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Experimental C++ variant of FunctionGenerator with C/Fortran bindings

General warning

First, this project is a work in progress, so the API and functionality is likely to change. If you have any suggestions for functionality, performance, API, or general useability changes, please don't hesitate to include a pull request, create an issue, or contact me directly. Also, if you find this project useful at all, please let me know.

About the project

I originally developed this project to speed up dbstein's excellent python FunctionGenerator package, which this project has been forked from. This fork resulted in some algorithmic improvements to both of our packages, but ultimately the statically generated C++ code could not typically compete with numba. This is most likely due to the llvm jit compiler in numba having more information at compile time than can be provided in a statically compiled language such as C++. This is almost entirely alleviated by the, at first glance, bizarre choice to template some of the parameters of the class (expansion order and size of lookup table). This choice reduces the efficacy of python bindings by having to explicitly bind every variant of the class to a unique name (an issue that is shared by fortran and C). Given that the performance of the C++ library is, at best, on par with the python variant, the python bindings were removed and instead the library is developed separately but with added fortran and C bindings.

How it works

The algorithm is straight forward. During initialization, the FunctionGenerator attempts to fit the target function to a Chebyshev polynomial to a given input order. If it is unable to fit the target function to a given tolerance, the region is split evenly into two sub-divisions and the process repeats for each sub-division. This process is repeated recursively until every sub-division meets the given error tolerance.

When the resultant approximation needs to be evaluated at say, point x, the algorithm needs to quickly find the correct sub-division to use for the approximation. Given that there can be hundreds of sub-divisions which are extremely heterogenous in size, a simple bisection routine can be quite slow, taking sometimes much more time than the actual expansion calculation. The algorithm is therefore aided by a lookup table to help quickly find a smaller set of sub-divisions that x could lie within. For most functions across most values, this process will typically be O(1), though still in worst case N log(N), where N is the number of sub-divisions.

Using the package


The version as of writing this documentation has eight inputs.

  1. n, the order of the Chebyshev expansion. Low orders evaluate faster, but will typically require more subdivisions and is more likely miss features of the underlying function due to how the error is currently measured. This typically only happens if there is a spike in the function far from any Chebyshev nodes. This will likely change in the future to be more robust. Values of 6-12 have proven most effective for the given test functions, with lower values more often outperforming high values. This is a template parameter in the C++ class, and varies linearly from 6 to 14 in the C/fortran bindings
  2. table_size, the number of elements in the lookup table to speed up the lookup process. This is a template parameter in the C++ class, and is compiled for values in powers of 2 from 512 to 8192 in the C/fortran bindings. Performance will vary depending on the function and computer architecture/calling pattern so trial and error is probably best. The cache performance penalty of larger values is typically negligible, so 4096 or 8192 are typically fine.
  3. fin, an input function. A one dimension function that returns a double and takes a double as its sole input argument. It is templated in the C++ version to return non-floating point values, but this is currently broken/unsupported. If it is needed, it should be a relatively quick fix to include, but just provides extra pain in maintaining the bindings. See below codes for examples of how to provide input functions.
  4. low, the lower bound of your input domain.
  5. high, the upper bound of your input domain.
  6. tol, the desired accuracy of your function. See main README of parent project for more details.
  7. minimum_width, the minimum width for an allowed sub-division. If this is exceeded during initialization, the program should abort and throw an error message.
  8. error_model, error model to use to judge if within tol parameter. Currently only standard (0), and relative (0) are supported. See README of parent project for more on this.


The only dependency is Eigen3. The C example also requires gsl. If eigen is not in the default include path for your compiler, you must supply it. For the examples just use, assuming EIGEN_BASE is defined as the path to your eigen installation, CFLAGS=${EIGEN_BASE}/include make all should work. If you have installed these dependencies via conda, then the make file should automatically use these versions.


In C++, no compilation is necessary, though pre-compilation into a shared library is also possible if desired. At least c++11 is required.

// test.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "function_generator.hpp"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    constexpr int n = 8;
    constexpr int table_size = 4096;
    auto fin = static_cast<double (*)(double)>(std::log); // Function to interpolate
    double low = 1E-15; // Lower bound of function's domain to interpolate
    double high = 1000; // Upper bound of function's domain to interpolate
    double tol = 1E-10; // Desired accuracy
    double minimum_width = 1E-15; // Minimum width of interpolation sub-region
    auto error_model = FGError::ErrorModel::standard;

    FunctionGenerator<n, table_size, double> f(fin, low, high, tol,
                                               minimum_width, error_model);

    std::cout << std::fabs(f(1.5) - fin(1.5)) << std::endl;
    return 0;
c++ test.cpp -I${EIGEN_BASE}/include -std=c++11
>>> 6.05072e-15


Using the C bindings requires compilation of an intermediate 'interface' object defined by fg_interface.cpp and fg_interface.h. You can see the Makefile for an example, but a more basic one is outlined here as well.

There are a few things to note first.

  1. There are a lot of functions. This is because, since the library is templated, there must be a separate class compiled for each used template. The resulting compiled objects will possibly be very different from one another, and so can not be used interchangeably. The function naming convention is fg_${operation}_${expansion_order}_${table_size}. When the function needs the underlying object (everything but init), the first argument should always be a pointer to the struct returned by the init routine.
  2. There is a wrapper struct that helps to mimic the object oriented C++ class I have named fg_func. It contains a pointer to the C++ object fg_func.obj, the relevant evaluation function fg_func.eval, and the relevant deletion routine This struct is subject to have more data in the future.
  3. I have provided the fg_eval convenience wrapper. This has a mild function pointer lookup overhead compared to direct calls like fg_eval_8_4096(test.obj, x), which can be used instead for the best performance. In my tests, the results were typically a few percent faster using the direct function call. There should be no issue using the "fully qualified" bindings, but if you call a different function than the one intended by the init call, your results will very likely be wrong, or the program might crash, if you're lucky. Use with caution!
  4. I have also provided the fg_free convenience wrapper. There really is no reason to use the fg_free_${n}_${ts} bindings directly, but they are there.
// test.c
#include "fg_interface.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // Function naming convention (for doubles) is fg_init_${expansion_order}_${table_size} and then
    // the standard as defined in function_generator.hpp
    fg_func test = fg_init_8_4096(log, 1E-15, 1000, 1E-12, 1E-15, 0);

    printf("%g\n", fabs(fg_eval(&test, 1.5) - log(1.5)));


    return 0;
c++ -std=c++11 -c fg_interface.cpp
cc -c test.c
cc test.o fg_interface.o -lstdc++ -lm
./a.out >>> 0


I don't know fortran beyond the very basics, but I have provided some fortran bindings to the C bindings the best of my ability. Since the two sets of bindings are basically the same, you can see the C section for calling details.

! test.f90
program main
  use function_generator
  implicit none

  type(c_funptr) :: cproc
  real(kind=c_double) :: a, b, tol, mw, x
  integer(kind=c_int8_t) :: error_model
  type(fg_func) :: myfun

  cproc = c_funloc(log_wrapper)
  a = 1E-15
  b = 1000
  tol = 1E-10
  mw = 1E-15
  error_model = 0

  myfun = fg_init_8_4096(cproc, a, b, tol, mw, error_model)
  x = 0.5
  print *, fg_eval(myfun, x) - log(x)

  call fg_free(myfun)

  function log_wrapper (arg) bind(c) result(y)
    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
    real(kind=c_double), intent(in), value :: arg
    real(kind=c_double) :: y
    y = log(arg)
  end function log_wrapper

end program main

NOTE if you compile fg_interface.f90 and fg_interface.cpp, with the standard -c option to generate objects with no specified output file, the .o files will collide. This is why I explicitly output the compiled fg_interface.cpp file to function_generator.o. This will likely change in the future because it's just asking for trouble.

g++ -std=c++11 -c fg_interface.cpp -o function_generator.o
f95 -c fg_interface.f90
f95 -c test.f90
f95 function_generator.o fg_interface.o test.o -lstdc++
>>>  -3.3306690738754696E-016