Methods used to manage the user's account.
.. http:get:: /userData.json Information about the logged in user. .. sourcecode:: http GET /userData.json HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "country": "AT", "currencies": [ { "code": "EUR", "symbol": "€" }, { "code": "USD", "symbol": "$" } ], "selectedCurrency": { "code": "EUR", "symbol": "€" }, "preferredLanguage": { "code": "en", "name": "English" }, "ratingBrand": "PEGI", "isLoggedIn": true, "checksum": { "cart": null, "games": "c1fc44f3808bd755560e1b00d34451a1", "wishlist": "fcfd279ac1042f8baf8e659729ab1b89", "reviews_votes": null, "games_rating": null }, "updates": { "messages": 0, "pendingFriendRequests": 0, "unreadChatMessages": 0, "products": 0, "forum": 0, "total": 0 }, "userId": "48628349971017", "username": "Yepoleb", "email": "[email protected]", "personalizedProductPrices": [], "personalizedSeriesPrices": [] }
.. http:get:: /user/set-redirect-url Sets URL to redirect to after login. You shouldn't need this with a native client which is always logged in. :query url: Redirect URL, the only accepted value seems to be ``checkout`` **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /user/set-redirect-url?url=checkout HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: No content
.. http:get:: /user/reviewTipsStatus.json Checks if the user has read the tips that pop up before you can write your first review. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /user/reviewTipsStatus.json HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "userId": "48628349971017", "readTips": false }
.. http:get:: /users/info/(int:user_id) Returns the public information about a user. :query str expand: Additional sections to request. Possible values: friendStatus, wishlistStatus, blockedStatus :resjson int friendStatus.status: * ANONYMOUS_USER = 0: No special relationship with this user. * INVITED_USER = 1: You have sent this user a friend request. * INVITED_BY_USER = 2: You have received a friend request from this user. * FRIEND = 3: You are friends with this user. :resjson int friendStatus.dateCreated: Timestamp of when a friend request was sent or ``null``. :resjson int friendStatus.dateAccepted: Timestamp of when a friend request was accepted or ``null``. :resjson int wishlistStatus.sharing: * WISHLIST_PRIVATE = 0 * WISHLIST_PUBLIC = 1 * WISHLIST_FOR_FRIENDS = 2 **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /users/info/48628349971017?expand=friendStatus,wishlistStatus,blockedStatus HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "id": "48628349971017", "username": "Yepoleb", "userSince": 1449237763, "avatars": { "small": "", "small2x": "", "medium": "", "medium2x": "", "large": "", "large2x": "" }, "friendStatus": { "id": "48628349971017", "status": 0, "dateCreated": null, "dateAccepted": null }, "wishlistStatus": { "sharing": 2, "url": "" }, "blockedStatus": { "blocked": false }, "chatStatus": { "url": "", "isChatRestricted": false } }
.. http:get:: /user/data/games List of games and movies the account owns. Use :http:get:`/account/getFilteredProducts` for more than just the IDs. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /user/data/games HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "owned": [ 1207658691, 1207658713, 1207658805, 1207658924, 1207658930, 1207658945, 1207658957, 1929434313, 1949616134, 1432207890, 1444035366, 1444036272, 1443696086 ] }
.. http:get:: /account/gameDetails/(int:game_id).json Returns detailed information about a game. Seems to work with movies as well, but they have their own method. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /account/gameDetails/1207658691.json HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "title": "Unreal Tournament 2004 Editor's Choice Edition", "backgroundImage": "//", "cdKey": "", "textInformation": "", "downloads": [ [ "English", { "windows": [ { "manualUrl": "/downlink/unreal_tournament_2004_ece/en1installer3", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://unreal_tournament_2004_ece/installer_win_en", "name": "Unreal Tournament 2004 Editor's Choice Edition (Part 1 of 3)", "version": null, "date": "", "size": "1 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downlink/unreal_tournament_2004_ece/en1installer4", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://unreal_tournament_2004_ece/installer_win_en", "name": "Unreal Tournament 2004 Editor's Choice Edition (Part 2 of 3)", "version": null, "date": "", "size": "1.5 GB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downlink/unreal_tournament_2004_ece/en1installer5", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://unreal_tournament_2004_ece/installer_win_en", "name": "Unreal Tournament 2004 Editor's Choice Edition (Part 3 of 3)", "version": null, "date": "", "size": "507 MB" } ] } ] ], "extras": [ { "manualUrl": "/downlink/file/unreal_tournament_2004_ece/6093", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://unreal_tournament_2004_ece/6093", "name": "manual (33 pages)", "type": "manuals", "info": 1, "size": "2 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downlink/file/unreal_tournament_2004_ece/6073", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://unreal_tournament_2004_ece/6073", "name": "HD wallpapers", "type": "wallpapers", "info": 12, "size": "115 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downlink/file/unreal_tournament_2004_ece/6083", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://unreal_tournament_2004_ece/6083", "name": "avatars", "type": "avatars", "info": 8, "size": "1 MB" } ], "dlcs": [], "tags": [], "isPreOrder": false, "releaseTimestamp": 1227585600, "messages": [], "changelog": null, "forumLink": "", "isBaseProductMissing": false, "missingBaseProduct": null }
.. http:get:: /account/movieDetails/(int:movie_id).json Returns detailed information about a movie. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /account/movieDetails/1207665463.json HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "title": "Art of Playing, The", "backgroundImage": "//", "cdKey": "", "textInformation": "", "downloads": [ { "manualUrl": "/downlink/the_art_of_playing/en1video1", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://the_art_of_playing/video_en1video1", "playerUrl": "", "name": "The Art of Playing (1080p)", "size": "1.1 GB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downlink/the_art_of_playing/en1video2", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://the_art_of_playing/video_en1video2", "playerUrl": "", "name": "The Art of Playing (720p)", "size": "382 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downlink/the_art_of_playing/en1video3", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://the_art_of_playing/video_en1video3", "playerUrl": "", "name": "The Art of Playing (576p)", "size": "163 MB" } ], "extras": [ { "manualUrl": "/downlink/file/the_art_of_playing/34143", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://the_art_of_playing/34143", "name": "wallpaper", "type": "wallpapers", "info": 1, "size": "1 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downlink/file/the_art_of_playing/34213", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://the_art_of_playing/34213", "name": "trailer", "type": "video", "info": 1, "size": "92 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downlink/file/the_art_of_playing/34553", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://the_art_of_playing/34553", "name": "subtitles (English)", "type": "game add-ons", "info": 1, "size": "1 MB" }, { "manualUrl": "/downlink/file/the_art_of_playing/37973", "downloaderUrl": "gogdownloader://the_art_of_playing/37973", "name": "subtitle pack", "type": "game add-ons", "info": 1, "size": "1 MB" } ], "dlcs": [], "tags": [], "isPreOrder": false, "releaseTimestamp": 693612000, "messages": [], "changelog": null, "forumLink": "", "isBaseProductMissing": false, "missingBaseProduct": null }
.. http:get:: /user/games_rating.json Returns the products the account has rated. Rating numbers are stars * 10 **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /user/games_rating.json HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "games_rating": { "1207658957": 40, "1207659032": 50 }, "checksum": "175d07086bff9322646f1dad2749483e" }
.. http:get:: /user/review_votes.json Returns review IDs the user has voted on. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /user/review_votes.json HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "reviews": [ 123456, 1112223 ], "checksum": "76c03aa67251e46db3271adf4641b815" }
.. http:post:: /account/hideProduct/(int:product_id) Hides a product from your library. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /user/hideProduct/1430740458 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:post:: /account/revealProduct/(int:product_id) Unhides a product from your library. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /user/revealProduct/1430740458 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:get:: /user/wishlist.json Returns the wishlist of the account. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /user/wishlist.json HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "wishlist": { "1207658750": true, "1207658928": true, "1207658986": true, "1207659002": true, "1207659023": true, "1437553673": true, "1440407371": true, "1452863689": true, "1893001152": true, "1948823323": true }, "checksum": "e7c70b9b758318ed2f08b4450272296c" }
.. http:get:: /user/wishlist/add/(int:product_id) Adds a product to the wishlist and returns the new list. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /user/wishlist/add/1207658750 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: Same as :http:get:`/user/wishlist.json`
.. http:get:: /user/wishlist/remove/(int:product_id) Removes a product from the wishlist and returns the new list. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /user/wishlist/remove/1207658750 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: Same as :http:get:`/user/wishlist.json`
.. http:post:: /account/tags/attach Adds a tag to a product. :query int product_id: Product ID to add the tag to :query int tag_id: ID of the tag to attach **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /account/tags/attach?product_id=1430740458&tag_id=301045732 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "success": true }
.. http:post:: /account/tags/detach Removes a tag to a product. :query int product_id: Product ID to remote the tag from :query int tag_id: ID of the tag to detach **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /account/tags/detach?product_id=1430740458&tag_id=301045732 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "success": true }
.. http:post:: /account/tags/add Creates a new tag. :query str name: Name of the new tag **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /account/tags/add?name=MYTAG HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "id": "301045732" }
.. http:post:: /account/tags/delete Deletes a tag. :query int tag_id: ID of the tag to delete **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /account/tags/delete?tag_id=301045732 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "status": "deleted" }
.. http:post:: /account/tags/update Updates the tag list. Data isn't actually posted but included as a query parameter *(wat!?)*. :query json tags: URL-encoded json data of the tags **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /account/tags/update?tags=%5B%7B%22id%22:%22301045732%22... HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example request data**: This is the urldecoded content of the query parameter. .. sourcecode:: json [{ "id": "372082953", "name": "MYTAG" }, { "id": "243982903", "name": "COMPLETED", "productCount": "12" }, { "id": "243982893", "name": "NEXT TO PLAY", "productCount": "4" }, { "id": "243982883", "name": "BACKLOG", "productCount": "0" }, { "id": "243982873", "name": "FAVORITE", "productCount": "0" }] **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "status": "updated" }
.. http:get:: /account/save_birthday/(str:date) Sets the birthday. :param date: Date in ISO 8601 format **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /account/save_birthday/2000-12-31 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:get:: /account/save_country/(str:country) Sets the country. :param country: Country as ISO 3166 code **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /account/save_country/AT HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:get:: /account/save_newsletter_subscription/(bool:subscribed) Enable notifications for releases and announcements. :param subscribed: 0 (unsubscribe), 1 (subscribe) **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /account/save_newsletter_subscription/1 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:get:: /account/save_promo_subscription/(bool:subscribed) Enable notifications for promos and deals. :param subscribed: 0 (unsubscribe), 1 (subscribe) **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /account/save_promo_subscription/1 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:get:: /account/save_wishlist_notification/(bool:subscribed) Enable notifications for whishlist items on sale. :param subscribed: 0 (unsubscribe), 1 (subscribe) **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /account/save_wishlist_notification/1 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:get:: /account/save_sharing_wishlist/(int:privacy) Sets if the wishlist is public. :param privacy: Can be 0 (nobody), 1 (everyone) or 2 (friends only) **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /account/save_sharing_wishlist/1 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:get:: /account/save_chat_privacy/(int:privacy) Sets the chat privacy setting. :param privacy: Can be 0 (nobody), 1 (anyone) or 2 (friends only) **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /account/save_chat_privacy/1 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:get:: /account/save_search_privacy/(bool:privacy) Changes if the user can be found by name or email. :param privacy: * 0 (search disabled) * 1 (search enabled) **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /account/save_search_privacy/1 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:post:: /account/logout_all_sessions **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /account/logout_all_sessions HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:get:: /user/changeCurrency/(str:currency) Changes the default currency. :param currency: ISO 4217 currency code, currently available: USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, RUB, PLN, CAD, CHF, NOK, SEK and DKK. Please only use the ones listed in :http:get:`/userData.json`. :type currency: str **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /user/changeCurrency/EUR HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:get:: /user/changeLanguage/(str:language) Changes the used locale. :param language: Language to use, possible values: de-DE, en-US, fr-FR, pt-BR, ru-RU, zh-Hans :type language: str **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /user/changeLanguage/de HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:post:: /account/save_shelf_background/(str:background_name) Sets the library shelf style. :param background_name: One of wood, mate_black, glass, chrome, white, piano_black. :type background_name: str **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /account/save_shelf_background/glass HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {}
.. http:post:: /account/avatar Upload a profile avatar. This request uses the domain instead of the regular **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /account/avatar HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[]"; filename="avatar.png" Content-Type: image/png **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "avatars": { "small": "https:\/\/\/d7d8e3ed8ad2d9fd3557c83c4237a913b14e621c84e21fab594a9d961cd98fe4_avs.jpg", "small_2x": "https:\/\/\/d7d8e3ed8ad2d9fd3557c83c4237a913b14e621c84e21fab594a9d961cd98fe4_avs2.jpg", "medium": "https:\/\/\/d7d8e3ed8ad2d9fd3557c83c4237a913b14e621c84e21fab594a9d961cd98fe4_avm.jpg", "medium_2x": "https:\/\/\/d7d8e3ed8ad2d9fd3557c83c4237a913b14e621c84e21fab594a9d961cd98fe4_avm2.jpg", "large": "https:\/\/\/d7d8e3ed8ad2d9fd3557c83c4237a913b14e621c84e21fab594a9d961cd98fe4_avl.jpg", "large_2x": "https:\/\/\/d7d8e3ed8ad2d9fd3557c83c4237a913b14e621c84e21fab594a9d961cd98fe4_avl2.jpg" } }
.. http:post:: /friends/search Search for GOG users. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /friends/search HTTP/1.1 Host: { "query": "Yepoleb" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "id": "48628349971017", "galaxyUserId": "48628349957132247", "username": "Yepoleb", "userSince": 1449237763, "avatars": { "small": "https:\/\/\/d7d8e3ed8ad2d9fd3557c83c4237a913b14e621c84e21fab594a9d961cd98fe4_avs.jpg", "small2x": "https:\/\/\/d7d8e3ed8ad2d9fd3557c83c4237a913b14e621c84e21fab594a9d961cd98fe4_avs2.jpg", "medium": "https:\/\/\/d7d8e3ed8ad2d9fd3557c83c4237a913b14e621c84e21fab594a9d961cd98fe4_avm.jpg", "medium2x": "https:\/\/\/d7d8e3ed8ad2d9fd3557c83c4237a913b14e621c84e21fab594a9d961cd98fe4_avm2.jpg", "large": "https:\/\/\/d7d8e3ed8ad2d9fd3557c83c4237a913b14e621c84e21fab594a9d961cd98fe4_avl.jpg", "large2x": "https:\/\/\/d7d8e3ed8ad2d9fd3557c83c4237a913b14e621c84e21fab594a9d961cd98fe4_avl2.jpg" } }
.. http:get:: /friends/invite/(int:user_id) Send a friend invite to a user. **Warning: Response is not an object and may break certain JSON decoders.** **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /friends/invite/17081829469374 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json "ok"
.. http:get:: /friends/remove/(int:user_id) Removes a friend from your friends list. **Warning: Response is not an object and may break certain JSON decoders.** **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /friends/remove/17081829469374 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json "ok"
.. http:get:: /friends/invites/(int:user_id)/accept Accepts a friend invite. **Warning: Response is not an object and may break certain JSON decoders.** **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /friends/invites/17081829469374/accept HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json "ok"
.. http:get:: /friends/invites/(int:user_id)/decline Declines a friend invite. **Warning: Response is not an object and may break certain JSON decoders.** **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /friends/invites/17081829469374/decline HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json "ok"
.. http:get:: /users/(int:user_id)/block Block communication from a user. **Warning: Response is not an object and may break certain JSON decoders.** **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /friends/17081829469374/block HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json "ok"
.. http:get:: /users/(int:user_id)/unblock Unblock communication from a user. **Warning: Response is not an object and may break certain JSON decoders.** **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /friends/17081829469374/unblock HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json "ok"