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Uplifting a pull request

Brian Clifton edited this page Feb 13, 2019 · 28 revisions

What are uplifts?

  • All of our pull requests typically go against master ("nightly")
  • If approved, the owner can submit the same pull request against the other branches ("dev", "beta", "release") as needed
  • The uplift approvers will take a look at those pull requests and approve/deny

Using automation to create those pull requests


Example command line usage(s):

NOTE: you can either pass the token in as an environment variable OR put it in your ~/.npmrc. Either way would work. The NAME of the variable needs to be: BRAVE_GITHUB_TOKEN

  1. Create 4 PRs, based on your local branch (which would be branched from master). One for master (nightly), dev, beta, and finally release. Will set the reviewers as @bbondy and @petemill and the assignee as @bsclifton ./script/ --reviewers=bbondy,petemill --owners=bsclifton --uplift-to=release

  2. Same as above, but don't actually submit the PRs (dry run): ./script/ --reviewers=bbondy,petemill --owners=bsclifton --dry-run --uplift-to=release

  3. Submit 3 PRs. Use case would be that master already has a PR up and now it's time to start the uplift process: ./script/ --reviewers=bbondy,petemill --owners=bsclifton --uplift-to=release --start-from=dev

  4. Get more verbose output (otherwise, same as number 3 above): ./script/ --reviewers=bbondy,petemill --owners=bsclifton --uplift-to=release --start-from=dev --verbose

  5. Show all possible parameters (with description): ./script/ --help

  6. Uplift an already existing pull request ( to dev. ./script/ --reviewers=bbondy,petemill,NejcZdovc --owners=bsclifton --uplift-to=dev --labels=ui --dry-run --uplift-using-pr=1632


  • You finish work on a feature/bug fix/patch. You know it needs to go to BETA. You can use this and specify --uplift-to=beta. A PR will then be created against master, dev, and beta.
  • You submitted a PR to master and it was approved/merged. You now need to merge this to RELEASE. You can specify ----uplift-using-pr=12345 (putting the actual PR number), along with --uplift-to=release and --start-from=dev (since master was already approved). A PR would then be created against dev, beta, and release.


  • The "version" used by master is determined by looking at the package.json in brave-browser. For example, 0.62.0 will map itself to the milestone 0.62.x
  • You can create a personal token via GitHub on your settings page
  • You can get verbose output with --verbose
  • You can do a "dry run" with --dry-run
  • Reviewers + Owner (assignee) are optional. If provided, they are a comma separated list.
  • You can override the title using --title
  • You can provide labels you'd like to apply to each pr using --labels (comma separated list)

Implementation notes

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