v2.0.0 (2017-01-04)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix failing Chefspecs #44 (tas50)
- fix github resolve #42 (chris-rock)
- Added sources and issue url, for the Chef Supermarket reference #40 (enzor)
- Switch to chef_nginx and update testing #39 (tas50)
- move to chef_nginx fork #37 (mburns)
v1.1.0 (2016-11-21)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- delete duplicate entry about server tokens #36 (rndmh3ro)
- Add fedora to platform_family. #35 (chris-rock)
- remove net-ssh version pin and fix chefspec issue #34 (atomic111)
- remove ubuntu 15.10 from kitchen.yml #32 (atomic111)
- bump version to 1.0.0 #31 (chris-rock)
- change hardeni-io in dev-sec #29 (atomic111)
- migrate to kitchen-dokken and create content for README.md #28 (atomic111)
- update common kitchen.yml platforms #27 (chris-rock)
- fix foodcritic warnings #26 (chris-rock)
- dh group generation #25 (bpieck)
- update common Gemfile for chef11+12 #24 (arlimus)
- common files: centos7 + rubocop #23 (arlimus)
- fix FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes #22 (chris-rock)
- remove deprecated chefspec/server #21 (chris-rock)
- update travis tests to tests chef 11 and chef 12 #20 (chris-rock)
- update common kitchen.yml platforms #19 (arlimus)
- update common readme badges, kitchen.yml platforms #18 (arlimus)
- Bring berksfile and metadata.rb in sync #17 (Rockstar04)
- fix the chef nginx deployment #16 (ehaselwanter)
- add test instructions #15 (chris-rock)
- updating common files #14 (arlimus)
- Badges #13 (chris-rock)
- updating common files #12 (arlimus)
- chef-spec: use expect instead of should #10 (chris-rock)
- more_clear_headers support in centos #9 (chris-rock)
- updating common files #8 (arlimus)
- Chefspec #7 (chris-rock)
- improvement: only install nginx extras if available #6 (chris-rock)
- nginx.conf must only be accessible to user root #4 (atomic111)
- improvement: handle ubuntu installation methods #3 (arlimus)
- add configuration of compilation flags #2 (arlimus)
- First features #1 (arlimus)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator