There are three areas of customisation possible with oss-dashboard. The first two are plugging in your own reporting, the last is setting a custom theme for the web pages.
Note that the plan is to merge DB and Source reports into the same API. As the process/API is very similar, we'll cover them both in this section.
Custom DB Reports are configured via the optional report path configurations in the dashboard configuration:
db-report-path: ['/full/path/to/directory/of/custom/db-reports']
report-path: ['/full/path/to/directory/of/custom/reports']
Any report dropped into one of the report path directories will become available.
Reports are implemented by extending the relevant Report class. For a DB report it means the following:
require_relative 'db_reporter'
class YourNameDbReporter < DbReporter
For a Source report it means:
require_relative 'reporter'
class BinaryReporter < Reporter
In both cases a Report needs to implement the following metadata methods:
def name()
return "Short Name for Report"
def describe()
return "A longer description of the report"
# A type of the report; can be repo-report, issue-report or user-report.
# This determines which tab in the dashboard it appears in.
def report_class()
return 'repo-report'
If you are implementing a DB report, you then implement this method:
def db_report(context, repo, sync_db)
If you are implementing a Source report, you then implement this method:
def report(context, repo, repodir)
Two simple examples of reports are Empty DB Report and Document Source Report.
OSS Dashboard relies on Bootstrap, and thus Bootstrap Themes are available. The generated HTML pages include a bootstrap-theme.css file if one is there (if not your browser will quietly give you a warning). Drop this file into your generated web directory and your theme will be applied. See the Bootstrap Theme page for more information on finding/implementing themes.