- SSL Strip
- SQL Injection
- Binary Exploitation
- SQL Attack Constraint Based
- DNS Reconnaissance – DNSRecon
- What is a DDoS Attack?
- Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF)?
- All you need to know about SYN floods
- "kernel: Possible SYN flooding on port X. Sending cookies" is logged
- SSL Strip for Newbies
- Cold Boot Attack
- Heartbleed Bug
- Shellshock
- Mirai Botnet
- Format string attack
- Off-by-one error
- HTTP Desync Attacks: Request Smuggling Reborn
- The SSL FREAK vulnerability explained
- Abusing HTTP hop-by-hop request headers
- Memcrashed - Major amplification attacks from UDP port 11211
- Analyzing the Attacks on my Website
- How does a TCP reset attack work
- Cracking the lens: targeting HTTP's hidden attack-surface
- Web Cache Entanglement: Novel Pathways to Poisoning
- Reading Data via CSS Injection
- Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which employ IP Source Address Spoofing
- SAD DNS Explained ✨ ⚡
- Hidden OAuth attack vectors
- HTTP request smuggling
- 0-day attacks using “keep-alive” connections
- CTF Field Guide ✨
- Buffer Overflow
- Sometimes HTTP > HTTPS
- Security list for fun and profit
- What “hacking” competitions/challenges exist?
- Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet ✨
- Beware of strncpy() and strncat()
- Lessons learned and misconceptions regarding encryption and cryptology ✨
- GOT and PLT for pwning
- A Look at The Draft for JWT Best Current Practices
- LiveOverflow Binary Hacking 📺
- Advanced web security topics
- Don't publicly expose .git ✨
- The State Of Software Security In 2019 🔒
- The definitive super list for "Google Hacking"
- A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF
- Now you C me, now you don't: An introduction to the hidden attack surface of interpreted languages
- Simple Bugs With Complex Exploits
- https://f0.holisticinfosecforwebdevelopers.com/toc.html
- Web for Pentesters
- Overthewire
- Crypto Challenges
- https://picoctf.com/
- https://pwnable.kr
- http://gracker.org/
- http://websec.fr/
- https://365.csaw.io/
- https://crackmes.one/
- So, You Want To Learn To Break Ciphers
- Alice & Bob : A History of The World’s Most Famous Cryptographic Couple
- Implementing AES
- A Stick Figure Guide to the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- An Intensive Introduction to Cryptography 📖
- First SHA1 Collision
- Myths about /dev/urandom
- The Joy of Cryptography
- Bcrypt Step by Step
- Bcrypt
- Why shouldn't we roll our own? ✨
- How to securely hash passwords?
- How To Safely Store A Password ⚡
- So you want to roll your own crypto?
- Lecture 13: Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange and the Discrete Log Problem by Christof Paar 📺