As first argument, the api url should be provided. Base url can be defined afterwards using config method.
import { Api } from "@xbyorange/mercury-api";
const booksCollection = new Api("/books");
As second argument, a configuration object can be passed. This will define the default configuration, that can be overriden again in any moment using the config
method. In the next example, default configuration is shown:
const booksCollection = new Api("/books", {
tags: [],
baseUrl: "",
readMethod: "get",
updateMethod: "patch",
createMethod: "post",
deleteMethod: "delete",
authErrorStatus: 401,
authErrorHandler: null,
onBeforeRequest: null,
onceBeforeRequest: null,
expirationTime: 0,
retries: 3,
cache: true,
fullResponse: false,
validateStatus: status => status >= 200 && status < 300,
validateReponse: null,
errorHandler: error => {
const errorMessage =
(error.response && error.response.statusText) || error.message || "Request error";
const errorToReturn = new Error(errorMessage); = error.response &&;
return Promise.reject(errorToReturn);
Use the
method to override configuration properties at any moment. (ExceptdefaultValue
option, that can't be modified using this method)
baseUrl: "http://localhost:3100"