A little Plugin to create a Facebook Like button with jQuery.
Source code is at http://github.com/henningthies/jquery-facebook-like-button.
You need jQuery.
Pick a html element and call the fbLike("your-page.com") on it.
For the html div:
###with options: var url = "http://github.com"; $('#facebook-like').fbLike(url, { layout: "button_count", font: "lucida grande" color: "dark" }); Defaults
scrolling: "no"
frameborder: 0
allowTransparency: true
layout: "standard"
show_faces: true
width: 450
height: 21
verb: "like"
font: "arial"
color: "light"
Use it like you want.
Copyright 2010, Henning Thies [email protected], http://www.ubilabs.net.