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606 lines (567 loc) · 74.9 KB

File metadata and controls

606 lines (567 loc) · 74.9 KB

Change Log

2017.03.00 (2017-04-10)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Elevation Slider Improvements #1701
  • Elevation slider #1693
  • populate uuid when creating user #1682
  • Change TOC Icon from Pen to Layers #1670
  • Constrain modals and tooltip in app container #1665
  • Allow to customize the initial state from config #1656
  • Override properties used in connect methods from configuration #1645
  • Add a scroll to top button in the home page #1633
  • Provide a full screen button plugin #1631
  • Optimize iframe embedded version #1630
  • API: add the ability to load configuration from a URL #1624
  • Add notification of actions and state changes to the js api #1619
  • Make zoom to layer optional when add from Catalog #1608
  • Examples does not retain https #1576
  • Document javascript api #1549
  • Minor fixes to look and feel #1545
  • Review Embedded Layout #863

Fixed bugs:

  • Exit fullscreen when exit from map #1706
  • GetFeatureInfo and WMTS #1686
  • Wrong color for layer title in Identify Tool #1663
  • Allow to fit search results to map size #1660
  • Improve and Fix GeoJSon Extent calculation #1612
  • gxp_olsource source in ConfigUtils is missing #1611
  • Epics in plugins should be overridable #1610
  • Cannot close login dialog #1607
  • Copy to clipboard icon in Share panel are different #1578
  • Wrong characters in layer name #1435

Closed issues:

  • TOC Legend do not take in account the current map scale #1668
  • Investigate the SearchBar error state #1637
  • Extend the search plugin for supporting custom services #1634
  • Release 2017.02.00 #1551
  • Allow wfs searches without specifing filters #1441
  • Refactor Embed API #1103

Merged pull requests:

2017.02.00 (2017-03-16)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Add theme selection to plugins and api examples #1584
  • Reduce throttling interval in map mouse movements #1577
  • Add follow on twitter badges #1567
  • Upgrade lodash to 4.x #1516
  • Upgrade OL3 to latest version #1513
  • Upgrade react-bootstrap to latest version #1510
  • Support html in the tutorial steps #1498
  • Support to include theme 2.0 #1496
  • Upgrade WebPack to version 2.x #1490
  • Cleanup of plugins configuration #1484
  • Use HTTPS #1476
  • Investigate on react-docgen to create reference docs #1475
  • Move libs on a separate CDN folder #1474
  • Review the query panel layout #1468
  • Allow runtime addition of new support tools in Map plugin #1376
  • Document existing plugins using docma #1300
  • Migrate to React-Intl 2.x.x #1006
  • Migrate to React 15.x #934

Fixed bugs:

  • Linkedin image is not visible on dark backgrounds #1586
  • createProject does not create a valid project #1580
  • New Groups do not appear in available groups list #1579
  • Catalog pagination is not working #1563
  • Cut the home banner to make the maps visible #1550
  • Update application tutorial in documentation #1546
  • Bearing results are very different with Openlayers and Leaflet #1544
  • Remove warnings due to the react update #1533
  • In debug mode there is a huge slow down of the application #1532
  • Error with clean npm install #1524
  • Wrong thumbnails for csw #1518
  • Openlayers and Leaflet different behaviour with markers #1507
  • Wrong placement of marker position #1505
  • Feature Info starts collapsed #1501
  • Query panel shows a scrollbar when select spatial filter #1497
  • Fix Login Language plugins order #1483
  • Bearing Measure allows more than 2 points #1472
  • When MousePosition is enabled, other plugins are updated when it's not necessary #1470
  • Measure window is not closed on map change #1464
  • Reset SearchBar when map is loaded #1461
  • Fix #1518. Fixed thumbs relative URLs for catalog #1519 (offtherailz)
  • Fix #1501. Restored correct default property #1515 (offtherailz)

Closed issues:

  • Bearing still draws more than 2 point using openalyers #1581
  • Syntax error in themeEntries function with node v6.10.0 and npm 3.10.10 on windows 10 64 bit #1560
  • Add tooltip support in Menu #1526
  • MapStore2-project created with createProject.js: Errors running npm run compile #1481
  • Enable loading spinner also for singleTile layers (ol.source.ImageWMS) #1477
  • Have release number in binary package filename #1438
  • Choose a side-effect library for MapStore #1420
  • investigate on esdoc to document the application #1366
  • Implementation of WFS as queriable service for search #1123

Merged pull requests:

2017.01.00 (2017-02-16)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Cleanup of array methods not available on IE #1369
  • Make TOC Node animations optional #1359
  • Add a DEM color ramp for the raster styler #1249
  • Introduce wizard-like help system #861
  • Create translation files for German #92
  • Introduce live coding in the plugins example #1421
  • Improve query panel behaviour #1398
  • Implement FilterField by field configuration options #1355
  • Export wiki content as markdown documents in the repo #1319
  • Reorganize UI of layer tools in the TOC #1318
  • PDF support for vector layers (OpenLayers) #1315
  • PDF support for vector layers (leaflet) #1314
  • WMTS support for OL3 #1304
  • WMTS support for Leaflet #1303
  • Investigate the use of react-docgen #1301
  • Improve Group Manager #1291
  • Increase Codacy Level to A #1021
  • Measure and Feature info tools should be mutually exclusive #258

Fixed bugs:

  • Fix Logo on gh-pages home #1454
  • Improve User Manager to support long group names and lists #1453
  • Map Type Cesium React Reconciler Error #1371
  • Snapshot tool includes an orange square if leaflet map is used #1325
  • Coveralls and coverage plugin test different things #56
  • Measure window is not closed on map change #1464
  • Measure panel in Drawer is not translated (immediately) when switching language #1460
  • Search Bar on top should be aligned to the back button #1458
  • When switching the QueryBuilder on a different layer, the attributes combo is not reset #1457
  • FeatureGrid paging next page does not work the first time #1456
  • Properly place buttons and resize the search panel for a better user experience #1440
  • Search panel hangs on wfs exception #1436
  • Wrong order of windows in GetFeatureInfo + Reverse GeoCoding #1434
  • Home page tooltips don't update on language change #1414
  • Replace "Map Metadata" with "Map Properties" #1405
  • Some tools do not reset when switching map #1389
  • CesiumJS cannot be used in projects #1374
  • Remove DrawerMenu dependency from QueryPanel #1357
  • PDF preview doesn't work without CORS headers on server #1331
  • Feature Info does not work according with cql_filter #1329
  • ShapeFile import error with points #1312
  • Feature info do not work with local shapefile imports for points and lines #1310
  • Vector layers are not exported in leaflet maps #1308
  • Unable to load layer from QGIS Server WMS Demo #1268

Closed issues:

  • Choose a theme for the gh-pages site #1455
  • Dynamically or configuring infoFormat for buildRequest (action) for different layers #1449
  • Update Firefox version on travis #1445
  • Unclear how to add WFS layer to config #1444
  • Upgrade documentation to Jekyll #1425
  • How to replace/insert the DefaultViewer using the plugin architecture? #1410
  • allow to not use account info, password change, logout in User Menu component #1402
  • Dead Links in #1400
  • Align feature grid headers to the theme #1393
  • CSSLint: Expected RBRACE at line 51, col 28. #1353
  • Add a favicon or prevent browsers to send requests for it #1321
  • Introduce support for WMTS in the Catalog plugin #1217
  • Codacy compatibility warning. #393
  • Google Background does not display in binary package #1437
  • Complete the results panel #1320
  • Create simple all-in-one demo package #1137
  • Integrate vector querying for vector layers #1104
  • Add link on the homepage to MapStore 2 linkedin group #1082

Merged pull requests:

2016.04.00 (2016-12-05)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • SnapShot can suggest to the user to skip CrossOrigin #1267
  • Proper icon for graticule plugin #1253
  • Style selection widget can be confusing with many styles #1247
  • Change Zoom to Layer button icon in the TOC #1229
  • When adding a layer to the TOC the layer goes to bottom rather than to top #1220
  • Make the build compatible with npm3 #1207
  • Wrong z-order of widgets with respect to the TOC and LRC controls #1204
  • Remove big dependencies or limit their usage to selected plugins #1202
  • Provide Task functionality to Mapstore2 #1195
  • FilterUtils should encode GML2 geometries when using WFS 1.0 #1182
  • Improve new delete button on TOC's layer #1181
  • Implement a Graticule Layer for Leaflet #1176
  • Improve the importer UI feedback #1168
  • Catalog configurable initial page parameter #1133
  • Allow transform modification in importer #1129
  • Move the visibility icon (the eye) to the side of the tools for the layer in the layer tree #1109
  • Simpler way to remove existing layers from the layer tree #1107
  • Investigate on how to make tile size customizable #1105
  • Catalog Widget should reset its status when gets closed #1080
  • Catalog Widget should show additional information #1079
  • Print Preview window does not adapt correctly to resizing #804
  • Home Page Search / Filter #384
  • Add support to Cross-Layer Filtering #1262 (offtherailz)

Fixed bugs:

  • Small fixes to UserGroups manager #1294
  • GetFeatureInfo fails on 502 Bad Gateway #1288
  • DrawerMenu Plugin : overlapMap is not working #1286
  • Shapefile Import does not work with empty geometries #1281
  • Leaflet Snapshot do not render correctly #1265
  • FilterUtils wrong usage of this reference #1263
  • Zoom does not work on a shapefile with empty geometries #1260
  • WMS layers do not get custom params applied on print #1258
  • react-select.css is not included correctly #1257
  • Remove usage of Array.includes #1255
  • Enter in map causes infinite loading #1244
  • Modal body issues #1242
  • Zoom to layer tool not rendered correctly when there is a loading error #1235
  • Color Picker closes on manual editing #1227
  • Remove graticule from standard config.json #1222
  • Delete layer tests sometimes fail #1215
  • Layer properties an all modals body with fixed body #1213
  • Apparently we cannot build on Ubuntu 14.04 #1201
  • Removing textSearch from state broke search in Maps and Users #1189
  • Transforms sometimes are not sorted correctly #1188
  • Raster styler Band Enhancement limits are wrong #1185
  • ZOOM_TO_EXTENT reducer misbehavours in edge cases #1179
  • Infinite loading on new map creation #1167
  • Improve buttons for styler #1163
  • Feature info do not load when getting layers from catalog #1154
  • Remove warnings in debug #1151
  • Catalog config is not mantained on reset #1145
  • SaveAs Plugin should be configurable #1141
  • Enabled checkbox does not work in usermanager #1140
  • Importer: Style names need to be encoded #1138
  • Coordinates indicator shows wrong value. #1135
  • Assign groups do not work in user manager #1134
  • Permission editor not displayed for new maps #1128
  • Click on Import Data should reload the imports list #1126
  • Importer doesnt show the correct workspace #1116
  • Importer tool do not shows upload errors #1115
  • ManagerMenu fails in debug mode #1112
  • GoogleMaps tiles always loaded also if no google background is active with OL3 #1111
  • Restore old style for Measure Buttons #1101
  • Improve the UI of the importer #1096
  • Avoid resize of the catalog when empty content #1095
  • Improve Import local shape file message #1083
  • If I edit my properties I have to logout to see them changed #1074
  • Problem related to PermissionEditor when saving the map in the MetadataModal #1024
  • Login screen sign-in button doesn't fit if the text is too big #941

Closed issues:

  • GetfeatureInfo fail on WMS Layer with origin parameter #1298
  • Layer Style switcher #1194
  • Usergroup management #1193
  • Customizable origin and resolutions for WMS Layers in OL3 #1184
  • Remove the delete button from the layer properties #1177
  • Implement style selection functionality as part of the TOC layers tools #1172
  • Implement zooom to layer functionality in the TOC #1171
  • Proxy sometimes is used for https even if not needed #951
  • Bad behaviour in setting attributes #910
  • Some css for viewer is applied only on product #814

Merged pull requests:

* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator