This is a collection of ANTARES notebooks for the LSST enabling science broker workshop. ANTARES provides a webportal that enables users to query and view alerts, tag interesting alerts in user's own favorite page, create watch lists and customized filters, and more. ANTARES also has a python-based client API that provides programmatic access to the alert database. The ANTARES notebooks provide examples how to use the client API for various science cases. For more detail about the client API, please visit ANTARES Documentation Site.
These notebooks are best used in the NOIRLab Data Lab ( services. To register to the Data Lab service, please go to "Sign up" at the upper left corner of the Data Lab web page, or "Quick Start" => "Create a new account".
Once an account is created, please go to "Quick Start" => "Launch a Jupyter notebook" to use the Data Lab's Jupyter environment. Please create a new directory and upload the notebooks and accessory files in this repository. All the required python packages (including antares_client) are pre-installed in Data Lab's JupyterHub.
There are several sessions at the LSST enabling science broker workshop, and the notebooks correspond to the following sessions:
Extragalactic: IF_AD_broker_workshop_final.ipynb (by Patrick and Kostya) (colab link:
Galactic: Antaresv1.0VariableRCBStars.ipynb, ExploringVariabilityWithANTARES.ipynb (by Chien-Hsiu)
Solar system: Antaresv1.0SolarSystemObjectLightCurveExploration.ipynb (by Chien-Hsiu)
Broker interface: Antaresv1.0FilterDevKit.ipynb, ANTARES-TOM-AEON.ipynb, ANTARES-SkyPortal.ipynb (by Chien-Hsiu)
Marshall/multi-messenger II: lsst-broker-workshop-mma-demo.ipynb (by Deep and Patrick) (colab link: