We are happy to accept contributions to softlayer-python. Please follow the guidelines below.
Sign our contributor agreement (CLA) You can find the CLA here.
If you're contributing on behalf of your employer we'll need a signed copy of our corporate contributor agreement (CCLA) as well. You can find the CCLA here.
Fork the repo, make your changes, and open a pull request.
Additional infomration can be found in our contribution guide
Code is tested and style checked with tox, you can run the tox tests individually by doing tox -e <TEST>
autopep8 -r -v -i --max-line-length 119 SoftLayer/
autopep8 -r -v -i --max-line-length 119 tests/
tox -e analysis
tox -e py36
git commit --message="#<ISSUENUMBER> <whatever you did>
git push origin <issueBranch>
- create pull request