##Description This is a very simple harness that allows data from the Leap Motion prototype SDK to be sent out to a client via a websocket. Currently it uses ZeroMQ push/pull, but it should be possible to change to pub/sub for broadcast to more than one client.
##How to run
- Install ZeroMQ - brew install zmq
- Run 'npm install'
- Install python
- Install PIP (you may have to setup distribute or easy_install first)
- Run 'pip install pyzmq' (https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq)
- Run 'python producer.py' and wave your hand over the Leap motion to get things going (output will hang trying to send the first message)
- In separate terminal, run './run.coffee'
- Open browser to http://localhost:8080
- Enjoy the changing text and debug messages scrolling by in the console