelendik)
- Dice, Joel (@dicej)
- Elliott, Trevor (@elliottt)
- Ene, Alexandru (@AlexEne)
- Fallin, Chris (@cfallin)
- Fitzgerald, Nick (@fitzgen)
- Foltzer, Adam (@acfoltzer)
- Fontes, Lucas (@lxfontes)
- Freyler, Robin (@robbepop)
- Galli, Enrico (@egalli)
- Gohman, Dan (@sunfishcode)
- Goldenring, Kate (@kate-goldenring)
- Gregory, Eric (ericgregory)
- Hardock, Brian (@fibonacci1729)
- Hayes, Bailey (@ricochet)
- He Jie (@jhe33)
- He Liang (@lum1n0us)
- Heaton, Damian (@dheaton-arm)
- Hickey, Pat (@pchickey)
- Hillerström, Daniel (@dhil)
- Holley, Bobby (@bholley)
- Houldsworth, Bee (@beetrees)
- Hoyer, Harald (@haraldh)
- Huang Qi (@no1wudi)
- Huang Wenyong (@wenyongh)
- Huene, Peter (@peterhuene)
- Hunt, Ryan (@eqrion)
- Towlson, Ivan (@itowlson)
- iximeow (@iximeow)
- Johnson, Evan (@enjhnsn2)
- Jones, Brian J (@brianjjones)
- Ker-Seymer, Ian (@ianks)
- Kirilov, Anton (@akirilov-arm)
- Kolny, Marcin (@loganek)
- Kulakowski, George (@kulakowski-wasm)
- Levick, Ryan (@rylev)
- Liang Tianlong (@TianlongLiang)
- Litskevich, Maks (@Zzzabiyaka)
- Loparco, Enrico (@eloparco)
- Macovei, Daniel (@macovedj)
- martin, katelyn (@cratelyn)
- Martin, Lann (@lann)
- Matei, Radu (@radu-matei)
- McCallum, Nathaniel (@npmccallum)
- Menetrey, James (@JamesMenetrey)
- Mikushin, Ivan (@imikushin)
- Mohan, Divya (@divya-mohan0209)
- Narayan, Shravan (@shravanrn)
- Nason, Benbuck (@bnason-nf)
- Noorali, Michelle (@michelleN)
- Parker, Sam (@sparker-arm)
- Penzin, Petr (@ppenzin)
- Prewitt, Calvin (@calvinrp)
- Qin Xiaokang (@qinxk-inter)
- Randall, Liam (@liamrandall)
- Reddig, Randy (@ydnar)
- Rockwood, Tyler (@rockwotj)
- Rodrigues, Eduardo (@eduardomourar)
- Ruppel, Emily (@kangaruppel)
- Schneidereit, Till (@tschneidereit)
- Schoettler, Steve (@stevelr)
- Sharp, Jamey (@jameysharp)
- Silesmo, Timmy (@silesmo)
- Sinclair, Rainy (@itsrainy)
- Spencer, Oscar (@ospencer)
- Squillace, Ralph (@squillace)
- Stefan, Deian (@deian)
- Sturtevant, James (@jsturtevant)
- Sun, Mingqiu (@mingqiusun)
- Sverre, Carl (@carlsverre)
- Tamayo-Rios, Matthew (@geekbeast)
- Tang Wei (@wei-tang)
- Thomas, Taylor (@thomastaylor312)
- Trenner, Thomas (ttrenner)
- Triplett, Josh (@joshtriplett)
- Turner, Aaron (@torch2424)
- Turon, Aaron (@aturon)
- VanHattum, Alexa (@avanhatt)
- Volosatovs, Roman (@rvolosatovs)
- Wagner, Luke (@lukewagner)
- Wang Ning (@wustwn)
- Wang Xin (@xwang98)
- Watt, Conrad (@conrad-watt)
- Waye, Scott (@yowl)
- Weigand, Ulrich (@uweigand)
- whitequark, Catherine (@whitequark)
- Woods, Chris (woodsmc)
- Winstein, Keith (keithw)
- Wu Zhongmin (@sophy228)
- Wuyts, Yosh (@yoshuawuyts)
- Xu Jun (@xujuntwt95329)
- Xu, Xinzhao (@iawia002)
- Xu Xiong (@venus-taibai)
- YAMAMOTO Takashi (@yamt)
- Yan Dongsheng (@dongsheng28849455)
- Zang Lin (@linzang)
- Zhou, Jiaxiao (@mossaka)
- Singh, Zoraaver (@zoraaver)