One can convey a lot of information in the final word of a sentence in Vietnamese. Here are some of the more common ones:
Put at the end to ask a question in casual speech/writing
To add emphasis and negate what the other person said. it is so!
have to accept something unfortunate
danh vay. damnit danh vay chu biet sao gio. have to accept it
toi cung the. me too
toi cung vay. me too
Something has already finished or has passed
- het roi (have already run out)
- an xong roi - have already finished eating
- hai gio roi - it is past 2 o'clock
Something hasn't yet been done or completed. Often used in the question.
- co vo chua (have you got a wife yet?)
- an com chua (have you eaten yet?)
Placed at the end when talking with someone older than oneself.
A contraction of 'phai khong' for yes/no questions.
only used in casual speech
toi a? - to show surprise
Added after a verb to form the imperative
- an di (eat!)
Added after the verb to show completion
Đang tới đây where are you? (casual)