- UDP broadcast on Ubuntu needs the following UFW rule:
- ufw allow from to any port 60000 proto udp
- Out of the box, MacOS doesn't support UDP broadcast on the loopback interface. Binding to INADDR_ANY binds to the actual interface and seems to work ok for use with uhppoted and the simulation.
- https://github.com/nomeata/udp-broadcast-relay
- https://github.com/udp-redux/udp-broadcast-relay-redux
- https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=11818.0
- https://networkengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/71202/how-to-route-incoming-udp-unicast-traffic-to-multiple-computers
- CloudFlare CFSSL
- github:CloudFlare CFSSL
- OpenSSL Certificate Authority
- Chrome requires a Subject Alternative Address of the form DNS:,IP:
- If using the OpenSSL Certificate Authorityguide, update the server_cert section of the intermediate CA openssl.cnf with
[ server_cert ]
subjectAltName = DNS:<hostname>,IP:<IP address>
The current MQTTD sign-then-encrypt implementation knowingly allows for surreptitious forwarding - MQTT 3.1x does not provide a way to identify the actual sender of a message. This does somewhat impact system security e.g.:
- a geo-fenced access control system that requires a user to be present in an area to open a door can be co-operatively circumvented if the authorised user not inside the geo-fenced area sends a signed 'OPEN' request to a non-authorised user inside the geo-fenced area who then forwards it to the access control system.
- https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/8139/secure-encrypt-then-sign-with-rsa
- http://world.std.com/~dtd/sign_encrypt/sign_encrypt7.html
- https://askubuntu.com/questions/1093591/how-should-i-change-encryption-according-to-warning-deprecated-key-derivat
- https://superuser.com/questions/1016696/using-a-hash-other-than-sha1-for-oaep-with-openssl-cli
- https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/185083/specifying-rsa-oaep-label-via-openssl-command-line
- https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/202/should-we-mac-then-encrypt-or-encrypt-then-mac
- exec.Command("say", "beep").Run()