PostgreSQL support is provided by way of package:angel_orm_postgres
The PostgreSQLExecutor
implements QueryExecutor
, and takes care of
running prepared queries, and passing values to the database server.
angel init
projects using the ORM include helpers like this to load app
configuration into a database connection:
Future<void> configureServer(Angel app) async {
var connection = await connectToPostgres(app.configuration);
..shutdownHooks.add((_) => connection.close());
Future<PostgreSQLConnection> connectToPostgres(Map configuration) async {
var postgresConfig = configuration['postgres'] as Map ?? {};
var connection = PostgreSQLConnection(
postgresConfig['host'] as String ?? 'localhost',
postgresConfig['port'] as int ?? 5432,
postgresConfig['database_name'] as String ??
Platform.environment['USER'] ??
username: postgresConfig['username'] as String,
password: postgresConfig['password'] as String,
timeZone: postgresConfig['time_zone'] as String ?? 'UTC',
timeoutInSeconds: postgresConfig['timeout_in_seconds'] as int ?? 30,
useSSL: postgresConfig['use_ssl'] as bool ?? false);
return connection;
Typically, you'll want to use app configuration to create the connection, rather than hard coding values.