🐡 Get, set, remove, and test for deeply nested properties
Helps you safely work with nested properties.
Using Yarn:
$ yarn add @blakek/deep
…or using npm:
$ npm i --save @blakek/deep
import {
// also available:
// - createHas
// - createOmit
// - createPluck
// - createRemove
// - createSetter
// - isObject
// - traverseObject
} from '@blakek/deep';
const user = {
id: 'abf87de',
roles: ['alert:create', 'alert:read'],
sites: {
github: {
username: 'blakek'
// Deeply clone most values
const userCopy = clone(user);
user === userCopy; //» false
user.id === userCopy.id; //» true
user.roles === userCopy.roles; //» false
user.roles[0] === userCopy.roles[0]; //» true
// Get a property value
get('sites.github.username', user); //» 'blakek'
// Get a property value with a fallback other than `undefined`
get('sites.facebook.username', user, 'no-account'); //» 'no-account'
// Create a function to get a property value later
const getUsername = createGetter('sites.github.username');
getUsername(user); //» 'blakek'
// Test for a property value
has('sites.github', user); //» true
// Clone an object and omit properties
omit(['roles', 'sites'], user); //» { id: 'abf87de' }
// Pluck a subset of properties
pluck(['id', 'roles'], user);
//» { id: 'abf87de', roles: [ 'alert:create', 'alert:read' ] }
// Remove a property value, modifying the current object
remove('a', { a: 42, b: 123 }); //» { b: 123 }
// Set a property value, modifying the current object
set(123, 'a.b.c', { a: 42 }); //» { a: { b: { c: 123 } } }
For all these:
can be either a dot-notation string or array of path parts
Returns a deep clone / deep copy of most values: primitive values, objects, arrays, Map, Set, Date, etc.
function clone<T extends unknown>(value: T): T;
const object = { value: 'yep' };
const cloned = clone(object);
cloned === object; //» false
cloned.value === object.value; //» true
Gets the value for a given path with an optional fallback value.
function get(path: Path, object: object, fallbackValue?: any): unknown;
function createGetter(
path: Path,
fallbackValue?: any
): (object: object) => unknown;
const user = {
id: 'abf87de',
roles: ['alert:create', 'alert:read'],
sites: {
github: {
username: 'blakek'
get('id', user); //» 'abf87de'
get('roles.0', user); //» 'alert:create'
get('roles[0]', user); //» 'alert:create'
get(['roles', 1], user); //» 'alert:read'
get('sites.github.username', user); //» 'blakek'
get('sites.github.avatar.src', user, 'default.png'); //» 'default.png'
const getID = get('id');
getID(user); //» 'abf87de'
const getRoles = createGetter('roles');
getRoles(user); //» ['alert:create', 'alert:read']
Returns true
if a value was found at the given path or false
if nothing was
function has(path: Path, object: any): boolean;
function createHas(path: Path): (object: any) => boolean;
const product = {
id: 'abf87de',
name: 'Logo T-Shirt',
attributes: {
isCool: undefined,
materials: ['cotton']
has('attributes.materials', product); //» true
has(['avability', 'sizes'], product); //» false
has('attributes.isCool', product); //» true; property exists but is undefined
const hasMaterials = createHas('attributes.materials');
hasMaterials(product); //» true
// NOTE: `get()` should be used if you want to ensure a value is not `undefined`
get('attributes.isCool', product, false); //» false
Returns a clone of an object with a list of properties removed.
Note: omit()
returns a clone with properties removed. If you'd rather modify
the existing object for performance, consider using remove()
function omit(properties: Path[], object: any): any;
function createOmit(properties: Path[]): (object: any) => any;
const user = {
username: 'blakek',
roles: ['alert:create', 'alert:read'],
sites: {
github: {
username: 'blakek'
omit(['roles', 'sites'], user); //» { username: 'blakek' }
omit(['username', 'roles', 'sites.doesnt.exist'], user);
//» { sites: { github: { username: 'blakek' } } }
const omitExtra = createOmit(['roles, sites']);
omitExtra(user); //» { username: 'blakek' }
Gets a subset of properties from an object.
function pluck(properties: Path[], object: any): any;
const user = {
username: 'blakek',
roles: ['alert:create', 'alert:read'],
sites: {
github: {
username: 'blakek'
pluck(['username'], user); //» { username: 'blakek' }
pluck(['username', 'roles'], user);
//» { username: 'blakek', roles: [ 'alert:create', 'alert:read' ] }
const permissionInfo = pluck(['roles', 'username']);
permissionInfo(user); //» { roles: [ 'alert:create', 'alert:read' ], username: 'blakek' }
Removes a value at a path and returns the object.
Note: remove()
modifies the passed-in object rather than creating a copy. If
you'd rather return a new object:
- use
returns a clone with a list of properties removed - use
- consider another solution (unchanged is really good)
function remove(path: Path, object: any): any;
function createRemove(path: Path): (object: any) => any;
const user = {
username: 'blakek',
password: 'wouldntyouliketoknow'
remove('password', user); //» { username: 'blakek' }
remove('property.does.not.exist', user);
//» { username: 'blakek' } (same object from previous line)
const removePassword = createRemove('password');
removePassword({ username: 'bob', password: 'laskjfl' }); //» { username: 'bob' }
Sets a value at a path and returns the object.
Note: set()
modifies the passed-in object rather than creating a copy. If
you'd rather return a new object:
- use
- consider another solution (unchanged is really good)
function set(value: any, path: Path, object: any): any;
function createSetter(path: Path, object: any): (value: any) => any;
const user = {
profile: {
bgColor: '#639'
set('tomato', 'profile.bgColor', user); //» { profile: { bgColor: 'tomato' } }
set('/images/user.png', 'profile.bgImage', user);
//» { profile: { bgColor: 'tomato', bgImage: '/images/user.png' } }
const logout = set(null, 'profile');
logout(user); //» { profile: null }
const setUsername = createSetter('username', user);
setUsername('blakek'); //» { profile: { bgColor: 'tomato', bgImage: '/images/user.png' }, username: 'blakek' }
Node.js and Yarn are required to work with this project.
To install all dependencies, run:
yarn build |
Builds the project to ./dist |
yarn format |
Format the source following the Prettier styles |
yarn test |
Run project tests |
yarn test --watch |
Run project tests, watching for file changes |