Svelte Client Router is everything you need and think when routing SPA's. This is THE SVELTE ROUTER for SPA!
Designed to help make you in control of the routing of your Single Page Applications (SPA)!
- Lazy Load Components
- Lazy Load Layouts
- Lazy Load Loading Components
- Routes Based in Svelte Stores
- Define Global Layout
- Ignore Global Layout or define it by Route
- Before Enter Global Functions
- Ignore Global Before Enter Function Per Route
- Before Enter Per Route Functions
- Execute Before Enter Router Functions before Global Before Enter Functions
- After Function (Before Enter Function Sequence Array)
- Route Title
- Global Route Error Function
- Route Error Functions
- Loading Component on Route Changing
- Loading Params for Loading Components per Route
To install Svelte Router on your svelte app:
with npm
npm i [email protected]
Ensure your local server is configured in SPA mode.
In a default Svelte installation you need to edit your package.json and add -s to sirv public
"start": "sirv public -s"
Click here to see Svelte Client Router - In Action!
Configuration Options
Global On Error
Route Object Options
SCR Component Properties
SCR Component Components
import { SCR_ROUTER_COMPONENT, SCR_CONFIG_STORE } from "./index.js";
import SCR_Layout from "./docs/SCR_Layout.svelte";
import SCR_NotFound from "./docs/SCR_NotFound.svelte";
import SCR_Error from "./docs/SCR_Error.svelte";
// Setting configurations of the SCR Router
top: 0,
left: 0,
behavior: "smooth",
timeout: 10,
// Setting global error function
SCR_CONFIG_STORE.setOnError((err, routeObjParams) => {
console.log("GLOBAL ERROR CONFIG", routeObjParams);
// Setting the route object definition
let routes = [
name: "root",
path: "/",
beforeEnter: [
(resolve, rFrom, rTo, params, payload) => {
resolve({ redirect: "/svelte-client-router" });
name: "rootRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router",
lazyLoadComponent: () => import("./docs/pages/SCR_Presentation.svelte"),
title: "SCR - Presentation",
name: "installationRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/installation",
lazyLoadComponent: () => import("./docs/pages/SCR_Installation.svelte"),
title: "SCR - Installation",
name: "gettingStartedRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/gettingStarted",
lazyLoadComponent: () => import("./docs/pages/SCR_GettingStarted.svelte"),
title: "SCR - Getting Started",
name: "configurationOptionsRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/configurationOptions",
lazyLoadComponent: () =>
title: "SCR - Configuration Options",
name: "configurationGlobalBeforeEnterOptionRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/configurationBeforeEnter",
lazyLoadComponent: () =>
title: "SCR - Configuration - Before Enter",
name: "configurationGlobalOnErrorOptionRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/configurationGlobalOnError",
lazyLoadComponent: () =>
title: "SCR - Configuration - On Error",
name: "routeObjectPropertiesRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/routeObjectProperties",
lazyLoadComponent: () =>
title: "SCR - Route Object - Options",
name: "routeObjectBeforeEnterRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/routeObjectBeforeEnter",
lazyLoadComponent: () =>
title: "SCR - Route Object - Before Enter Functions",
name: "routeObjectAfterEnterRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/routeObjectAfterEnter",
lazyLoadComponent: () =>
title: "SCR - Route Object - After Before Function",
name: "routeObjectOnErrorRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/routeObjectOnError",
lazyLoadComponent: () =>
title: "SCR - Route Object - On Error Function",
name: "routeComponentPropertiesRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/routeComponentProperties",
lazyLoadComponent: () =>
title: "SCR - Route Component - Properties",
name: "routeComponentComponentsRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/routeComponentComponents",
lazyLoadComponent: () =>
title: "SCR - Route Component - Components",
name: "navigationRoutingRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/navigationRouting",
lazyLoadComponent: () =>
title: "SCR - Navigation - Routing",
name: "navigationStoreRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/navigationStore",
lazyLoadComponent: () =>
title: "SCR - Navigation - Store",
name: "routerLinkRoute",
path: "/svelte-client-router/routerLink",
lazyLoadComponent: () =>
title: "SCR - Route Link - Properties",
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
Configuration Store manages the behavior of the SCR.
Let's see the options we have here:
Configuration Options
Global Before Enter Functions
Global On Error
// ## Hash Mode checks route using #/ before the location path
// ## for example http://localhost:5000/pathAAA#/pathBBB
// ## it will consider only pathBBB and ignore pathAAA as path!
// ## Boolean
hashMode: false, // ## Default is false
// ## Navigation History Limit is the amount of route history is added
// ## in the route navigation history list
// ## 0 or -1 equals to "no limit"
// ## Integer
navigationHistoryLimit: 10, // ## Default is 10
// ## Save mode sets the type of saving history route and store
// ## It can be set to one of this following values:
// ## - localstorage: it saves route in the localstorage
// ## - indexeddb: it saves route in the IndexedDb
// ## - none: Doesn't save anything - meaning when reload it starts fresh all values!
// ## String
saveMode: "localstorage", // ## Default is "localstorage"
// ## Not Found Route Path
// ## is the path that should redirect when not found a path in the application
// ## String - must include "/"
notFoundRoute: "/notFound", // ## Default is "/notFound"
// ## Error Route Path
// ## is the path that should redirect when an error occurs in the application
// ## String - must include "/"
errorRoute: "/error", // ## Default is "/error"
// ## Console Log Error Messages logs in the console
// ## any error messages of the SCR for debugging purposes
// ## Boolean
consoleLogErrorMessages: true, // ## Default is true
// ## Console Log Stores logs in the console
// ## any changes in the Router Store for debugging purposes
// ## Boolean
consoleLogStores: true, // ## Default is true
// ## Uses Route Layout defines if you will be using layout
// ## for each route or not - can be ignored in the route
// ## Boolean
usesRouteLayout: true, // ## Default is true
// ## Consider Trailing Slash On Matching Route
// ## add an slash in the end of the route path to search in the route definitions
// ## Boolean
considerTrailingSlashOnMatchingRoute: true // ## Default is true
// ## Use Scroll - enable or disables scrolling on entering the route
// ## Boolean
useScroll: true // ## Default is true
// ## Scroll Props
// ## The scrolling props on entering the route if enabled
// ## Default Values:
// ## scrollProps: {
// ## top: 0,
// ## left: 0,
// ## behavior: "smooth",
// ## timeout: 10, // timeout must be greater than 10 milliseconds
// ## },
// ## Object
scrollProps: {
top: 100,
left: 100,
behavior: "smooth",
timeout: 1000,
// ## Before Enter defines a function or array of Functions
// ## that must execute before each route
// ## Function or Array - of Functions
beforeEnter: undefined, // ## undefined
// ## On Error defines a function when an error occurs
// ## when routing
// ## Function
onError: undefined, // ## undefined
import { SCR_CONFIG_STORE } from "svelte-client-router";
// ## Callback receives 2 params
// ## 1) Error
// ## 2) Parameters defined for the route, current route, from route, etc..
SCR_CONFIG_STORE.setOnError((err, routeObjParams) => {
// ## Error Object
// ## routeObjParams:
// ## {
// ## currentRoute:
// ## {
// ## hash: ""
// ## hostname: "localhost"
// ## name: "4"
// ## origin: "http://localhost:5000"
// ## params: {}
// ## pathname: "/test4"
// ## port: "5000"
// ## protocol: "http:"
// ## }
// ## fromRoute:
// ## {
// ## hash: ""
// ## hostname: "localhost"
// ## name: "4"
// ## origin: "http://localhost:5000"
// ## params: { myQueryParam: "OK", otherParam: "123" }
// ## pathname: "/test4"
// ## port: "5000"
// ## protocol: "http:"
// ## }
// ## routeObjParams:
// ## {
// ## myCustomParams: "Route Defined Param!"
// ## }
console.log("GLOBAL ERROR CONFIG", err);
// ## Receives a Function or an Array of Functions
// ## Callback receives 4 params
// ## 1) resolve function
// ## Should resolve with:
// ## - true - when everything went OK
// ## - false - when anything goes wrong
// ## - { redirect: "/some_route" }
// ## - { path: "/some_route" }
// ## - { name: "route_name" }
// ##
// ## 2) Route coming from
// ## 3) Route going to
// ## 4) Route defined params
(resolve, routeFrom, routeTo, routeObjParams, payload) => {
// ## resolve - function
// ## routeFrom:
// ## {
// ## name: "Route Name 1",
// ## hash: "",
// ## hostname: "localhost",
// ## origin: "http://localhost:5000",
// ## params: {},
// ## pathname: "/test1",
// ## port: "5000",
// ## protocol: "http:",
// ## }
// ## routeTo:
// ## {
// ## name: "Route Name 2",
// ## hash: "",
// ## hostname: "localhost",
// ## origin: "http://localhost:5000",
// ## params: { myQueryParam: "OK", otherParam: "123" },
// ## pathname: "/test2",
// ## port: "5000",
// ## protocol: "http:",
// ## }
// ## routeObjParams:
// ## {
// ## myCustomParams: "Route Defined Param!"
// ## }
// ## You can pass variables to components and between beforeEnters - acumulative
// ## Before Resolving this PAYLOAD will be made available to all components too
// ## This is great to update the loading component or you can send variables down the chain of
// ## before Enter list
// ## DO NOT REDEFINE THIS - if you set this payload = ... it will lose its REFERENCE
// ## payload:
// ## {
// ## ...
// ## }
console.log("Global Before Enter Route - 1");
(resolve, routeFrom, routeTo, routeObjParams, payload) => {
console.log("Global Before Enter Route - 2");
// ## You can set the entire object with the following
hashMode: false,
navigationHistoryLimit: 10,
saveMode: "localstorage",
notFoundRoute: "/notFound",
errorRoute: "/error",
consoleLogErrorMessages: true,
consoleLogStores: true,
usesRouteLayout: true,
considerTrailingSlashOnMatchingRoute: true,
useScroll: false,
scrollProps: {
top: 0,
left: 0,
behavior: "smooth",
timeout: 10,
onError: (err, routeObjParams) => {
console.log("GLOBAL ERROR CONFIG", routeObjParams);
beforeEnter: [
(resolve, routeFrom, routeTo, routeObjParams, payload) => {
payload.GBER1 = "My Custom Param to Pass";
console.log("Global Before Enter Route - 1");
(resolve, routeFrom, routeTo, routeObjParams, payload) => {
if (payload.GBER1) {
payload.GBER2 = "Yes, I will be set too!";
console.log("Global Before Enter Route - 2");
Route Object is the definition of every route we have in the SPA application and is below our SCR Route Component.
Let's see the object format:
Route Object Options
Route Object Before Enter Functions
Route Object After Before Enter Function
Route Object On Error
import { SCR_ROUTER_COMPONENT } from "svelte-client-router";
import SCR_C1 from "./testComponents/SCR_C1.svelte";
import SCR_Layout from "./testComponents/SCR_Layout.svelte";
import SCR_Loading from "./testComponents/SCR_Loading.svelte";
// ## Route Name
// ## The name identifying this route
// ## String - Obrigatory
name: "routeName1",
// ## Route Path
// ## The path identifying this route
// ## String - Obrigatory
// ## Can declare regex like /test1/:paramA/test2/:paramB
// ## Can declare any route wildcard like /test1/:paramA/*/:paramB
// ## This property value is Case Sensitive.
// ## The regex must have the format ":string"
path: "/test1",
// ## Component - the component that is going to be used
// ## for this route
// ## Function - Imported component for this route
component: SCR_C1,
// ## Lazy Load Component - the component that must be loaded to be used
// ## for this route
// ## Function - Function to load the component for this route
lazyLoadComponent: () => import("./testComponents/SCR_C1.svelte"),
// ## Lazy Load Layout Component - the layout component that must be loaded to be used
// ## for this route
// ## Function - Function to load the layout component for this route
lazyLoadLayoutComponent: () => import("./testComponents/SCR_Layout.svelte"),
// ## Lazy Load Loading Component - the loading component that must be loaded to be used
// ## for this route
// ## Function - Function to load the loading component for this route
lazyLoadLoadingComponent: () => import("./testComponents/SCR_Loading.svelte"),
// ## Layout Component - the layout component that is going to be used
// ## for this route
// ## Function - Imported layout component for this route
layoutComponent: SRC_Layout,
// ## Loading Component - the loading component that is going to be used
// ## for this route
// ## Function - Imported loading component for this route
loadingComponent: SRC_Loading,
// ## Ignore Layout - if should ignore layout component
// ## when you do not want to use global or local layout component
// ## Boolean
ignoreLayout: false,
// ## Ignore Scroll - if this route should ignore scrolling
// ## Boolean
ignoreScroll: true,
// ## Scroll Props
// ## The scrolling props on entering the specific route if enabled
// ## Default Values: configuration store
// ## Object
scrollProps: {
top: 0,
left: 0,
behavior: "smooth",
timeout: 10, // timeout must be greater than 10 milliseconds
// ## Title - it defines the route title
// ## String
title: "First Route Title",
// ## Params - all the params the should be available
// for this route on any Before Enter Execution or
// After Before Enter Execution
// ## Object
params: {
myCustomParam: "OK THEN SHALL WE!",
// ## Force Reload - when in opened route try to push the same route
// by using pushRoute function
// When enabled it will reload the current route as if it was not opened
// ## Boolean
forceReload: false,
// ## Ignore Global Before Function -
// ## if should ignore defined global before function
// ## Boolean
ignoreGlobalBeforeFunction: false,
// ## Execute Route Before Enter Function Before Global Before Function
// ## if should execute route before function sequence before
// ## global before enter execution
// ## Boolean
executeRouteBEFBeforeGlobalBEF: false,
// ## Loading Props - all props that must be available to
// loading component when it is triggered
loadingProps: { loadingText: "Carregando..." },
// ## After Before Enter
// ## a function to execute after enter the route
// ## param:
// ## {
// ## currentRoute:
// ## {
// ## name: "Route Name 1",
// ## hash: "",
// ## hostname: "localhost",
// ## origin: "http://localhost:5000",
// ## params: {},
// ## pathname: "/test1",
// ## port: "5000",
// ## protocol: "http:",
// ## }
// ## routeTo:
// ## {
// ## name: "Route Name 2",
// ## hash: "",
// ## hostname: "localhost",
// ## origin: "http://localhost:5000",
// ## params: { myQueryParam: "OK", otherParam: "123" },
// ## pathname: "/test2",
// ## port: "5000",
// ## protocol: "http:",
// ## }
// ## routeObjParams:
// ## {
// ## myCustomParams: "Route Defined Param!"
// ## }
// ## }
// ## Function
afterBeforeEnter: (routeObjParams) => { console.log("AFTER ENTER", routeObjParams); },
// ## Before Enter - a function or array of Functions
// ## defining all functions that must be executed for this specific route
// ## Function or Array (Functions)
beforeEnter: [
(resolve, routeFrom, routeTo, routeObjParams, payload) => {
// ## resolve - function
// ## routeFrom:
// ## {
// ## name: "Route Name 1",
// ## hash: "",
// ## hostname: "localhost",
// ## origin: "http://localhost:5000",
// ## params: {},
// ## pathname: "/test1",
// ## port: "5000",
// ## protocol: "http:",
// ## }
// ## routeTo:
// ## {
// ## name: "Route Name 2",
// ## hash: "",
// ## hostname: "localhost",
// ## origin: "http://localhost:5000",
// ## params: { myQueryParam: "OK", otherParam: "123" },
// ## pathname: "/test2",
// ## port: "5000",
// ## protocol: "http:",
// ## }
// ## routeObjParams:
// ## {
// ## myCustomParams: "Route Defined Param!"
// ## ... PAYLOAD VARIABLES will be included HERE!
// ## }
// ## You can pass variables to components and between beforeEnters - acumulative
// ## Before Resolving this PAYLOAD will be made available to all components too
// ## This is great to update the loading component or you can send variables down the chain of
// ## before Enter list
// ## DO NOT REDEFINE THIS - if you set this payload = ... it will lose its REFERENCE
// ## payload:
// ## {
// ## ...
// ## }
payload.passingToNextBeforeEnter: "yes, I will be there!",
payload.passingToComponents: "yes, I will be there either!",
payload.passingToLoadingComponents: "yes, why not?",
payload.passingToLayoutComponents: "yes, everyone get this payload",
setTimeout(() => resolve(true), 2000);
console.log("beforeEnter Executed");
(resolve, routeFrom, routeTo, routeObjParams, payload) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(true), 1000);
console.log("beforeEnter Executed2");
resolve({ redirect: "/test2" });
// ## On Error - a function to execute when somenthing goes wrong on loading
// ## this specific route
// ## Error Object
// ## routeObjParams:
// ## {
// ## currentRoute:
// ## {
// ## hash: ""
// ## hostname: "localhost"
// ## name: "4"
// ## origin: "http://localhost:5000"
// ## params: {}
// ## pathname: "/test4"
// ## port: "5000"
// ## protocol: "http:"
// ## }
// ## fromRoute:
// ## {
// ## hash: ""
// ## hostname: "localhost"
// ## name: "4"
// ## origin: "http://localhost:5000"
// ## params: { myQueryParam: "OK", otherParam: "123" }
// ## pathname: "/test4"
// ## port: "5000"
// ## protocol: "http:"
// ## }
// ## routeObjParams:
// ## {
// ## myCustomParam: "OK THEN SHALL WE!"
// ## }
// ## Function
onError: (err, routeObjParams) => {
console.log("ERROR DEFINED ROUTER C1", err);
<SCR_ROUTER_COMPONENT bind:routes />
Route Svelte Component will control the selection of the route, execute all the logic and return accordingly you specified in the router object.
Let's see this component properties and possibilities:
Route Component Properties
Route Component Components
import { SCR_ROUTER_COMPONENT } from "svelte-client-router";
// ## Your route definitions as exampled above
const routes = [
// ## Properties
// ## the route object definition
// ## Array of routes
export let routes;
// ## The Not Found Component - SCR has a Not Found Component by Default -
// ## If you not specify it will use the default one
// ## It is used when a not defined route is entered
// ## Function
export let notFoundComponent = SCR_NotFound;
// ## The Error Component - SCR has a Error Component by Default -
// ## If you not specify it will use the default one
// ## It is used when an error has occured
// ## Function
export let errorComponent = SCR_Error;
// ## The Layout Component - SCR has a Layout Component by Default -
// ## If you not specify it will use the default one
// ## It is used when layout is not ignoring Layout
// ## Function
export let defaultLayoutComponent = SCR_Layout;
// ## The Loading Component - SCR has a Loading Component by Default -
// ## If you not specify it will use the default one
// ## It is used when it is executing Before Enter Route or Global Before Enter
// ## Function
export let loadingComponent = SCR_Loading;
// ## AllProps - all the properties that must be passed to all Routes and components
// ## Object - default is an empty object
export let allProps = {};
// ## All Loading Props - all the properties that must be passed to all Routes when loading
// ## Object - default is an empty object
export let allLoadingProps = {};
SCR navigation can be very simple. You can import the navigation store or just the methods to navigate.
Let's see them:
Navigate Routing
Navigate Store
// < -- You Svelte Component Definition-- >
import { pushRoute, backRoute, SCR_NAVIGATE_STORE } from "svelte-client-router";
My Svelte Component
<button on:click={() => { pushRoute({ name: 'routeNameOne'}); }}>
Go To Route Named: routeNameOne
<button on:click={() => { pushRoute({ path: '/routeNameOne'}); }}>
Go To Route Path: /routeNameOne
<button on:click={() => { SCR_NAVIGATE_STORE.pushRoute({ name: 'routeNameTwo'}); }}>
Go To Route Named: routeNameTwo
<button on:click={() => { SCR_NAVIGATE_STORE.pushRoute({ path: 'routeNameTwo'}); }}>
Go To Route Path: routeNameTwo
<button on:click={() => { backRoute(); }}>
Back to Previous Route
<button on:click={() => { SCR_NAVIGATE_STORE.backRoute(); }}>
Back to Previous Route
main {
text-align: center;
padding: 1em;
max-width: 240px;
margin: 0 auto;
The assinature of the methods
// ## Push Route Function
// ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ## -- First Argument is where to send accepts the following:
// ## String /pathToRoute
// ## Object { path: "/pathToRoute" }
// ## Object { name: "myRouteName" }
// ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ## -- Second Argument custom params to pass to route they will be considered
// ## and made available on before functions after enter route function and component
// ## Object { someCustomParams: { isAvailable: "Hell ya" }}
// ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ## -- Third Argument a custom onError to execute if something goes wrong.
// ## it will override, ONLY WHEN SET, the route on error defined in the routes object
// ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ## Function
pushRoute(to, props, onError);
// ## Back Route Function - returns last route definition
// ## Function
SCR RouterLink Component is a component to make easy clickable go to route.
Let's see it:
Router Link Properties
// < -- You Svelte Component Definition-- >
import { SCR_ROUTER_LINK } from "svelte-client-router";
to={{name: "myRouteNameThree" }}
props={{ pushCustomParam: "someCustomParams" }}
elementProps={{ style:"background-color: green" }}
onError={() => console.log("Execute this instead error defined on router object! - Only if something goes wrong")}
<button>Click to Go to Defined Route Named: myRouteNameThree!</button>
main {
text-align: center;
padding: 1em;
max-width: 240px;
margin: 0 auto;
SCR Router Store is the store where all the route definitions are updated and controlled. You can check real time what is happening.
Let's see it:
Router Store Properties
// < -- You Svelte Component Definition-- >
import { SCR_ROUTER_STORE } from "svelte-client-router";
// ## Routes
// ## The Array object defined on initialization of the application
// ## Array
routes: [],
// ## Current Location
// ## Used inside the component to identify where it is coming from
// ## updating based on the configuration store
// ## Object
currentLocation: undefined,
// ## Current Route
// ## The object with current route information
// ## Updated before "after before enter function" execution
// ## Object
currentRoute: {
name: undefined,
pathname: undefined,
params: [],
hostname: undefined,
protocol: undefined,
port: undefined,
origin: undefined,
hash: undefined,
// ## From Route
// ## The object with from route information
// ## Updated before "after before enter function" execution
// ## Object
fromRoute: {
name: undefined,
pathname: undefined,
params: [],
hostname: undefined,
protocol: undefined,
port: undefined,
origin: undefined,
hash: undefined,
// ## Navigation History
// ## An array with all the route history objects - the limit is
// ## defined in the configuration store
// ## Updated before "after before enter function" execution
// ## Array
navigationHistory: [],
// ## Methods available on the STORE OBJECTS
// ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ## --- ATTENTION Only use methods to search and identify routes - DO NOT SET ANYTHING
// ## --- This is because the component use this store as base to control things !!!!!!!
// ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ## setRoutes,
// ## getRoutes,
// ## setCurrentRoute,
// ## getCurrentRoute,
// ## setFromRoute,
// ## getFromRoute,
// ## setNavigationHistory,
// ## getNavigationHistory,
// ## pushNavigationHistory,
// ## popNavigationHistory,
// ## setCurrentLocation,
// ## getCurrentLocation,
// ## getConfig,