This package provides R functions for (1) reading QIIME output files and (2) creating figures from the resultant data frames.
This package relies on the following files which may not be present in a vanilla analysis environment:
On Debian systems:
apt-get install texinfo texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-extra
To install this library, type
R CMD INSTALL /path/to/qiimer
where "/path/to/qiimer" is the path of the qiimer package directory (the directory containing this file).
We have not set up a CRAN-style repository yet, so we are not yet able to support install.packages() from the R shell.
PDF documentation may be generated from embedded comments in the R code. The roxygen library is required for this process. First, generate the Rdoc files from the R source code by typing
R CMD roxygen -d .
from the current directory. Then, generate a PDF document by typing
R CMD Rd2pdf .