NAME : Ankit Sarraf
PROJECT 2 (CSE 590) : Guessing Game
DESCRIPTION : Number Guessing Game developed using Verilog
SCHOOL : State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo)
- Switch on the FPGA Board
- Install the program on the Board
- 7 Segments displays = "PL 1"
- Select Slider Switches 0-3 to set corresponding Anodes on 7 Segments
- Button 0 => 1
- Button 1 => 2
- Button 2 => 4
- Button 3 => 8
- Set Seven Segment to "8421"
- Push the Slider Switch 4 = 1
- "PL 2" displayed on 7 Segment
- Player 2's turn
- Set 7 Segment to "8420"
- Put Slider Switch 6 = 1 to record the guess attempt number
- Put slider switch 6 = 0
- Put Slider switch 5 = 1 to compare with the player 1 input
- It will show the " 2LO" on the 7 Segment display
- Put the Slider Switch 5 = 0
- Change the Slider 0-3 and Button 0-3 according to new input
- Set the Slider Switch to "8422"
- Put Slider Switch 6 = 1 to record the guess attempt number
- Put slider switch 6 = 0
- Put Slider switch 5 = 1 to compare with the player 1 input
- It will show the " 2HI" on the 7 Segment display
- Put the Slider Switch 5 = 0
- Change the Slider 0-3 and Button 0-3 according to new input
- Make the new input to "8421" (Correct input)
- Make the slider Switch 6 = 1 -> Increments the attempt number
- Put slider switch 6 = 0
- Put Slider switch 5 = 1 to compare with the player 1 input
- Leds Blink. Seven segments displays " 3" (Total number of Inputs)
- Now a new game can be started by changing the (Only when the Player 1 finishes the first game)
- slider switch 5 = 0
- slider switch 4 = 0
(Required to be done in order)
NOTE: Push Buttons might be required to be pressed mulltiple times to set the seven segment to particular value