All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See commit-and-tag-version for commit guidelines.
1.27.5 (2024-10-14)
- update date (72f31e9)
1.27.4 (2024-09-10)
- remove withBundleAnalyzer and million which somehow strip/prevent custom headers (0ec9d22)
- fix security headers (e5de6db)
1.27.3 (2024-07-14)
- content: migrate to content-collections (#235) (ceec54c)
- revert back to Gabarito for body font (dd9a137)
- update notes (bb629ee)
1.27.2 (2024-04-13)
1.27.1 (2024-02-19)
1.27.0 (2024-01-31)
- blog: re-install rehype-raw (3dce8bf)
- deps: update all dependencies (#225) (e60491d)
- deps: update all dependencies (#227) (c0c00ff)
- middleware: adjust false startsWith checking (42413f6)
- til: adjust content style (c66efd9)
- components: add flex wrap for note card tags (25e5311)
- components: adjust twitter icon to x-twitter (bf89b09)
- content: adjust spacing and heading size (2c08390)
- layout: remove initial year (845d9ef)
- simplify middleware (9cc0cdd)
1.26.2 (2023-10-13)
1.26.1 (2023-09-15)
1.26.0 (2023-09-10)
- adjust allviewcount key for notes (666de9e)
- adjust notes counter slug (d1eac33)
- update turbo env deps for build pipeline (c59e601)
1.25.1 (2023-09-08)
- til: add animation when initial load page (ed062aa)
- til: adjust consistent width (b6a2aef)
- til: adjust layout and add entry points (8ab7827)
1.25.0 (2023-09-02)
1.24.0 (2023-08-24)
- notes: add search capability (d835983)
1.23.0 (2023-08-18)
- layout: top-loader is back 😎 (6b007b9)
- cmd: update notes pathname (f8351f5)
- accessibility: adjust blog post card aria-label (142390c)
- cmd: adjust dark mode command item highlight color (48ca9a9)
1.22.0 (2023-08-10)
- cmd: show only published notes/blogs (b9c4820)
1.21.0 (2023-07-27)
1.20.7 (2023-07-21)
1.20.6 (2023-07-17)
- export missing generateMetadata for snippet detail page (25c9517)
- add missing umami script (15e3345)
1.20.5 (2023-07-04)
- update build script to build contentlayer (fd65da9)
1.20.4 (2023-06-21)
- adjust codeblock for light theme (e784470)
1.20.3 (2023-05-30)
1.20.2 (2023-04-05)
- move api route file (#190) (bb8d700)
- update about social links (578d42d)
- update templates link (66b1760)
1.20.1 (2023-03-14)
- revert back root portfolio path rewrite (d0adb28)
- adjust navigation item color (437053e)
- adjust selectedCommandItemBackground (9dc042a)
- theme: customize gray color palette (dad5b20)
1.20.0 (2023-02-16)
1.19.3 (2023-01-18)
1.19.2 (2023-01-09)
1.19.1 (2023-01-04)
1.19.0 (2023-01-04)
- adjust title size and implement react-wrap-balancer (#162) (094d07b)
- convert enum to array (0dc124c)
1.18.4 (2022-12-27)
- a11y - add aria label & increase tap area (#160) (05980ed)
- adjust useCommandCenter hook (#161) (90175c4)
- increase color contrast (172f52f)
- remove low contrast color (#159) (28c2281)
1.18.3 (2022-12-20)
- api: adjust now-playing swr duration (#149) (5d98bfe)
- convert to useCallback (#153) (7926b61)
- resolve code smell (#152) (981c536)
1.18.2 (2022-12-07)
1.18.1 (2022-12-06)
- components: adjust share buttons (#146) (3fdd497)
- rename olamonde to wussh (d3f402a)
- theme: enable transition on change theme (#145) (74eccc6)
1.18.0 (2022-11-28)
1.17.0 (2022-11-23)
1.16.4 (2022-10-16)
1.16.3 (2022-09-15)
1.16.2 (2022-09-09)
1.16.1 (2022-09-02)
- content: adjust loader to check published (#121) (eb8ca44)
- layout: dynamic import layout components (#123) (858b2b3)
- services: replace embed shortener with external shortener (#124) (8e05e41)
- theme: revise theming type (#122) (50feae3)
1.16.0 (2022-08-23)
1.15.0 (2022-08-15)
1.14.2 (2022-08-14)
- analytics: adjust with umami new trackEvent model (3fb63ed)
- cmd: optimize store and hook (#113) (e002e23)
- cmd: use store for cmd state management and separate into components (#112) (4ca4db0)
1.14.1 (2022-08-13)
- add tracking for cmd+k (f83de72)
1.14.0 (2022-08-13)
- prevent layout shift when body become scrollable (#110) (ee3ac5f)
- snippets: 💄 add hover style for snippet card (#109) (484f9dd)
1.13.1 (2022-07-24)
- snippets: add meta to snippet list (fcfde4f)
1.13.0 (2022-07-22)
1.12.2 (2022-07-19)
- api: add stale while revalidate cache control (#104) (5f9b4f3)
- api: set cache control header for /api/projects (#103) (f6ccab7)
- projects: adjust hover style of project card highlight (#102) (084dc2c)
1.12.1 (2022-07-11)
- disable animation in homepage and revise spotify listening font (ad7885a)
- increase shortener redirect speed (#101) (dfd074c)
- projects: handle card group hover (7ed539e)
1.12.0 (2022-07-07)
1.11.1 (2022-06-13)
- blog: add og img text for blog post meta (f7a0448)
1.11.0 (2022-05-29)
- components: 💄 remove scalings and non-mono color (98ed64c)
- content: switch to contentlayer & add read time (#90) (93e2d39)
- revise og image (#92) (5108358)
1.10.0 (2022-05-16)
- ✨ add url shortener path (#87) (5fb07ec)
- add footer link - status and analytics (#79) (2614655)
- monitoring: setup axiom ingest (d201579)
- components: remove unused parameter in code renderer (d870687)
- utils: revise arguments into single object for trackEventToUmami (#83) (034b18d)
1.9.0 (2022-04-27)
1.8.0 (2022-02-10)
- content: no more date in blog post slug
- layout: 💬 add bookmarks link in footer (4f2c9e8)
- layout: ✨add spotify now playing (#72) (8319918)
- 🔒 add security headers (#60) (c15adc6)
- add giscus to csp (3591546)
- content: 💥 revise blog post slug (a3b5a56)
- layout: 💄 replace some styling with global layerStyle (#67) (b281681)
- layout: update footer (f8c3d2e)
- pages: ✏️ update about page descriptions (5a96551)
- theme: 💄 add hover interactivity animations (#73) (a5657b1)
- theme: 💄 use semanticTokens (#68) (47ad0d5)
- revise links to be anchor (51d9afa)
1.7.0 (2021-12-01)
- remove unused import (fb6834a)
- blog: ♻️ avoid props object spreading (95c1c46)
- pages: ♻️ modularized page components (#53) (7a9816b)
- projects: 🎨 revise project card link (b6bca2b)
- theme: 💄 color mode improvements (#56) (67928a2)
- theme: 💄 custom scrollbar support for firefox (76c3ce6)
1.6.0 (2021-10-20)
- theme: 💄 apply custom scrollbar (f967221)
- pages: fix blog page link in home page (a2cce06)
- blog: 📦 porting from utterances to giscus (#48) (416d1e7)
- pages: revise to use more descriptive link text in home page (0e36a13)
1.5.1 (2021-10-17)
- pages: 💄 reduce spacing of social links in about page (bb3f077)
- pages: 💄 revamp homepage accents (b0ec6dc)
- add key to component list (0f243d2)
1.5.0 (2021-10-16)
- layout: 💬 add additional links in footer (0395f46)
- layout: 🚸 add header navigation and theme toggle tooltip (d2b1520)
- pages: ♻️ refactor about page (cc27e2c)
- pages: ♻️ refactor home page (8feb50f)
1.4.0 (2021-09-26)
- blog: ✨ add comment features - utterances (#33) (0255063)
- meta: add social meta (66cf9a7)
- projects: add portfolio link button (95f8941)
- seo: 🔍 setup next-seo and next-sitemap (#29) (2a22f61)
1.3.1 (2021-03-30)
- revert webpack5 (062781a)
1.3.0 (2021-03-29)
- analytics: implement google analytics (842f483)
1.2.0 (2021-03-23)
- accessibility: add image alts, html lang (1da83aa)
- projects: 🎨 remove animations, templateColumns (e761384)
1.1.0 (2021-01-16)
- components: add project thumbnail in project Card (bac9f86)
- enable cors (ad11cfb)
- api: serve featured apps info (#18) (584d3ac)
- pages: add post section to home page (4a57b14)
- dark patternbackground src (b34a373)