a mistake or condition that, if left unaddressed, could under the proper conditions contribute to a cyber-enabled capability being vulnerable to attack, allowing an adversary to make items function in unintended ways.
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
description | Markdown String | should be short and limited to the key points that define this weakness | ✓ |
id | String | Globally unique URI identifying this object. | ✓ |
schema_version | String | CTIM schema version for this entity | ✓ |
type | WeaknessTypeIdentifier String | The fixed value weakness | ✓ |
abstraction_level | WeaknessAbstractionLevel String | defines the abstraction level for this weakness | |
affected_resources | SystemResource String List | identify system resources that can be affected by an exploit of this weakness | |
alternate_terms | AlternateTerm Object List | indicates one or more other names used to describe this weakness | |
architectures | Architecture Object List | Applicable architectures | |
background_details | Markdown String | information that is relevant but not related to the nature of the weakness itself | |
common_consequences | Consequence Object List | specify individual consequences associated with a weakness | |
detection_methods | DetectionMethod Object List | identify methods that may be employed to detect this weakness, including their strengths and limitations | |
external_ids | String List | ||
external_references | ExternalReference Object List | Specifies a list of external references which refers to non-CTIM information. This property is used to provide one or more URLs, descriptions, or IDs to records in other systems. | |
functional_areas | FunctionalArea String List | identifies the functional area of the software in which the weakness is most likely to occur | |
language | ShortString String | The human language this object is specified in. | |
languages | Language Object List | Applicable Languages | |
likelihood | HighMedLow String | Likelihood of exploit | |
modes_of_introduction | ModeOfIntroduction Object List | information about how and when a given weakness may be introduced | |
notes | Note Object List | provide any additional comments about the weakness | |
operating_systems | OperatingSystem Object List | Applicable operating systems | |
paradigms | Paradigm Object List | Applicable paradigms | |
potential_mitigations | Mitigation Object List | describe potential mitigations associated with a weakness | |
revision | Integer | A monotonically increasing revision, incremented each time the object is changed. | |
short_description | MedString String | A single line, short summary of the object. | |
source | MedString String | ||
source_uri | String | ||
structure | WeaknessStructure String | defines the structural nature of the weakness | |
technologies | Technology Object List | Applicable technologies | |
timestamp | Inst (Date) | The time this object was created at, or last modified. | |
title | ShortString String | A short title for this object, used as primary display and reference value | |
tlp | TLP String | Specification for how, and to whom, this object can be shared. |
- Reference: WeaknessType
defines the abstraction level for this weakness
This entry is optional
- defines the different abstraction levels that apply to a weakness. A
is the most abstract type of weakness, typically described independent of any specific language or technology. ABase
is a more specific type of weakness that is still mostly independent of a resource or technology, but with sufficient details to provide specific methods for detection and prevention. AVariant
is a weakness that is described at a very low level of detail, typically limited to a specific language or technology. ACompound
weakness is a meaningful aggregation of several weaknesses, currently known as either a Chain or Composite. - Allowed Values:
- Base
- Class
- Compound
- Variant
- Reference: AbstractionEnumeration
- defines the different abstraction levels that apply to a weakness. A
identify system resources that can be affected by an exploit of this weakness
This entry is optional
This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- defines a resource of a system
- Allowed Values:
- File or Directory
- Memory
- System Process
- Reference: ResourceEnumeration
indicates one or more other names used to describe this weakness
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- AlternateTerm Object Value
- Details: AlternateTerm Object
Applicable architectures
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- Architecture Object Value
- Details: Architecture Object
information that is relevant but not related to the nature of the weakness itself
This entry is optional
- Markdown string with at most 5000 characters
specify individual consequences associated with a weakness
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- Consequence Object Value
- Details: Consequence Object
should be short and limited to the key points that define this weakness
This entry is required
- Markdown string with at most 5000 characters
identify methods that may be employed to detect this weakness, including their strengths and limitations
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- DetectionMethod Object Value
- Details: DetectionMethod Object
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
Specifies a list of external references which refers to non-CTIM information. This property is used to provide one or more URLs, descriptions, or IDs to records in other systems.
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- ExternalReference Object Value
- Details: ExternalReference Object
identifies the functional area of the software in which the weakness is most likely to occur
This entry is optional
This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- Defines the different functional areas of software in which the weakness may appear
- Allowed Values:
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Code Libraries
- Counters
- Cryptography
- Error Handling
- File Processing
- Functional-Area-Independent
- Interprocess Communication
- Logging
- Memory Management
- Networking
- Number Processing
- Program Invocation
- Protection Mechanism
- Session Management
- Signals
- String Processing
- Reference: FunctionalAreaEnumeration
Globally unique URI identifying this object.
This entry is required
- IDs are URIs, for example
for a Judgement. This ID type compares to the STIX id field. The optional STIX idref field is not used.
- IDs are URIs, for example
The human language this object is specified in.
This entry is optional
- String with at most 1024 characters
Applicable Languages
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- Language Object Value
- Details: Language Object
Likelihood of exploit
This entry is optional
- Allowed Values:
- High
- Info
- Low
- Medium
- None
- Unknown
- Reference: HighMedLowVocab
- Allowed Values:
information about how and when a given weakness may be introduced
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- ModeOfIntroduction Object Value
- Details: ModeOfIntroduction Object
provide any additional comments about the weakness
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- Note Object Value
- Details: Note Object
Applicable operating systems
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- OperatingSystem Object Value
- Details: OperatingSystem Object
Applicable paradigms
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- Paradigm Object Value
- Details: Paradigm Object
describe potential mitigations associated with a weakness
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- Mitigation Object Value
- Details: Mitigation Object
A monotonically increasing revision, incremented each time the object is changed.
This entry is optional
- Zero, or a positive integer
CTIM schema version for this entity
This entry is required
- A semantic version matching the CTIM version against which this object should be valid.
A single line, short summary of the object.
This entry is optional
- String with at most 2048 characters
This entry is optional
- String with at most 2048 characters
This entry is optional
defines the structural nature of the weakness
This entry is optional
- structural natures of a weakness. A Simple structure represents a single weakness whose exploitation is not dependent on the presence of another weakness. A Composite is a set of weaknesses that must all be present simultaneously in order to produce an exploitable vulnerability, while a Chain is a set of weaknesses that must be reachable consecutively in order to produce an exploitable vulnerability.
- Allowed Values:
- Chain
- Composite
- Simple
- Reference: StructureEnumeration)
Applicable technologies
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- Technology Object Value
- Details: Technology Object
The time this object was created at, or last modified.
This entry is optional
- Schema definition for all date or timestamp values. Serialized as a string, the field should follow the rules of the ISO8601 standard.
A short title for this object, used as primary display and reference value
This entry is optional
- String with at most 1024 characters
Specification for how, and to whom, this object can be shared.
This entry is optional
- TLP stands for Traffic Light Protocol, which indicates precisely how this resource is intended to be shared, replicated, copied, etc.
- Default: green
- Allowed Values:
- amber
- green
- red
- white
The fixed value weakness
This entry is required
- The fixed value "weakness"
- Must equal: "weakness"
External references are used to describe pointers to information represented outside of CTIM. For example, a Malware object could use an external reference to indicate an ID for that malware in an external database or a report could use references to represent source material.
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
source_name | MedString String | The source within which the external-reference is defined (system, registry, organization, etc.) | ✓ |
description | Markdown String | ||
external_id | String | An identifier for the external reference content. | |
hashes | String List | Specifies a dictionary of hashes for the contents of the url. | |
url | String | A URL reference to an external resource |
- Reference: External Reference
This entry is optional
- Markdown string with at most 5000 characters
An identifier for the external reference content.
- This entry is optional
Specifies a dictionary of hashes for the contents of the url.
- This entry is optional
- This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
The source within which the external-reference is defined (system, registry, organization, etc.)
This entry is required
- String with at most 2048 characters
A URL reference to an external resource
This entry is optional
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
prevalence | Prevalence String | defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms | ✓ |
class | LanguageClass String | class of language | |
name | ShortString String | Language name (Clojure, Java, ...) |
class of language
This entry is optional
- class of source code language
- Allowed Values:
- Assembly
- Compiled
- Interpreted
- Reference: LanguageClassEnumeration
Language name (Clojure, Java, ...)
This entry is optional
- String with at most 1024 characters
defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms
This entry is required
- defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms
- Allowed Values:
- Often
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Undetermined
- Reference: PrevalenceEnumeration
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
prevalence | Prevalence String | defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms | ✓ |
class | OperatingSystemClass String | ||
cpe_id | ShortString String | ||
name | ShortString String | ||
version | ShortString String |
This entry is optional
- class of operating systems
- Allowed Values:
- Android
- Apple iOS
- Cisco IOS
- Linux
- Unix
- Windows
- macOs
- Reference: OperatingSystemClassEnumeration
This entry is optional
- String with at most 1024 characters
This entry is optional
- String with at most 1024 characters
defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms
This entry is required
- defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms
- Allowed Values:
- Often
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Undetermined
- Reference: PrevalenceEnumeration
This entry is optional
- String with at most 1024 characters
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
prevalence | Prevalence String | defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms | ✓ |
class | ArchitectureClass String | class of architecture | |
name | ShortString String | architecture name (ARM, x86, ...) |
class of architecture
This entry is optional
- Allowed Values:
- Embedded
- Microcomputer
- Workstation
- Reference: ArchitectureClassEnumeration
- Allowed Values:
architecture name (ARM, x86, ...)
This entry is optional
- String with at most 1024 characters
defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms
This entry is required
- defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms
- Allowed Values:
- Often
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Undetermined
- Reference: PrevalenceEnumeration
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
prevalence | Prevalence String | defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms | ✓ |
name | ShortString String | paradigm name (Client Server, Mainframe) |
paradigm name (Client Server, Mainframe)
This entry is optional
- String with at most 1024 characters
defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms
This entry is required
- defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms
- Allowed Values:
- Often
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Undetermined
- Reference: PrevalenceEnumeration
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
prevalence | Prevalence String | defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms | ✓ |
name | ShortString String | technology name (Web Server, Web Client) |
technology name (Web Server, Web Client)
This entry is optional
- String with at most 1024 characters
defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms
This entry is required
- defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms
- Allowed Values:
- Often
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Undetermined
- Reference: PrevalenceEnumeration
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
term | ShortString String | the actual alternate term | ✓ |
description | Markdown String | provides context for the alternate term by which this weakness may be known. |
provides context for the alternate term by which this weakness may be known.
This entry is optional
- Markdown string with at most 5000 characters
the actual alternate term
This entry is required
- String with at most 1024 characters
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
phase | SoftwarePhase String | identifies the point in the software life cycle at which the weakness may be introduced | ✓ |
note | Markdown String | provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the given phase |
- Reference: ModesOfIntroductionType
provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the given phase
This entry is optional
- Markdown string with at most 5000 characters
identifies the point in the software life cycle at which the weakness may be introduced
This entry is required
- defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms
- Allowed Values:
- Architecture and Design
- Build and Compilation
- Bundling
- Distribution
- Documentation
- Implementation
- Installation
- Operation
- Patching and Maintenance
- Policy
- Porting
- Requirements
- System Configuration
- Testing
- Reference: PhaseEnumeration
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
scopes | ConsequenceScope String List | identifies the security property that is violated | ✓ |
impacts | TechnicalImpact String List | describes the technical impact that arises if an adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness | |
likelihood | HighMedLow String | how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other consequences | |
note | Markdown String | additional commentary about a consequence |
- Reference: CommonConsequencesType
describes the technical impact that arises if an adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness
This entry is optional
This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- Allowed Values:
- Alter Execution Logic
- Bypass Protection Mechanism
- DoS: Amplification
- DoS: Crash, Exit, or Restart
- DoS: Instability
- DoS: Resource Consumption (CPU)
- DoS: Resource Consumption (Memory)
- DoS: Resource Consumption (Other)
- Execute Unauthorized Code or Commands
- Gain Privileges or Assume Identity
- Hide Activities
- Modify Application Data
- Modify Files or Directories
- Modify Memory
- Quality Degradation
- Read Application Data
- Read Files or Directories
- Read Memory
- Unexpected State
- Varies by Context
- Reference: TechnicalImpactEnumeration
- Allowed Values:
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other consequences
This entry is optional
- Allowed Values:
- High
- Info
- Low
- Medium
- None
- Unknown
- Reference: HighMedLowVocab
- Allowed Values:
additional commentary about a consequence
This entry is optional
- Markdown string with at most 5000 characters
identifies the security property that is violated
This entry is required
This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- defines the different areas of software security that can be affected by exploiting a weakness.
- Allowed Values:
- Access Control
- Accountability
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Availability
- Confidentiality
- Integrity
- Non-Repudiation
- Reference: ScopeEnumeration
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
description | Markdown String | provide some context of how this method can be applied to a specific weakness | ✓ |
method | DetectionMethod String | identifies the particular detection method being described | ✓ |
effectiveness | DetectionEffectiveness String | how effective the detection method may be in detecting the associated weakness | |
effectiveness_notes | Markdown String | provides additional discussion of the strengths and shortcomings of this detection method |
- Reference: DetectionMethodsType
provide some context of how this method can be applied to a specific weakness
This entry is required
- Markdown string with at most 5000 characters
how effective the detection method may be in detecting the associated weakness
This entry is optional
- level of effectiveness that a detection method may have in detecting an associated weakness
- Allowed Values:
- High
- Limited
- Moderate
- None
- Opportunistic
- SOAR Partial
- Reference: DetectionEffectivenessEnumeration
provides additional discussion of the strengths and shortcomings of this detection method
This entry is optional
- Markdown string with at most 5000 characters
identifies the particular detection method being described
This entry is required
- method used to detect a weakness
- Allowed Values:
- Architecture or Design Review
- Automated Analysis
- Automated Dynamic Analysis
- Automated Static Analysis
- Automated Static Analysis - Binary or Bytecode
- Automated Static Analysis - Source Code
- Black Box
- Dynamic Analysis with Automated Results Interpretation
- Dynamic Analysis with Manual Results Interpretation
- Fuzzing
- Manual Analysis
- Manual Dynamic Analysis
- Manual Static Analysis
- Manual Static Analysis - Binary or Bytecode
- Manual Static Analysis - Source Code
- Other
- White Box
- Reference: DetectionMethodEnumeration
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
description | Markdown String | a description of this individual mitigation including any strengths and shortcomings of this mitigation for the weakness | ✓ |
effectiveness | Effectiveness String | summarizes how effective the mitigation may be in preventing the weakness | |
effectiveness_notes | Markdown String | ||
phases | SoftwarePhase String List | indicates the development life cycle phase during which this particular mitigation may be applied | |
strategy | MitigationStrategy String | a general strategy for protecting a system to which this mitigation contributes |
- Reference: PotentialMitigationsType
a description of this individual mitigation including any strengths and shortcomings of this mitigation for the weakness
This entry is required
- Markdown string with at most 5000 characters
summarizes how effective the mitigation may be in preventing the weakness
This entry is optional
- related to how effective a mitigation may be in preventing the weakness
- Allowed Values:
- Defense in Depth
- High
- Incidental
- Limited
- Moderate
- None
- Reference: EffectivenessEnumeration
This entry is optional
- Markdown string with at most 5000 characters
indicates the development life cycle phase during which this particular mitigation may be applied
This entry is optional
This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)
- defines the different regularities that guide the applicability of platforms
- Allowed Values:
- Architecture and Design
- Build and Compilation
- Bundling
- Distribution
- Documentation
- Implementation
- Installation
- Operation
- Patching and Maintenance
- Policy
- Porting
- Requirements
- System Configuration
- Testing
- Reference: PhaseEnumeration
a general strategy for protecting a system to which this mitigation contributes
This entry is optional
- strategy for protecting a system to which a mitigation contributes
- Allowed Values:
- Attack Surface Reduction
- Compilation or Build Hardening
- Enforcement by Conversion
- Environment Hardening
- Firewall
- Input Validation
- Language Selection
- Libraries or Frameworks
- Output Encoding
- Parameterization
- Refactoring
- Resource Limitation
- Sandbox or Jail
- Separation of Privilege
- Reference: MitigationStrategyEnumeration
Property | Type | Description | Required? |
note | Markdown String | ✓ | |
type | NoteType String | ✓ |
This entry is required
- Markdown string with at most 5000 characters
This entry is required
- defines the different types of notes that can be associated with a weakness
- Allowed Values:
- Applicable Platform
- Maintenance
- Relationship
- Research Gap
- Terminology
- Theoretical
- Reference: [NoteTypeEnumeration] (https://cwe.mitre.org/documents/schema/#NoteTypeEnumeration)