This appendix serves as a reference on how to use Doom Emacs’ standard library. It is integrated into Helpful, in Doom.
;; With only one hook and one function, this is identical to `add-hook'. In that
;; case, use that instead.
(add-hook! 'some-mode-hook #'enable-something)
;; Adding many-to-many functions to hooks
(add-hook! some-mode #'enable-something #'and-another)
(add-hook! some-mode #'(enable-something and-another))
(add-hook! '(one-mode-hook second-mode-hook) #'enable-something)
(add-hook! (one-mode second-mode) #'enable-something)
;; Appending and local hooks
(add-hook! (one-mode second-mode) :append #'enable-something)
(add-hook! (one-mode second-mode) :local #'enable-something)
;; With arbitrary forms
(add-hook! (one-mode second-mode) (setq v 5) (setq a 2))
(add-hook! (one-mode second-mode) :append :local (setq v 5) (setq a 2))
;; Inline named hook functions
(add-hook! '(one-mode-hook second-mode-hook)
(defun do-something ()
(defun do-another-thing ()
'(outline-1 :weight normal)
'(outline-2 :weight normal)
'(outline-3 :weight normal)
'(outline-4 :weight normal)
'(outline-5 :weight normal)
'(outline-6 :weight normal)
'(default :background "red" :weight bold)
'(region :background "red" :weight bold))
'((outline-1 outline-2 outline-3 outline-4 outline-5 outline-6)
:weight normal)
'((default region)
:background "red" :weight bold))
(let ((red-bg-faces '(default region)))
`(,(cl-loop for i from 0 to 6 collect (intern (format "outline-%d" i)))
:weight normal)
:background "red" :weight bold)))
(custom-theme-set-faces! 'doom-one-theme
'(outline-1 :weight normal)
'(outline-2 :weight normal)
'(outline-3 :weight normal)
'(outline-4 :weight normal)
'(outline-5 :weight normal)
'(outline-6 :weight normal)
'(default :background "red" :weight bold)
'(region :background "red" :weight bold))
(custom-theme-set-faces! '(doom-one-theme doom-one-light-theme)
'((outline-1 outline-2 outline-3 outline-4 outline-5 outline-6)
:weight normal)
'((default region)
:background "red" :weight bold))
(let ((red-bg-faces '(default region)))
(custom-theme-set-faces! '(doom-one-theme doom-one-light-theme)
`(,(cl-loop for i from 0 to 6 collect (intern (format "outline-%d" i)))
:weight normal)
:background "red" :weight bold)))
(doom! :completion
(:if IS-MAC macos)
(cc +lsp)
(:cond ((string= system-name "work-pc")
((string= system-name "writing-pc")
(org +dragndrop)
(web +lsp)
(default +bindings +smartparens))
(file-exists-p! "init.el" doom-emacs-dir)
(file-exists-p! (and (or "doesnotexist" "init.el")
;; To install a package that can be found on ELPA or any of the sources
;; specified in `doom-core-package-sources':
(package! evil)
(package! js2-mode)
(package! rainbow-delimiters)
;; To disable a package included with Doom (which will no-op all its `after!'
;; and `use-package!' blocks):
(package! evil :disable t)
(package! rainbow-delimiters :disable t)
;; To install a package from a github repo
(package! so-long :recipe (:host github :repo "hlissner/emacs-so-long"))
;; If a package is particularly big and comes with submodules you don't need,
;; you can tell the package manager not to clone the repo recursively:
(package! ansible :recipe (:nonrecursive t))
;; To install a particular branch, commit or tag:
(package! evil
;; if :host and :fetcher aren't specified, the package manager will fall back
;; to evil's default source provided by their (M)ELPA recipes:
:recipe (:commit "e7bc39de2f961505e8e112da8c1b315ae8afce52"))
(package! evil :recipe (:branch "stable"))
(package! evil :recipe (:tag "1.2.9"))
;; If you share your config between two computers, and don't want bin/doom
;; refresh to delete packages used only on one system, use :ignore
(package! evil :ignore (not (equal system-name "my-desktop")))
;; With only one hook and one function, this is identical to `remove-hook'. In
;; that case, use that instead.
(remove-hook! 'some-mode-hook #'enable-something)
;; Removing N functions from M hooks
(remove-hook! some-mode #'enable-something #'and-another)
(remove-hook! some-mode #'(enable-something and-another))
(remove-hook! '(one-mode-hook second-mode-hook) #'enable-something)
(remove-hook! (one-mode second-mode) #'enable-something)
;; Removing buffer-local hooks
(remove-hook! (one-mode second-mode) :local #'enable-something)
;; Removing arbitrary forms (must be exactly the same as the definition)
(remove-hook! (one-mode second-mode) (setq v 5) (setq a 2))
(let ((display-height (display-pixel-height))
(display-width (display-pixel-width)))
(add-to-list 'initial-frame-alist
`((left . ,(/ new-frame-width 2))
(top . ,(/ new-frame-height 2))
(width . ,(/ display-width 2))
(height . ,(/ display-height 2)))))
;; add to ~/.doom.d/config.el
(when-let* ((dims (doom-cache-get 'last-frame-size)))
(cl-destructuring-bind ((left . top) width height fullscreen) dims
(setq initial-frame-alist
(append initial-frame-alist
`((left . ,left)
(top . ,top)
(width . ,width)
(height . ,height)
(fullscreen . ,fullscreen))))))
(defun save-frame-dimensions ()
(doom-cache-set 'last-frame-size
(list (frame-position)
(frame-parameter nil 'fullscreen))))
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'save-frame-dimensions)