arrays and strings hold values of the same type at contiguous memory locations with the advantage of storing multiple elements of the same type with one single variable name.
we are usually concerned with two things: the index of an element, and the element itself.
accessing elements is fast as long as you have the index (as opposed to linked lists that need to be traversed from the head).
addition or removal of elements into/from the middle of an array is slow because the remaining elements need to be shifted to accommodate the new/missing element (unless they are inserted/removed at the end of the list).
subarray: a range of contiguous values within an array (for example, in
[2, 3, 6, 1, 5, 4]
,[3, 6, 1]
is a subarray while[3, 1, 5]
is not). -
subsequence: a sequence derived from the given sequence without changing the order (for example, in
[2, 3, 6, 1, 5, 4]
,[3, 1, 5]
is a subsequence but[3, 5, 1]
is not).
a typical scenario is when you want to iterate the array from two ends to the middle or when pointers can cross each others (or even be in different arrays).
another scenario is when you need one slow-runner and one fast-runner at the same time (so that you can determine the movement strategy for both pointers).
in any case, this technique is usually used when the array is sorted.
in the sliding window technique, the two pointers usually move in the same direction and never overtake each other. examples are: longest substring without repeating characters, minimum size subarray sum, and minimum window substring.
- checking if two intervals overlap:
def is_overlap(a, b):
return a[0] < b[1] and b[0] < a[1]
- merging two intervals:
def merge_overlapping_intervals(a, b):
return [min(a[0], b[0]), max(a[1], b[1])]
a matrix is a 2d array. they can be used to represent graphs where each node is a cell on the matrix which has 4 neighbors (except those cells on the edge and corners).
in some languages (like C++), 2d arrays are represented as 1d, so an array of
m * n
elements representsarray[i][j]
asarray[i * n + j]
. -
creating an empty matrix:
zero_matrix = [ [0 for _ in range(len(matrix[0]))] for _ in range(len(matrix)) ]
- copying a matrix:
copied_matrix = [ row[:] for row in mattrix ]
- the transpose of a matrix can be found by interchanging its rows into columns or columns into rows:
transposed = zip(*matrix)
def valid_mountain_array(arr: list[int]) -> bool:
last_number, mountain_up = arr[0], True
for i, n in enumerate(arr[1:]):
if n > last_number:
if mountain_up == False:
return False
elif n < last_number:
if i == 0:
return False
mountain_up = False
return False
last_number = n
return not mountain_up
def duplicate_zeros(arr: list[int]) -> list[int]:
i = 0
while i < len(arr):
if arr[i] == 0 and i != len(arr) - 1:
range_here = len(arr) - (i + 2)
while range_here > 0:
arr[i + range_here + 1] = arr[i + range_here]
range_here -= 1
arr[i+1] = 0
i += 2
i += 1
return arr
def remove_duplicates(nums: list[int]) -> int:
arr_i, dup_i = 0, 1
while arr_i < len(nums) and dup_i < len(nums):
if nums[arr_i] == nums[dup_i]:
dup_i += 1
arr_i += 1
nums[arr_i] = nums[dup_i]
for i in range(arr_i + 1, dup_i):
nums[i] = '_'
return dup_i - arr_i - 1, nums
- to determine if two strings are anagrams, there are a few approaches:
- sorting both strings should produce the same string (
O(N log(N))
time andO(log(N))
space. - if we map each character to a prime number and we multiply each mapped number together, anagrams should have the same multiple (prime factor decomposition,
). - frequency counting of characters can determine whether they are anagram (
- sorting both strings should produce the same string (
def is_anagram(string1, string2) -> bool:
string1 = string1.lower()
string2 = string2.lower()
if len(string1) != len(string2):
return False
for c in string1:
if c not in string2:
return False
return True
- ways to determine if a string is a palindrome:
- reverse the string and they should be equal.
- have two pointers at the start and end of the string, moving the pointers until they meet.
def is_palindrome(sentence):
sentence = sentence.strip(' ')
if len(sentence) < 2:
return True
if sentence[0] == sentence[-1]:
return is_palindrome(sentence[1:-1])
return False
def is_permutation_of_palindromes(some_string):
aux_dict = {}
for c in some_string.strip():
if c in aux_dict.keys():
aux_dict[c] -= 1
aux_dict[c] = 1
for v in aux_dict.values():
if v != 0:
return False
return True
def intersect(nums1: list[int], nums2: list[int]) -> list[int]:
result = []
set_nums = set(nums1) & set(nums2)
counter = Counter(nums1) & Counter(nums2)
for n in set_nums:
result.extend([n] * counter[n])
return result
def is_isomorphic(s: str, t: str) -> bool:
map_s_to_t = {}
map_t_to_s = {}
for ss, tt in zip(s, t):
if (ss not in map_s_to_t) and (tt not in map_t_to_s):
map_s_to_t[ss] = tt
map_t_to_s[tt] = ss
elif (map_s_to_t.get(ss) != tt) or (map_t_to_s.get(tt) != ss):
return False
return True
def diagonal_difference(arr):
diag_1 = 0
diag_2 = 0
i, j = 0, len(arr) - 1
while i < len(arr) and j >= 0:
diag_1 += arr[i][i]
diag_2 += arr[i][j]
i += 1
j -= 1
return diag_1, diag_2, abs(diag_1 - diag_2)
def permutations(string) -> list:
if len(string) == 1:
return [string]
result = []
for i, char in enumerate(string):
for perm in permutation(string[:i] + string[i+1:]):
result += [char + perm]
return result
def length_longest_substring(s) -> int:
result = ""
this_longest_string = ""
i = 0
for c in s:
j = 0
while j < len(this_longest_string):
if c == this_longest_string[j]:
if len(this_longest_string) > len(result):
result = this_longest_string
this_longest_string = this_longest_string[j+1:]
j += 1
this_longest_string += c
return result, this_longest_string