Before submitting a new release, make sure all relevant pull requests and local branches have been merged to the master
branch. All tests must pass before a release is tagged.
Update the AUTHORS and .mailmap file
git checkout master
git log --use-mailmap | grep ^Author: | cut -f2- -d' ' | sort | uniq > AUTHORS
git commit -am "Update AUTHORS"
We currently don't have any automation to generate the content of CHANGELOG. A possible way to collect all changes made since the last version is to look at the merged pull requests. Issue numbers in branch will lead you also to the relevant tickets on
Version numbers are incremented regarding the SemVer 1.0.0 specification.
Update the version number in metadata.json
Commit all changes to the master
git commit -v -a -m "Release version <VERSION>"
git push
Tag the release
git tag -m "Version <VERSION>" v<VERSION>
Push tags
git push --tags
TODO: Write Puppet Forge workflow.