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This is a hello world sample python application created with AWS SAM CLI to demonstrate lambda secret injector.


  1. Install AWS CLI, SAM CLI and docker.
  2. Create a secret in AWS Secret Manager. Add two key/value pairs, e.g. {"username":"admin","password":"1qaz2wsx#EDC"}
  3. Take note of the secret ARN
  4. Add two environment variables for these two secrets. Checkout the SAM Template file for example.
  DB_USERNAME: !Sub "{{inject:secretsmanager:${SecretArn}:SecretString:username}}"
  DB_PASSWORD: !Sub "{{inject:secretsmanager:${SecretArn}:SecretString:password}}"
  1. Add a layer with secrets injector and a wrapper script. Checkout the SAM Template file for example.
  2. In the lambda handler, these environment variables are updated with secret values. And you can use them directly in your code.
    return {
        "statusCode": 200,
        "body": json.dumps({
            "DB_USERNAME": os.getenv("DB_USERNAME"),
            "DB_PASSWORD": os.getenv("DB_PASSWORD"),

Build and Deploy

sam build --use-container
sam deploy --guided

Provide the secret ARN when SAM CLI asks for Parameter SecretArn.


When the deployment completes, curl the HelloWorldApi's url in the output. You should see the secrets' values.

% curl   
{"DB_USERNAME": "admin", "DB_PASSWORD": "1qaz2wsx#EDC"}

And on Lambda environment variable page, the secrets' values are not exposed.


Add a new Lambda environment variable: RUST_LOG=debug. This will enable debug logging for the tool.

Wrapper script

Checkout the wrapper script to see how things are wired together. For more details about wrapper script, please read Lambda documentation here.