We really like when people not only discover something they want added/fixed/removed in Version Cake, but also when they do it themselves. Here are some steps to get you on your way to contributing to Version Cake:
- Fork the repo.
- Setup for developing:
bundle && rake
- make sure all tests are passing - Add a test and make your change
- Make sure all tests are passing
- Add any additional notes to README.md or documentation
- Commit/push/submit pull request
- At this point someone will review, comment on your pull request and (hopefully) accept it very quickly
Version Cake supports multiple versions of Rails with Appriasals. These will be automatically tested against several ruby versions on CI. If you need to debug a problem, or want to be dilegent and run all of these do the following:
- Install the gems for all supported Rails versions:
bundle exec appraisal install
- Run all the tests for the supported Rails versions:
bundle exec rake appraisal spec