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Brave Developer tips

Shivan Kaul Sahib edited this page Jan 11, 2023 · 9 revisions

Here are some tips for developing Brave. Add yours here as well!

Coding style

brave-core follows the Chromium style guide. In short:

 - variable_names
 - member_variable_names_
 - FunctionNames()
 - kEnumValues
 - ClassNames

Header files

For each function used in a .cc file, add the necessary .h file, but don’t add any additional .h files. If a .h file is needed to avoid an incorrect re-definition in a chromium_src override file, then add a comment to that effect.

chromium_src overrides

Minimize the length of #define definitions by factoring out functions or methods wherever possible.

Code review

Don’t squash commits after reviews. That way your review can see intermediate fixes. Only squash before merging.


Building and running Android seems to only work on Linux (not macOS) and so far only on x86 (not x64). Use Android Studio > Device Manager > Create Device. When creating a device, choose an x86 image (not an x86_64).

Then use

npm run build -- --target_os=android --target_arch=x86 --target_android_output_format=apk
adb install ./src/out/android_Component_x86/apks/Bravex86.apk

Running unit tests and browser tests

To run a browser test, you can use

npm run test -- brave_browser_tests --filter="*BraveScreenFarblingBrowserTest*"

to run an Android test, instead use

npm run test -- brave_unit_tests --target_os=android --target_arch=x86 --manual_android_test_device
npm run test -- brave_browser_tests --target_os=android --target_arch=x86 --manual_android_test_device

Note that you can also add --use_goma to these commands to, well, use GOMA.

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