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mtd-cli is a command line client for Linux (other Unices should not be hard to support) to interface with the UK's HMRC Make Tax Digital API

It makes use of libmtdac

Build it

mtd-cli is primarily developed under Linux but it also builds and runs under FreeBSD.


Once you have the above library built and installed, building this is as simple as

$ make


$ gmake

or if you don't have GCC installed

gmake CC=clang

How to use

It's ready to use straight away, you can place the binary anywhere you like or just run it in place

$ src/mtd-cli

It has a fairly straightforward interface, essentially

mtd-cli init|init-creds|init-oauth|init-nino|bd|biss|bsas|ic|id|il|ob|sa|saac|vat|test-cu|test-fph [endpoint args ...]

The first argument specifies the API to interface with

  • init is for doing an initial setup, creating the JSON config files. This runs the equivalent of; init-creds, init-oauth & init-nino.

  • init-creds is for regenerating the creds.json file.

  • init-oauth is for doing a reauthorisation.

  • init-nino is for storing the National Insurance Number in the nino.json file.

  • bd is for interacting with the Business Details API.

  • sa is for interacting with the Self-Assessment API.

  • saac is for interacting with the Self-Assessment Accounts API.

  • ibeops is for interacting with the Individuals Business End of Period Statement API.

  • ic is for interacting with the Individual Calculations API.

  • id is for interacting with the Individuals Disclosures API.

  • il is for interacting with the Individual Loses API.

  • biss is for interacting with the Business Income Source Summary API.

  • bsas is for interacting with the Business Source Adjustable Summary API.

  • ob is for interacting with the Obligations API.

  • vat is for interacting with the VAT API.

  • test-cu is for interacting with the Create Test User API.

  • test-fph is for interacting with the Test Fraud Prevention Headers API.

init, oauth & config don't take any arguments.

bd supports the following commands

list get

with the following usage

$ mtd-cli bd list

$ mtd-cli bd get businessId

businessId is what used to be called selfEmploymentId

sa takes various arguments, the first of which is the endpoint of the API to connect to. These are


se-create-employment se-list-periods se-create-period se-get-period
se-update-period se-get-annual-summary se-update-annual-summary

UK Property Business

pb-create-property pb-list-non-fhl-periods
pb-create-non-fhl-period pb-get-non-fhl-period
pb-update-non-fhl-period pb-get-non-fhl-annual-summary
pb-update-non-fhl-annual-summary pb-list-fhl-periods pb-create-fhl-period
pb-get-fhl-period pb-update-fhl-period pb-get-fhl-annual-summary

Dividends Income

di-get-annual-summary di-update-annual-summary

Savings Accounts

sa-list-accounts sa-create-account sa-get-account sa-get-annual-summary

Charitable Giving

cg-get-charitable-giving cg-update-charitable-giving

The following shows each of the above and what arguments (if any) they take.

$ mtd-cli sa se-create-employment <file>

$ mtd-cli sa se-list-periods selfEmploymentId

$ mtd-cli sa se-create-period <file> selfEmploymentId

$ mtd-cli sa se-get-period selfEmploymentId periodId

$ mtd-cli sa se-update-period <file> selfEmploymentId periodId

$ mtd-cli sa se-get-annual-summary selfEmploymentId taxYear

$ mtd-cli sa se-update-annual-summary <file> selfEmploymentId taxYear

$ mtd-cli sa pb-create-property <file>

$ mtd-cli sa pb-list-non-fhl-periods

$ mtd-cli sa pb-create-non-fhl-period <file>

$ mtd-cli sa pb-get-non-fhl-period periodId

$ mtd-cli sa pb-update-non-fhl-period <file> periodId

$ mtd-cli sa pb-get-non-fhl-annual-summary taxYear

$ mtd-cli sa pb-update-non-fhl-annual-summary <file> taxYear

$ mtd-cli sa pb-list-fhl-periods

$ mtd-cli sa pb-create-fhl-period <file>

$ mtd-cli sa pb-get-fhl-period periodId

$ mtd-cli sa pb-update-fhl-period <file> periodId

$ mtd-cli sa pb-get-fhl-annual-summary taxYear

$ mtd-cli sa pb-update-fhl-annual-summary <file> taxYear

$ mtd-cli sa di-get-annual-summary taxYear

$ mtd-cli sa di-update-annual-summary <file> taxYear

$ mtd-cli sa sa-list-accounts

$ mtd-cli sa sa-create-account <file>

$ mtd-cli sa sa-get-account savingsAccountId

$ mtd-cli sa sa-get-annual-summary savingsAccountId taxYear

$ mtd-cli sa sa-update-annual-summary <file> savingsAccountId taxYear

$ mtd-cli sa cg-get-charitable-giving taxYear

$ mtd-cli sa cg-update-charitable-giving taxYear

selfEmploymentId is an 'id' as returned from 'mtd-cli sa se-list-employments'.

periodId is an 'id' as returned from 'mtd-cli sa *-list-periods ...'.

<file> is a file containing JSON in the appropriate format for the endpoint being used.

get-end-of-period-statement takes an optional query string.

Both the from & to parts are optional

$ mtd-cli sa get-end-of-period-statement XXXX1234567890 from=2020-01-01,to=2020-05-01

savingsAccountId is an 'id' as returned from 'mtd-cli sa sa-list-accounts'.

taxYear is in the form YYYY-YY

saac takes various arguments, the first of which is the endpoint of the API to connect to. These are

Payments and Liabilities

get-balance list-transactions get-transaction list-charges get-charge
list-payments get-payment

Coding Out Underpayments and Debts

co-get co-set co-delete

The following shows each of the above and what arguments (if any) they take.

$ mtd-cli saac get-balance

$ mtd-cli saac list-transactions from=YYYY-MM-DD,to=YYYY-MM-DD

$ mtd-cli saac get-transaction transactionId

$ mtd-cli saac list-charges from=YYYY-MM-DD,to=YYYY-MM-DD

$ mtd-cli saac get-charge transactionId

$ mtd-cli saac list-payments from=YYYY-MM-DD,to=YYYY-MM-DD

$ mtd-cli saac get-payment paymentId

$ mtd-cli saac co-get taxYear

$ mtd-cli saac co-set <file> taxYear

$ mtd-cli saac co-delete taxYear

transactionId is an 'id' as returned from 'mtd-cli saac list-transactions from to'.

paymentId is an 'id' as returned from 'mtd-cli saac list-payments from to'.

<file> is a JSON file that looks like

    "taxCodeComponents": {
        "payeUnderpayment": [
                "amount": 2000.50,
                "id": 1234567890
        "selfAssessmentUnderpayment": [
                "amount": 1123.45,
                "id": 4657839807
        "debt": [
                "amount": 100.25,
                "id": 2134693857
        "inYearAdjustment": {
            "amount": 123.45,
            "id": 9873562901

ibeops supports the following commands


with the following usage

$ mtd-cli ibeops submit-end-of-period-statement <file>

<file> is a JSON file that looks like

    "typeOfBusiness": "self-employment",
    "businessId": "XAIS12345678910",
    "accountingPeriod" : {
        "startDate": "2021-04-06",
        "endDate": "2022-04-05"
    "finalised": true

ic supports the following commands

TAX Calculations

list-calculations trigger-calculation get-calculation

Final Declaration


with the following usage

$ mtd-cli ic list-calculations [taxYear=YYYY-YY]

$ mtd-cli ic trigger-calculation [finalDeclaration={true,false}]

$ mtd-cli ic get-calculation taxYear calculationId

$ mtd-cli ic final-declaration taxYear calculationId

calculationId is an 'id' as returned by the 'mtd-cli ic list-calculations' command.

id supports the following commands

get set delete

Marriage Allowance


with the following usage

$ mtd-cli id get taxYear

$ mtd-cli id set <file> taxYear

$ mtd-cli id delete taxYear

$ mtd-cli id ma-create <file>

taxYear is a tax year in the form YYYY-YY

mtd-cli id get: <file> is a JSON file that looks like

    "taxAvoidance": [
            "srn": "14211123",
            "taxYear": "2020-21"
    "class2Nics": {
        "class2VoluntaryContributions": true

mtd-cli id ma-create: <file> is a JSON file that looks like

    "spouseOrCivilPartnerNino": "TC663795B",
    "spouseOrCivilPartnerFirstName": "John",
    "spouseOrCivilPartnerSurname": "Smith",
    "spouseOrCivilPartnerDateOfBirth": "1987-10-18"

il supports the following commands

Brought Forward Loses

bf-list-loses bf-create-loss bf-get-loss bf-delete-loss bf-update-loss-amnt

Loss Claims

lc-list-loses lc-create-loss lc-get-loss lc-delete-loss lc-update-loss-type

with the following usage

$ mtd-cli il bf-list-loses [[businessId=][,[taxYearBroughtForwardFrom=YYYY-YY][,[typeOfLoss={self-employment,uk-property-fhl,uk-property-non-fhl}]]]]

$ mtd-cli il bf-create-loss <file>

<file> is a JSON file that looks like

    "taxYearBroughtForwardFrom": "2020-21",
    "businessId": "XBIS12345678910",
    "typeOfLoss": "self-employment",
    "lossAmount": 5001.99
$ mtd-cli il bf-get-loss lossId

$ mtd-cli il bf-delete-loss lossId

$ mtd-cli il bf-update-loss-amnt <file> lossId

<file> is a JSON file that looks like

    "lossAmount": 12345.67
$ mtd-cli il lc-list-loses [[businessId=][,[taxYearClaimedFor=YYYY-YY][,[typeOfLoss={self-employment,uk-property-non-fhl,foreign-property}][,[typeOfClaim=carry-sideways]]]]]

$ mtd-cli il lc-create-loss <file>

<file> is a JSON file that looks like

    "businessId": "XBIS12356589871",
    "typeOfLoss": "self-employment",
    "typeOfClaim": "carry-forward",
    "taxYearClaimedFor": "2019-20"
$ mtd-cli il lc-get-loss claimId

$ mtd-cli il lc-delete-loss claimId

$ mtd-cli il lc-update-loss-type <file> claimId

<file> is a JSON file that looks like

    "typeOfClaim": "carry-forward"
$ mtd-cli il lc-update-loss-order <file> taxYearClaimedFor

<file> is a JSON file that looks like

    "typeOfClaim": "carry-sideways",
    "listOfLossClaims": [
            "claimId": "1234567890ABCDE",
            "sequence": 2
            "claimId": "1234567890ABDE0",
            "sequence": 3
            "claimId": "1234567890ABEF1",
            "sequence": 1

lossId is an 'id' as returned by the 'mtd-cli il bf-list-loses' command

claimId is an 'id' as returned by the 'mtd-cli il lc-list-loses' command

biss has the following endpoints


with the following usage

$ mtd-cli biss get-summary typeOfBusiness taxYear businessId

bsas has the following endpoints

list-summaries trigger-summary


se-get-summary se-update-summary-adjustments

UK Property Business

pb-get-summary pb-update-summary-adjustments

Foreign Property Business

fp-get-summary fp-update-summary-adjustments

with the following usage

$ mtd-cli bsas list-summaries [[selfEmploymentId=][,[typeOfBusiness={self-employment,uk-property-non-fhl,uk-property-fhl,foreign-property-fhl-eea,foreign-property}][,[taxYear=YYYY-YY]]]]

$ mtd-cli bsas trigger-summary <file>

$ mtd-cli bsas se-get-summary calculationId

$ mtd-cli bsas se-update-summary-adjustments <file> calculationId

$ mtd-cli bsas pb-get-summary calculationId

$ mtd-cli bsas pb-update-summary-adjustments <file> calculationId

$ mtd-cli bsas fp-get-summary calculationId

$ mtd-cli bsas fp-update-summary-adjustments <file> calculationId

bsasId is as returned by 'mtd-cli bsas list-summaries'.

ob has the following endpoints

list-inc-and-exp-obligations list-crystallisation-obligations

with the following usage

$ mtd-cli ob list-inc-and-exp-obligations [[typeOfBusiness={self-employment,uk-property,foreign-property}][,[businessId=]][,[fromDate=YYYY-MM-DD]][,[toDate=YYYY-MM-DD]][,[status={Open,Fulfilled}]]]

$ mtd-cli ob list-crystallisation-obligation [taxYear=YYYY-MM]

$ mtd-cli ob list-end-of-period-obligations [[typeOfBusiness={self-employment,uk-property,foreign-property}][,[businessId=]][,[fromDate=YYYY-MM-DD]][,[toDate=YYYY-MM-DD]][,[status={Open,Fulfilled}]]]

businessId is what used to be called selfEmploymentId

vat has the following commands

list-obligations submit-period get-period list-liabilities list-payments

with the following usage

$ mtd-cli vat list-obligations vrn [from=YYY-MM-DD][,[to=YYYY-MM-DD]][,[status=O|F]]

$ mtd-cli vat submit-period <file> vrn

$ mtd-cli vat get-period vrn periodKek

$ mtd-cli vat list-liabilities vrn from=YYYY-MM-DD,to=YYYY-MM-DD

$ mtd-cli vat list-payments vrn from=YYYY-MM-DD,to=YYYY-MM-DD

vrn is the VAT Registration Number

In the query string, status=; O is open and F is Fulfilled. Omit status to retrieve all obligations.

<file> is a JSON file that looks like

    "periodKey": "A001",
    "vatDueSales": 105.50,
    "vatDueAcquisitions": -100.45,
    "totalVatDue": 5.05,
    "vatReclaimedCurrPeriod": 105.15,
    "netVatDue": 100.10,
    "totalValueSalesExVAT": 300,
    "totalValuePurchasesExVAT": 300,
    "totalValueGoodsSuppliedExVAT": 3000,
    "totalAcquisitionsExVAT": 3000,
    "finalised": true

test-cu has the following commands

create-individual create-organisation create-agent list-service

with the following usage

$ mtd-cli test-cu create-individual <file>

$ mtd-cli test-cu create-organisation <file>

$ mtd-cli test-cu create-agent <file>

$ mtd-cli test-cu list-service

<file> is a JSON file containing a list of service names

test-fph has the following commands

validate feedback

with the following usage

$ mtd-cli test-fph validate


api is the Making Tax Digital API to retrieve the validation information for and can be one of the following


When running you will get a JSON response in both cases of error and success. The response(s) will be wrapped in an array to cater for multiple responses being returned in the case of re-directs occurring. E.g

$ ./mtd-cli sa list-periods XXXX1234567890
        "status_code": 200,
        "status_str": "OK",
        "url": "",
        "method": "GET",
        "xid": "cdadffb4-3836-4062-a84c-c03d9f28ff00",
        "date": "2022-01-03T20:55:46.021Z",
        "result": [
                "id": "2020-04-06_2020-07-04",
                "from": "2020-04-06",
                "to": "2020-07-04"
                "id": "2020-07-05_2020-10-05",
                "from": "2020-07-05",
                "to": "2020-10-05"

in the case of multiple responses

$ ./mtd-cli sa cr-intent-to-crystallise 2018-19
        "status_code": 303,
        "status_str": "See Other",
        "url": "",
        "method": "POST",
        "xid": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c253",
        "date": "2022-01-03T20:55:46.021Z",
        "result": null
        "status_code": 200,
        "status_str": "OK",
        "url": "",
        "method": "GET",
        "xid": "a1e8057e-fbbc-47a8-a8b4-78d9f015c253",
        "date": "2022-01-03T20:55:51.345Z",
        "result": {

or in case of error

$ ./mtd-cli sa list-periods xxx
        "status_code": 404,
        "status_str": "Not Found",
        "url": "",
        "method": "GET",
        "xid": "dc1411d0-5ae4-48b8-84e0-4c5379b245b8",
        "date": "2022-01-03T20:55:46.021Z",
        "result": null

Environment variables

Currently there are two environment variables that can bet set to control behaviour


This can be used to override the default log level (MTD_OPT_LOG_ERR).

Currently recognised values are; debug & info


This can be used to disable the sending of 'Fraud Prevention Headers', set it to

true or 1


This can be used to set extra HTTP headers to be sent.

Currently only one header is supported which should be sufficient for setting the Gov-Test-Scenario Test API header. e.g

MTD_CLI_HDRS="Gov-Test-Scenario: NO_SUBMISSIONS_EXIST" mtd-cli sa cr-intent-to-crystallise 2018-19


This is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2

See COPYING in the repository root for details.


See &