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141 lines (113 loc) · 9.47 KB

Fake Minecraft Server

Licence Java version 21 or above Version 2.0.0 CLI version 1.0.1 Jenkins Build CodeFactor Grade

To download latest builds, click here


This program is a fake Minecraft server featuring customizable:

  • Server list icon
  • MOTD
  • Protocol & version name
  • Players (with sample)
  • Kick message

Example in image





You can download the CLI and use it as long as you have java version 21 or above installed.


Usage...: java -jar FakeMCServer-CLI.jar [options...]
Example.: java -jar FakeMCServer-CLI.jar -start -logs server.log

   -help, -h          Display usage
   -version, -v       Display version
   -start             Start server
   -logs              What you want to log, separated by a comma. Values: NONE, DEBUG, PING, KICK, MOTD. (default: 'PING,KICK')
   -log-file          Log file pattern (example: server.log). By default no log file is generated.
   -config            Configuration path (default: 'config.json')
   -config-override   Skip the configuration file, and override with raw JSON


If no configuration file has been found, the program will try to create a new one.

Default configuration:

    "socket_server": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 25565
    "minecraft_server": {
        "server_ip": null,
        "protocol": {
            "allow_all_clients": true,
            "versions": []
        "version_name": "Minecraft",
        "motd": "A Minecraft server",
        "players": [],
        "connected_players": 0,
        "slots": 0,
        "kick_message": "Disconnected",
        "server_icon": null


Name Type Description
host String Main socket host. Must be a valid host, this is not the "Minecraft server" IP address. I recommend leaving it to or, as long as it is a valid socket host.
port Int Main socket port, will also be the port of the fake Minecraft server.
server_ip String This is your fake Minecraft IP. If this field is not null, the socket server checks the IP requested by the Minecraft client before continuing the request. This is why I recommend leaving the socket host to your local address/machine address, and setting the Minecraft IP from here.
allow_all_clients Boolean If true, the fake Minecraft server will be compatible with all versions of minecraft.
versions List of Protocol Version Numbers If the fake Minecraft server does not allow all clients, set your Protocol Version Numbers here.
version_name String (with the legacy colors) Version name. Shown to the client instead of the number of players if the Minecraft version is not compatible with the fake server.
motd String (with the minimessage format) Message of the day
players List of String (with the legacy colors) Player sample (appears when hovering over the number of players)
connected_players Int Number of connected players
slots Int Slots
kick_message String (with the minimessage format) The message when a player tries to connect
server_icon String Server icon. Can either be the path to your image (example: server-icon.png), or the image directly in base64. If you put the image directly in base64, be sure that your string begins with data:image/png;base64,.

Use it as a dependency



Example of simple fake server

import dev.alka.fakemcserver.FakeMCServer;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Init a default logger

    // Write to server.log

    // Create a new FakeMCServer
    FakeMCServer fakeMCServer = new FakeMCServer();

    // Edit configuration
    fakeMCServer.setProtocol(767); // 1.21
    fakeMCServer.setKickMessage("<red>The server is not available at this moment, sorry!");
    // ...

    // Start server

    // Add shutdown hook
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(fakeMCServer::stopServer, "Shutdown hook"));

By default, if no logger as been initiated the logs are kept in a journal as an ArrayList.

You have full control on the journal. If you want to keep it alongside the logger, or disable it once a logger as been initialized, it's up to you with Logs.setJournal().

Big thanks to the original creators

xxmicloxx, lorenzop and michidk