This recipe sets up an Amazon Aurora Serverless database that can support AWS ParallelCluster Slurm Accounting.
- Launch the template:
- Follow the instructions in the AWS CloudFormation console.
- Monitor the status of the stack named slurm-accounting-db. When its status is
, navigate to its Outputs tab. You will find several values you can either use to creating an AWS ParallelCluster instance directly, or that you can imoport if you choose to create a cluster using CloudFormation.
Note If you wish to import networking configuration directly from an existing CloudFormation stack, you can use the alternative import template, providing the name of an active HPC Recipes for AWS networking stack.
For more details on how to use the resulting database resource, consult the AWS ParallelCluster documentation or the ParallelCluster with Slurm Accounting Enabled recipe.
It will cost approximately $22.00 to run this database for one week.
When you are done using this database, you can delete it by navigating to the AWS CloudFormation console and deleting the relevant stack. If you have enabled termination protection, you will need to disable it first.