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2018-11-12 |
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If you have problems or questions when using the IBM© Cloud Load Balancer Service, you can get help by searching for information or by asking questions through one of the forums listed below. You can also open a support ticket.
When using the forums to ask a question, tag your question so that it is seen by the IBM Cloud development teams.
- If you have technical questions about the IBM Cloud Load Balancer Service, post your question on Stack Overflow and tag your question with "lbaas" and "ibm-cloud".
- For questions about the service and getting started instructions, use the IBM developerWorks dW Answers forum. Include the "lbaas" and "ibm-cloud" tags.
See Getting help for more details about using the forums.
For information about opening an IBM support ticket, or about support levels and ticket severities, see Contacting support.