Helixer uses or produces three types of h5 file: input data, trained model, and predictions.
H5 is a standardized yet flexible format for data storage with APIs existing to read and modify files in many languages (we use h5py). Below is some information on the data we are storing there-in and how.
Please note, this is a flexible format that we have modified or added to repeatedly during development. We will almost certainly continue to do so in future versions of helixer.
This is unmodified from the Keras standard. See, e.g. https://keras.io/guides/serialization_and_saving/#keras-h5-format for more information.
This is created by the 'exoprt.py' script that transforms the existing annotations into a variety of matrices. It can be added to with other scripts in helixer/evaluation.
This should always be present, an example file (with 4018 'subsequences' of 21,384bp each) would have the following datasets
X Dataset {4018/Inf, 21384, 4}
err_samples Dataset {4018/Inf}
fully_intergenic_samples Dataset {4018/Inf}
gene_lengths Dataset {4018/Inf, 21384}
sample_weights Dataset {4018/Inf, 21384}
seqids Dataset {4018/Inf}
species Dataset {4018/Inf}
start_ends Dataset {4018/Inf, 2}
transitions Dataset {4018/Inf, 21384, 6}
y Dataset {4018/Inf, 21384, 4}
phase Dataset {4018/Inf, 21384, 4}
Goes into (almost) every training run of the network.
This is the sequence data. The last dimension
corresponds to C, A, T, G in that order. So
[0, 1, 0, 0]
encodes an 'A'. Ambiguity is
encoded with fractions, so [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
encodes the fully ambiguous 'N'.
The X-data is also critical for indicating where
sequences are padded; [0, 0, 0, 0]
padding (of short sequences or sequence ends).
Will be used as input for the network.
This is the reference annotation data, in matrix format. The last dimension corresponds to [intergenic, UTR, CDS, Intron].
Will be used as labels for the network.
This is the phase of the reference annotation, in matrix format. The last dimension corresponds to [None, 0, 1, 2].
Where 'None' is used for non-CDS regions, and within CDS regions 0, 1, 2 correspond to phase (number of base pairs until the start of the next codon).
Will be used as labels for the network.
One value per base pair. This is used to adjust the sample_weights and there-by the loss, so the network can avoid learning from regions that are
- 1 if base pair is valid
- 0 if base pair is invalid (in GeenuFF error mask)
Critical for interpreting anything / quickly knowing where the data (and later predictions) came from.
Species ID, repeated once per subsequence. This is, of course, important when multiple species are in one file (e.g. when training with 6+ species as was done for vertebrate and plant models).
The ID of the sequence (chromosome, scaffold, contig, etc...) that a subsequence comes from.
the start and end coordinates of a given subsequence (in that order). When end < start then the subsequence is from the minus strand. So [0, 21384] is the first 21384bp of a given sequence and is reverse complented by [21384, 0]. On the plus strand start is inclusive and end exclusive.
If |start - end| is less than the subsequence size then there is padding. You can identify where the padding is according to data/X or data/y above.
(todo, explain padding better)
Various data matrices that were or are used in a more experimental or peripheral fashion. To check for biases, experiment with filtering, or more.
One value per subsequence, derived from sample_weights
- 1 if the subsequence contains any valid data
- 0 if the subsequence contains only invalid data
(where valid is the default and invalid means any base pairs where GeenuFF masked an error)
One value per subsequence, useful for quickly filtering entirely intergenic regions
- True if only intergenic base pairs present in reference annotation
- False otherwise
One value per base pair
The length of the longest pre-mRNA overlapping the base pair.
Last dimension has six possible categories for each base pair, and contains a binary encoding of the starts and ends of gene features. Specifically, the six categories are:
[transcription start site,
start codon,
donor splice site,
transscription stop site,
stop codon,
acceptor splice site]
So, as an example, a stop codon is encoded with
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
Of course, the vast majority of sites are
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
for no transition.
Coordinates should match their usage in GeenuFF, except
that here there are always 2bp marked (this is subject to change).
These two evaluation datasets can be added by the script helixer/evaluation/training_rnaseq.py, which takes an indexed bam file and calculates the coverage, and spliced_coverage for each position on the genome.
Both data sets have the dimensions 'number subsequences' by 'subsequence size' in bp, so one value per bp of the genome.
coverage Dataset {4018/Inf, 21384}
spliced_coverage Dataset {4018/Inf, 21384}
Coverage is the number of reads mapping at a given position (cigar =, M, or X).
Spliced coverage is the number of reads mapping with a gap, that is a read deletion or spliced out section at a given position (cigar N or D).
The scores in this group are a sort of RNAseq-based confidence score for the reference annotation. They are derived from the data in the evaluation group.
There are various aggregations and normalizations, but probably the most useful is 'by_bp', with one score per genomic bp. A value approaching 0 means poor RNAseq support for the reference annotation, a value approaching 1 means strong RNAseq support for the reference annotation.
For more details see helixer/evaluation/training_rnaseq.py.
Interpret with caution as RNAseq too is far from perfect, particularly if the RNAseq data isn't of highest quality and from a variety of tissues & conditions.
Todo: more complete list
Some meta-data on the different species in any .h5 data file. Most related to RNAseq and provides values for potentially normalizing the raw RNAseq some. Yes, this is all very n21384aive still.
The script geenuff2h5.py can be used to add alternative (non-reference, non-helixer) annotations to the .h5 file, exactly aligned with the other data.
Any of these that have been added will be in alternative/ and from there have the same format as the original 'data' group.
The predictions file holds, well, the predictions. It does not stand alone, but rather requires the sequence location and padding information from the Input Data above to be interpretable. There is a 1:1 correspondance between positions in the predictions output and the input data.
This is output of the network that has been trained to predict data/y
from the input data, thus its categories are [intergenic, UTR, CDS, intron]
This is output of the network that has been trained to predict data/phase
from the input data, thus its categories are [None, 0, 1, 2]