A Streamdeck plugin for Raceroom, built to make box-this-laps easier
Depending on the options set in this button, when pressed, you may request box this lap with prefered pit-options. In this button we have a table of pitstop-options. You can select more than one option here. If 'Use only toggle buttons' is not checked, this button will use these options instead, ignoring the state of the visible toggle buttons.
This button have two states. When pressed, it may take some time for it to finish, and it blinks between the two states while executing the pit-stop actions.
You can set the title and icons to your liking.
There are several options for this button.
* Use only toggle buttons
When checked, this button will only used the options from the visible toggle buttons.
If a toggle-button is active (green outlined), it will select its option for the pit-menu.
If a toggle-button has a faint yellow outline, it deselects its option in the pit-menu if it is already active.
* Request box this lap when pressed
If checked, the pit-options will be set, and if successful, it requests box this lap.
Otherwise, it only changes the pit-options in the menu.
* Close pit menu when finished
If pit-stop actions in the menu is set successfully, the pit-menu will be closed if this is checked.
The purpose of the toggle button is to toggle which pit-stop action you want to do before you request box this lap. You can only select one pit-option for this button. The option selected will be active for the pitstop- request when the button has a green outline, and not active when the button has a faint yellow outline. Note that the pit-options will not be applied directly ingame when the toggle-buttons is pressed. The ingame pitstop-options is set when a request box button is pressed. You can set the title of the toggle-button to whatever you want, preferably similar to the set option, and you can also set the different background icons for the different states.
This fuel-option calculates the required fuel for the session. It relies on your best lap-time (if running a timed session), and Racerooms internal calculation of fuel/lap.
If there is no valid lap-time (if running a timed session), or no valid fuel/lap calculation, a box-this-lap will not be requested, and the pit-menu will not be closed to notify you about that. It is recommened to drive a couple of clean laps with good average laptimes, to get the best approximation of how much fuel is required til the end of the session.
No responsibility from my end will be taken if you end up with not enough fuel in the end of the session.
If you request box this lap and some options are not available in the pit-menu, the pit-stop execution may leave the pit-menu open and not request box this lap, even if the 'Close pit menu when finished is checked' in the request box button.
The purpose for this is to notify the driver some important pitstop-options did not work.
This will happen when:
these options are active or not:
* Change tires
* Refuel (i.e. this can happen if the 'Calc' option is set with no valid lap-times)
these options are active:
* Serve penalty
* Driver change
The fix options (bodywork, suspension and so on) will be ignored, even if active.
The pit-stop execution will try to set all the pit-options, even if it failed with some of the options.
If you want to manually alter any pit-menu settings, let the pit-stop execution finish (the request box button stops blinking).