diff --git a/extensions/obviousAlexC/penPlus.js b/extensions/obviousAlexC/penPlus.js index 769199f8fc..857e55028c 100644 --- a/extensions/obviousAlexC/penPlus.js +++ b/extensions/obviousAlexC/penPlus.js @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ ! Herobrine? */ -/* generated l10n code */Scratch.translate.setup({"ca":{"_Advanced":"Avançat"},"cs":{"_Advanced":"Pokročilé"},"de":{"_Advanced":"Erweitert","_Images":"Bilder"},"es":{"_Advanced":"Avanzado"},"fi":{"_Advanced":"Edistykselliset","_Blue Tint":"sinisen sävy","_Clamp":"pidä paikallaan","_Closest":"lähin","_Color":"Väri","_Cubemaps":"Kuutiotekstuurit","_Custom Shaders":"Varjostimet","_Erase Depth":"pyyhi syvyys","_Extras":"Lisälohkot","_Green Tint":"vihreän sävy","_Height":"korkeus","_Images":"Kuvat","_Linear":"lineaarinen","_List Based Rendering":"Listapohjainen renderöinti","_Mirrored":"peilikuva","_Pen Properties":"Kynän ominaisuudet","_Pen+ Costumes":"Kynä + -asusteet","_Pen+ V7":"Kynä + V7","_Pen+ version":"Kynä + -laajennuksen versio","_Red Tint":"punaisen sävy","_Render Textures":"Renderöintitekstuurit","_Repeat":"toista","_Rotation":"kierto","_Shader Editor":"Varjostineditori","_Shader Manager":"Varjostinten hallinta","_Square Pen Blocks":"Neliökynän lohkot","_Transparency":"läpinäkyvyys","_Triangle Blocks":"Kolmiolohkot","_U value":"U-arvo","_U-Multiplier":"U-kerroin","_U-Offset":"U-siirros","_V value":"V-arvo","_V-Multiplier":"V-kerroin","_V-Offset":"V-siirros","_Width":"leveys","_add blank image that is [color] and the size of [width], [height] named [name] to Pen+ Library":"lisää [name] -niminen tyhjä kuva, joka on [color] ja kooltaan [width], [height], Kynä + -kirjastoon ","_add image named [name] from [dataURI] to Pen+ Library":"lisää [name] -niminen kuva osoitteesta [dataURI] Kynä + -kirjastoon","_allow 'Corner Pinch < 1'":"salli 'kulman kavennus < 1'","_blue tint":"sinisen sävy","_brightness":"kirkkaus","_clamp depth value":"pidä syvyysarvo paikallaan","_clear pen from [name]":"palauta kynä tekstuurista [name]","_clock-wise":"myötäpäivään","_color":"väri","_corner pinch":"reunan kavennus","_counter clock-wise":"vastapäivään","_create cubemap named [name] from left [left] right [right] back [back] front [front] bottom [bottom] top [top]":"luo [name] -niminen kuutiotekstuuri asusteilla vasen [left], oikea [right], taka [back], etu [front], ala [bottom] ja ylä [top]","_create render texture named [name]":"luo [name] -niminen renderöintitekstuuri","_create render texture named [name] of size [width] [height]":"luo [name] -niminen renderöintitekstuuri koolla [width] [height]","_data uri of pen layer":"kynätason data uri","_define solid tri [x1] [y1] [c1], [x2] [y2] [c2] and [x3] [y3] [c3]":"määrittele kolmio [x1] [y1] [c1], [x2] [y2] [c2] ja [x3] [y3] [c3]","_define textured tri [x1] [y1] [c1], [x2] [y2] [c2] and [x3] [y3] [c3] with the uv's [u1] [v1], [u2] [v2] and [u3] [v3]":"määrittele kolmio [x1] [y1] [c1], [x2] [y2] [c2] ja [x3] [y3] [c3] uv:lla [u1] [v1], [u2] [v2] ja [u3] [v3]","_depth value":"syvyysarvo","_does [name] exist as a cubemap":"onko kuutiotekstuuri [name] olemassa","_does [name] exist in Pen+ Library":"onko [name] Kynä + -kirjastossa","_does render texture named [name] exist?":"onko [name] -niminen renderöintitekstuuri olemassa?","_draw dot at [x] [y]":"piirrä piste sijaintiin [x] [y]","_draw line from [x1] [y1] to [x2] [y2]":"piirrä jana pisteestä [x1] [y1] pisteeseen [x2] [y2]","_draw shader triangles from list [list] using [shader]":"piirrä kolmioita listasta [list] varjostimella [shader]","_draw solid triangles from list [list]":"piirrä tasavärisiä kolmioita listasta [list]","_draw square using [shader]":"piirrä neliö varjostimella [shader]","_draw textured triangle between [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] and [x3] [y3] with the texture [tex]":"piirrä kolmio [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] ja [x3] [y3] kohteen [tex] tekstuurilla","_draw textured triangles from list [list] using [tex]":"piirrä kolmioita listasta [list] tekstuurilla [tex]","_draw triangle between [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] and [x3] [y3]":"piirrä kolmio pisteiden [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] ja [x3] [y3] väliin","_draw triangle using [shader] between [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] and [x3] [y3]":"piirrä kolmio varjostimella [shader] pisteiden [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] ja [x3] [y3] väliin ","_get data uri for costume [costume]":"asusteen [costume] data uri","_get data uri of [costume] in the pen+ costume library":"asusteen [costume] data uri Kynä + -asustekirjastossa","_get item [item]'s [component] value in vector 2 array [uniformName] in [shader]":"varjostimen [shader] vektori 2:n taulukon [uniformName] [item]. kohteen [component]-arvo","_get item [item]'s [component] value in vector 3 array [uniformName] in [shader]":"varjostimen [shader] vektori 3:n taulukon [uniformName] [item]. kohteen [component]-arvo","_get item [item]'s [component] value in vector 4 array [uniformName] in [shader]":"varjostimen [shader] vektori 4:n taulukon [uniformName] [item]. kohteen [component]-arvo","_get item [item]'s value in number array [uniformName] in [shader]":"varjostimen [shader] lukutaulukon [uniformName] [item]. kohteen arvo","_get pen square's [target]":"kynäneliön [target]","_get pixel [x] [y]'s color in [costume]":"asusteen [costume] pikselin [x] [y] väri","_get the [dimension] of [costume] in pen+ costume library":"asusteen [costume] [dimension] Kynä + -asustekirjastossa ","_get the cubemap of [uniformName] in [shader]":"varjostimen [shader] tekstuurin [uniformName] kuutiotekstuuri","_get the texture of [uniformName] in [shader]":"varjostimen [shader] tekstuuri [uniformName] ","_get triangle point [point]'s [attribute]":"kolmion [point]. pisteen [attribute]","_get value of [component] in vector 2 [uniformName] in [shader]":"varjostimen [shader] vektori 2:n [uniformName] [component]:n arvo","_get value of [component] in vector 3 [uniformName] in [shader]":"varjostimen [shader] vektori 3:n [uniformName] [component]:n arvo","_get value of [component] in vector 4 [uniformName] in [shader]":"varjostimen [shader] vektori 4:n [uniformName] [component]:n arvo","_get value of matrix [uniformName] in [shader] as an array":"varjostimen [shader] matriisin [uniformName] arvo taulukkona","_get value of number [uniformName] in [shader]":"varjostimen [shader] luku [uniformName]","_green tint":"vihreän sävy","_height":"korkeus","_hex code":"heksadesimaalikoodi","_hide triangles that turn [direction]":"piilota [direction] kääntyvät kolmiot","_hue [H] saturation [S] value [V]":"sävy [H] värikylläisyys [S] kirkkaus [V]","_maximum depth value":"enimmäissyvyysarvo","_neither way":"ei kumpaankaan suuntaan","_off":"pois päältä","_on":"päälle","_pen [HSV]":"kynän [HSV]","_pen is down?":"onko kynä alhaalla?","_red [R] green [G] blue [B]":"punainen [R] vihreä [G] sininen [B]","_red tint":"punaisen sävy","_remove cubemap named [name]":"poista [name] -niminen kuutiotekstuuri","_remove image named [name] from Pen+ Library":"poista [name] -niminen kuva Kynä + -kirjastosta","_remove render texture named [name]":"poista [name] -niminen renderöintitekstuuri","_render textures":"renderöintitekstuurit","_render tris and squares to [name]":"renderöi kolmiot ja neliöt kohteeseen [name]","_reset square Attributes":"nollaa neliön määritteet","_reset triangle attributes":"nollaa kolmion määritteet","_saturation":"värikylläisyys","_set [setting] to [value]":"aseta [setting] arvoon [value]","_set cubemap [uniformName] in [shader] to [cubemap]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] kuutiotekstuuriksi [uniformName] [cubemap]","_set imported image wrap mode to [clampMode]":"aseta tuodun kuvan kääretilaksi [clampMode]","_set item [item] in number array [uniformName] in [shader] to [number]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] lukutaulukon [uniformName] kohde [item] arvoon [number]","_set item [item] in vector 2 array [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] vektori 2:n taulukon [uniformName] kohde [item] arvoihin [numberX] [numberY]","_set item [item] in vector 3 array [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] vektori 3:n taulukon [uniformName] kohde [item] arvoihin [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ]","_set item [item] in vector 4 array [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] vektori 4:n taulukon [uniformName] kohde [item] arvoihin [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW]","_set matrix [uniformName] in [shader] to [array]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] matriisiksi [uniformName] [array]","_set matrix [uniformName] in [shader] to [list]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] matriisiksi [uniformName] [list]","_set number [uniformName] in [shader] to [number]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] luvuksi [uniformName] [number]","_set number attribute [attributeName] of point [pointID] in [shader] to [number]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] [pointID]. pisteen määrite [attributeName] arvoon [number]","_set pen square's [target] to [number]":"aseta kynäneliön [target] arvoon [number]","_set pixel [x] [y]'s color to [color] in [costume]":"aseta asusteen [costume] pikselin [x] [y] väriksi [color]","_set texture [uniformName] in [shader] to [texture]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] tekstuuriksi [uniformName] [texture]","_set texture filter mode to [filter]":"aseta tekstuurisuodattimen tilaksi [filter]","_set the [attribute] of point [id] to [value] in [def]":"aseta määritelmän [def] [id]. pisteen [attribute] arvoon [value]","_set the prefix for [prefix] to [value]":"aseta kohteen [prefix] etuliitteeksi [value]","_set triangle point [point]'s [attribute] to [value]":"aseta kolmion [point]. pisteen [attribute] arvoon [value]","_set triangle's [wholeAttribute] to [value]":"aseta kolmion [wholeAttribute] arvoon [value]","_set vector 2 [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] vektori 2 [uniformName] arvoihin [numberX] [numberY]","_set vector 2 attribute [attributeName] of point [pointID] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] vektori 2:n [pointID]. pisteen määrite [attributeName] arvoon [numberX] [numberY]","_set vector 3 [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] vektori 3 [uniformName] arvoihin [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ]","_set vector 3 attribute [attributeName] of point [pointID] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] vektori 3:n [pointID]. pisteen määrite [attributeName] arvoon [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ]","_set vector 4 [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] vektori 4 [uniformName] arvoihin [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW]","_set vector 4 attribute [attributeName] of point [pointID] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW]":"aseta varjostimen [shader] vektori 4:n [pointID]. pisteen määrite [attributeName] arvoon [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW]","_shaders in project":"projektin varjostimet","_size":"koko","_stamp [sprite]":"leimaa [sprite]","_stamp pen square":"leimaa kynäneliö","_stamp pen square with the texture of [tex]":"leimaa kynäneliö kohteen [tex] tekstuurillla","_tint pen square to [color]":"aseta kynäneliön väriksi [color]","_tint triangle point [point] to [color]":"aseta kolmion [point]. pisteen väriksi [color]","_tint triangle to [color]":"aseta kolmion väriksi [color]","_transparency":"läpinäkyvyys","_triangles drawn":"piirretyt kolmiot","_turn advanced setting [Setting] [onOrOff]":"kytke edistyksellinen asetus [Setting] [onOrOff]","_width":"leveys"},"fr":{"_Advanced":"Avancé"},"hu":{"_Advanced":"Haladó"},"it":{"_Advanced":"Impostazioni Avanzate","_Images":"Immagini","_height":"altezza","_off":"disabilita","_on":"abilita","_width":"larghezza"},"ja":{"_Advanced":"詳細設定","_Color":"色","_Cubemaps":"キューブマップ","_Custom Shaders":"カスタムシェーダー","_Height":"高さ","_Images":"画像","_Pen+ version":"ペン+ バージョン","_Shader Editor":"シェーダーエディター","_Shader Manager":"シェーダーマネージャー","_Width":"横幅","_brightness":"明るさ","_color":"色","_height":"高さ","_off":"オフ","_on":"オン","_saturation":"彩度","_size":"サイズ","_transparency":"透明度","_triangles drawn":"描画された三角形の数","_width":"横幅"},"ja-hira":{"_Advanced":"こうどなせってい"},"ko":{"_Advanced":"고급 설정","_Custom Shaders":"사용자 정의 셰이더","_Extras":"그 외","_Height":"높이","_Images":"이미지","_Pen Properties":"펜 속성","_Pen+ V7":"펜 플러스 V7","_Pen+ version":"펜 플러스 버전","_Shader Editor":"셰이더 편집기","_Square Pen Blocks":"사각형 블록","_Triangle Blocks":"삼각형 블록","_Width":"넓이","_brightness":"밝기","_clock-wise":"시계 방향","_color":"색깔","_counter clock-wise":"시계 반대 방향","_draw dot at [x] [y]":"점 [x] [y] 그리기","_draw line from [x1] [y1] to [x2] [y2]":"직선 [x1] [y1] 부터 [x2] [y2] 까지 그리기","_draw textured triangle between [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] and [x3] [y3] with the texture [tex]":"텍스쳐 삼각형 그리기 [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2], [x3] [y3] 텍스쳐 [tex]","_draw triangle between [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] and [x3] [y3]":"삼각형 그리기 [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2], [x3] [y3]","_get data uri for costume [costume]":"모양 [costume]의 dataURI","_get pixel [x] [y]'s color in [costume]":"모양 [costume]의 [x] [y] 픽셀의 색상 ","_get value of [component] in vector 2 [uniformName] in [shader]":"[shader]의 Vector2 [uniformName]의 [component]값","_get value of [component] in vector 3 [uniformName] in [shader]":"[shader]의 Vector3 [uniformName]의 [component]값","_get value of [component] in vector 4 [uniformName] in [shader]":"[shader]의 Vector4 [uniformName]의 [component]값","_get value of matrix [uniformName] in [shader] as an array":"[shader]의 행렬 [uniformName]의 배열로서 값","_height":"높이","_hex code":"Hex코드","_hue [H] saturation [S] value [V]":"Hue[H] Saturation[S] Value[V]","_off":"끄기","_on":"켜기","_pen is down?":"펜을 내렸는가?","_red [R] green [G] blue [B]":"Red[R] Green[G] Blue[B]","_saturation":"채도","_set matrix [uniformName] in [shader] to [array]":"[shader]의 행렬 [uniformName]을(를) [array](으)로 정하기","_set matrix [uniformName] in [shader] to [list]":"[shader]의 행렬 [uniformName]을(를) [list](으)로 정하기","_set pixel [x] [y]'s color to [color] in [costume]":"모양 [costume]의 [x] [y] 픽셀의 색상을 [color](으)로 정하기","_set texture [uniformName] in [shader] to [texture]":"[shader]의 텍스쳐 [uniformName]을(를) [texture](으)로 정하기","_set vector 2 [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY]":"[shader]의 Vector2 [uniformName]을(를) [numberX] [numberY] (으)로 정하기","_set vector 3 [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ]":"[shader]의 Vector3 [uniformName]을(를) [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] (으)로 정하기","_set vector 4 [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW]":"[shader]의 Vector4 [uniformName]을(를) [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW] (으)로 정하기","_size":"크기","_stamp [sprite]":"[sprite] 도장찍기","_stamp pen square":"펜 사각형 도장찍기","_transparency":"투명","_width":"넓이"},"lt":{"_Advanced":"Išplėstiniai"},"nb":{"_Advanced":"Avansert","_Images":"Bilder","_brightness":"lysstyrke","_color":"farge","_height":"høyde","_off":"av","_on":"på","_width":"bredde"},"nl":{"_Advanced":"Geavanceerd","_Images":"Afbeeldingen","_Pen Properties":"Peneigenschappen","_Square Pen Blocks":"Rechthoek-pen","_Triangle Blocks":"Driehoek-pen","_brightness":"helderheid","_color":"kleur","_draw dot at [x] [y]":"teken stip op [x] [y]","_draw line from [x1] [y1] to [x2] [y2]":"teken lijn van [x1] [y1] naar [x2] [y2]","_get pen square's [target]":"[target] van rechthoek-pen","_height":"hoogte","_off":"uit","_on":"aan","_pen is down?":"pen is neer?","_reset square Attributes":"reset waarden van rechthoek-pen","_saturation":"verzadiging","_set pen square's [target] to [number]":"zet [target] van rechthoek-pen op [number]","_set triangle point [point]'s [attribute] to [value]":"zet [attribute] van driehoek-punt [point] op [value]","_set triangle's [wholeAttribute] to [value]":"zet [wholeAttribute] van driehoek op [value]","_size":"grootte","_stamp [sprite]":"stempel [sprite]","_stamp pen square":"stempel rechthoek-pen","_stamp pen square with the texture of [tex]":"stempel rechthoek-pen met textuur van [tex]","_tint pen square to [color]":"maak tint van rechthoek-pen [color]","_transparency":"doorzichtigheid","_width":"breedte"},"pl":{"_Advanced":"Zaawansowane","_Color":"Kolor","_Height":"Wysokość","_Images":"Obrazy","_Width":"Szerokość","_brightness":"jasność","_color":"kolor","_height":"wysokość","_saturation":"nasycenie","_size":"wielkość","_transparency":"przezroczystość","_width":"szerokość"},"pt":{"_Advanced":"Avançado"},"pt-br":{"_Advanced":"Avançado"},"ro":{"_Advanced":"Avansat"},"ru":{"_Advanced":"Дополнительно","_Color":"Цвет","_Cubemaps":"Кубические карты","_Custom Shaders":"Пользовательские Шейдеры","_Images":"Картинки","_List Based Rendering":"Рендеринг на Основе Списка","_Pen Properties":"Свойства Пера","_Pen+ V7":"Перо+ V7","_Render Textures":"Рендер Текстур","_Shader Editor":"Редактор Шейдеров","_Shader Manager":"Менеджер Шейдеров","_Square Pen Blocks":"Квадратные Блоки Пера","_Triangle Blocks":"Треугольные Блоки","_add blank image that is [color] and the size of [width], [height] named [name] to Pen+ Library":"добавить пустое изображение с цветом [color] и размером [width], [height] названное [name] в библиотеку Pen+","_add image named [name] from [dataURI] to Pen+ Library":"добавить изображение названное [name] из [dataURI] в библиотеку Pen+","_brightness":"яркость","_color":"цвет","_create cubemap named [name] from left [left] right [right] back [back] front [front] bottom [bottom] top [top]":"создать кубическую карту названная [name] из лева [left] право [right] назад [back] перед [front] низ [bottom] верх [top]","_create render texture named [name]":"создать рендер текстур названный [name]","_create render texture named [name] of size [width] [height]":"создать рендер текстур названный [name] с размером [width] [height]","_define solid tri [x1] [y1] [c1], [x2] [y2] [c2] and [x3] [y3] [c3]":"определить сплошные треугольники [x1] [y1] [c1], [x2] [y2] [c2] и [x3] [y3] [c3]","_define textured tri [x1] [y1] [c1], [x2] [y2] [c2] and [x3] [y3] [c3] with the uv's [u1] [v1], [u2] [v2] and [u3] [v3]":"определить сплошные треугольники [x1] [y1] [c1], [x2] [y2] [c2] и [x3] [y3] [c3] с uv [u1] [v1],[u2] [v2] и [u3] [v3] ","_does [name] exist as a cubemap":"[name] существует как кубическая карта","_does [name] exist in Pen+ Library":"[name] существует в библиотеке Pen+","_does render texture named [name] exist?":"рендер текстур названный [name] существует?","_draw dot at [x] [y]":"нарисовать точку на [x] [y]","_draw line from [x1] [y1] to [x2] [y2]":"нарисовать линию с [x1] [y1] до [x2] [y2]","_draw shader triangles from list [list] using [shader]":"нарисовать шейдорированные треугольники из списка [list] используя [shader]","_draw solid triangles from list [list]":"нарисовать сплошные треугольники из списка [list]","_draw square using [shader]":"нарисовать квадрат используя [shader]","_draw textured triangle between [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] and [x3] [y3] with the texture [tex]":"нарисовать текстурированный треугольник между [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] и [x3] [y3] с текстурой [tex]","_draw textured triangles from list [list] using [tex]":"нарисовать текстурированные треугольниками из списка [list] используя [tex]","_draw triangle between [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] and [x3] [y3]":"нарисовать треугольник между [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] и [x3] [y3]","_draw triangle using [shader] between [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] and [x3] [y3]":"нарисовать треугольник используя [shader] между [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] и [x3] [y3]","_get data uri for costume [costume]":"получить uri данные для костюма [costume]","_get data uri of [costume] in the pen+ costume library":"получить uri данные [costume] в библиотеке костюмов pen+","_get item [item]'s [component] value in vector 2 array [uniformName] in [shader]":"получить #[item] значение [component] в [uniformName] матрицы вектора 2 в [shader]","_get item [item]'s [component] value in vector 3 array [uniformName] in [shader]":"получить #[item] значение [component] в [uniformName] матрицы вектора 3 в [shader]","_get item [item]'s [component] value in vector 4 array [uniformName] in [shader]":"получить #[item] значение [component] в [uniformName] матрицы вектора 4 в [shader]","_get item [item]'s value in number array [uniformName] in [shader]":"получить значение #[item] в числе [uniformName] матрицы в [shader]","_get pen square's [target]":"получить [target] квадрат пера","_get pixel [x] [y]'s color in [costume]":"получить цвет пикселя [x] [y] в [costume]","_get the [dimension] of [costume] in pen+ costume library":"получить [dimension] [costume] в библиотеке костюмов pen+","_get the cubemap of [uniformName] in [shader]":"получить [uniformName] кубическая карта в [shader]","_get the texture of [uniformName] in [shader]":"получить [uniformName] текстуру в [shader]","_get triangle point [point]'s [attribute]":"взять [point] треугольный точки [attribute]","_get value of [component] in vector 2 [uniformName] in [shader]":"получить значение [component] в [uniformName] вектора 2 в [shader]","_get value of [component] in vector 3 [uniformName] in [shader]":"получить значение [component] в [uniformName] вектора 3 в [shader]","_get value of [component] in vector 4 [uniformName] in [shader]":"получить значение [component] в [uniformName] вектора 4 в [shader] ","_get value of matrix [uniformName] in [shader] as an array":"получить значение [uniformName] матрикса в [shader] как матрица","_get value of number [uniformName] in [shader]":"получить значение [uniformName] числа в [shader]","_height":"высота","_hue [H] saturation [S] value [V]":"оттенок [H] насыщенность [S] ценность [V]","_off":"выключить","_on":"включить","_pen [HSV]":"перо [HSV]","_pen is down?":"перо опущено?","_red [R] green [G] blue [B]":"красный [R] зелёный [G] синий [B]","_remove cubemap named [name]":"удалить кубическую карту названной [name]","_remove image named [name] from Pen+ Library":"удалить изображение названное [name] из библиотеки Pen+","_remove render texture named [name]":"удалить рендер текстур названный [name]","_render textures":"рендер текстур","_reset square Attributes":"сбросить Атрибуты квадрата","_reset triangle attributes":"сбросить атрибуты треугольника","_saturation":"насыщенный","_set cubemap [uniformName] in [shader] to [cubemap]":"задать [uniformName] кубическая карта на [кубическая карта] в [shader]","_set imported image wrap mode to [clampMode]":"задать режим переноса импортированного изображения на [clampMode]","_set item [item] in number array [uniformName] in [shader] to [number]":"задать #[item] в числе [uniformName] матрицы на [number] в [shader]","_set item [item] in vector 2 array [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY]":"задать #[item] в [uniformName] вектора 2 на [numberX] [numberY] в [shader]","_set item [item] in vector 3 array [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ]":"задать #[item] в [uniformName] вектора 3 на [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] в [shader]","_set item [item] in vector 4 array [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW]":"задать #[item] в [uniformName] вектора 4 на [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW] в [shader]","_set matrix [uniformName] in [shader] to [array]":"задать [uniformName] матрикса на [array] в [shader]","_set matrix [uniformName] in [shader] to [list]":"задать [uniformName] матрикса на [list] в [shader] ","_set number [uniformName] in [shader] to [number]":"задать [uniformName] число на [number] в [shader]","_set number attribute [attributeName] of point [pointID] in [shader] to [number]":"задать число [attributeName] атрибута точки [pointID] на [number] в [shader]","_set pen square's [target] to [number]":"задать [target] на [number] квадрата пера","_set pixel [x] [y]'s color to [color] in [costume]":"задать пикселю [x] [y] цвет [color] в [costume]","_set texture [uniformName] in [shader] to [texture]":"задать текстуру [uniformName] на [texture] в [shader]","_set the [attribute] of point [id] to [value] in [def]":"задать [attribute] точки [id] на [value] в [def]","_set triangle point [point]'s [attribute] to [value]":"задать [point] точку треугольника [attribute] на [value]","_set triangle's [wholeAttribute] to [value]":"задать треугольнику [wholeAttribute] на [value]","_set vector 2 [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY]":"задать [uniformName] вектора 2 на [numberX] [numberY] в [shader]","_set vector 2 attribute [attributeName] of point [pointID] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY]":"задать [attributeName] атрибута вектора 2 точки [pointID] на [numberX] [numberY] в [shader]","_set vector 3 [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ]":"задать [uniformName] вектора 3 на [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] в [shader]","_set vector 3 attribute [attributeName] of point [pointID] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ]":"задать [attributeName] атрибута вектора 3 точки [pointID] на [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] в [shader]","_set vector 4 [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW]":"задать [uniformName] вектора 4 на [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW] в [shader]","_set vector 4 attribute [attributeName] of point [pointID] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW]":"задать [attributeName] атрибута вектора 4 точки [pointID] на [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW] в [shader]","_shaders in project":"шейдеры в проекте","_size":"размер","_stamp [sprite]":"печать [sprite]","_stamp pen square":"печать квадрата пером","_stamp pen square with the texture of [tex]":"печать с текстурой [tex] квадрат пера","_tint pen square to [color]":"покрасить квадрат пера в [color]","_tint triangle point [point] to [color]":"покрасить треугольную точку [point] в [color]","_tint triangle to [color]":"покрасить треугольную точку на [color]","_transparency":"прозрачность","_width":"ширина"},"sl":{"_Advanced":"Napredno"},"sr":{"_Advanced":"Напредно"},"sv":{"_Advanced":"Avancerat"},"tr":{"_Advanced":"Gelişmiş"},"uk":{"_Images":"Зображення","_brightness":"яскравість","_color":"колір","_height":"висота","_off":"вимкнути","_on":"увімкнути","_width":"ширина"},"vi":{"_Advanced":"Nâng cao"},"zh-cn":{"_Advanced":"高级","_Blue Tint":"蓝色色调","_Clamp":"裁剪","_Closest":"最近邻","_Color":"颜色","_Cubemaps":"立方体贴图","_Custom Shaders":"自定义着色器","_Erase Depth":"擦除深度","_Extras":"更多","_Green Tint":"绿色色调","_Height":"高","_Images":"图片","_Linear":"线性","_List Based Rendering":"基于列表的渲染","_Mirrored":"镜像","_Pen Properties":"画笔属性","_Pen+ Costumes":"画笔+ 造型","_Pen+ V7":"画笔+ V7","_Pen+ version":"画笔+ 版本","_Red Tint":"红色色调","_Render Textures":"渲染纹理","_Repeat":"重复","_Rotation":"旋转","_Shader Editor":"着色器编辑器","_Shader Manager":"着色器管理","_Square Pen Blocks":"方形画笔","_Transparency":"透明度","_Triangle Blocks":"三角形绘制","_U value":"U值","_U-Multiplier":"U乘数","_U-Offset":"U偏移","_V value":"V值","_V-Multiplier":"V乘数","_V-Offset":"V偏移","_Width":"宽","_add blank image that is [color] and the size of [width], [height] named [name] to Pen+ Library":"将大小[width],[height]颜色[color]的空图片命名为[name]加入“画笔+”库","_add image named [name] from [dataURI] to Pen+ Library":"将图片[dataURI]命名为[name]加入“画笔+”库","_allow 'Corner Pinch < 1'":"允许'Corner Pinch < 1'","_blue tint":"蓝色色调","_brightness":"亮度","_clamp depth value":"裁剪深度值","_clear pen from [name]":"从[name]清空画笔","_clock-wise":"顺时针","_color":"颜色","_corner pinch":"拐角收缩","_counter clock-wise":"逆时针","_create cubemap named [name] from left [left] right [right] back [back] front [front] bottom [bottom] top [top]":"创建名为[name]的立方体贴图,上[top]下[bottom]左[left]右[right]前[front]后[back]","_create render texture named [name]":"创建名为[name]的渲染纹理","_create render texture named [name] of size [width] [height]":"创建名为[name]大小[width][height]的渲染纹理","_data uri of pen layer":"画笔层的数据uri","_define solid tri [x1] [y1] [c1], [x2] [y2] [c2] and [x3] [y3] [c3]":"定义实心三角形 [x1] [y1] [c1], [x2] [y2] [c2], [x3] [y3] [c3]","_define textured tri [x1] [y1] [c1], [x2] [y2] [c2] and [x3] [y3] [c3] with the uv's [u1] [v1], [u2] [v2] and [u3] [v3]":"定义纹理三角形 [x1] [y1] [c1], [x2] [y2] [c2], [x3] [y3] [c3]纹理坐标 [u1] [v1], [u2] [v2], [u3] [v3]","_depth value":"深度值","_does [name] exist as a cubemap":"存在立方体贴图[name]","_does [name] exist in Pen+ Library":"“画笔+”库中存在[name]","_does render texture named [name] exist?":"存在名为[name]的渲染纹理?","_draw dot at [x] [y]":"在[x][y]画点","_draw line from [x1] [y1] to [x2] [y2]":"绘制从[x1][y1]到[x2][y2]的线段","_draw shader triangles from list [list] using [shader]":"根据列表[list]使用着色器[shader]绘制三角形","_draw solid triangles from list [list]":"根据列表[list]绘制实心三角形","_draw square using [shader]":"使用[shader]绘制方块","_draw textured triangle between [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] and [x3] [y3] with the texture [tex]":"以材质[tex]绘制三角形于[x1][y1],[x2][y2],[x3][y3]","_draw textured triangles from list [list] using [tex]":"根据列表[list]使用纹理[tex]绘制三角形","_draw triangle between [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] and [x3] [y3]":"绘制三角形于[x1][y1],[x2][y2],[x3][y3]","_draw triangle using [shader] between [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2] and [x3] [y3]":"使用[shader]绘制三角形于 [x1] [y1], [x2] [y2],[x3] [y3]","_get data uri for costume [costume]":"获取造型[costume]的数据uri","_get data uri of [costume] in the pen+ costume library":"获取“画笔+”造型库中[costume]的数据uri","_get item [item]'s [component] value in vector 2 array [uniformName] in [shader]":"[shader]中的2维向量数组[uniformName]的第[item]项的[component]","_get item [item]'s [component] value in vector 3 array [uniformName] in [shader]":"[shader]中的3维向量数组[uniformName]的第[item]项的[component]","_get item [item]'s [component] value in vector 4 array [uniformName] in [shader]":"[shader]中的4维向量数组[uniformName]的第[item]项的[component]","_get item [item]'s value in number array [uniformName] in [shader]":"[shader]中的数字数组[uniformName]的第[item]项","_get pen square's [target]":"获取方形画笔的[target]","_get pixel [x] [y]'s color in [costume]":"[costume]中像素[x][y]的颜色","_get the [dimension] of [costume] in pen+ costume library":"获取“画笔+”造型库中[costume]的[dimension]","_get the cubemap of [uniformName] in [shader]":"[shader]中的立方体贴图[uniformName]","_get the texture of [uniformName] in [shader]":"[shader]中的纹理[uniformName]","_get triangle point [point]'s [attribute]":"获取三角形点[point]的[attribute]","_get value of [component] in vector 2 [uniformName] in [shader]":"[shader]中的2维向量[uniformName]的[component]","_get value of [component] in vector 3 [uniformName] in [shader]":"[shader]中的3维向量[uniformName]的[component]","_get value of [component] in vector 4 [uniformName] in [shader]":"[shader]中的4维向量[uniformName]的[component]","_get value of matrix [uniformName] in [shader] as an array":"[shader]中的矩阵[uniformName]","_get value of number [uniformName] in [shader]":"[shader]中的数字[uniformName]值","_green tint":"绿色色调","_height":"高度","_hex code":"hex代码","_hide triangles that turn [direction]":"隐藏旋转方向为[direction]的三角形","_hue [H] saturation [S] value [V]":"色调[H]饱和度[S]亮度[V]","_maximum depth value":"最大深度值","_neither way":"不旋转","_off":"关闭","_on":"打开","_pen [HSV]":"画笔[HSV]","_pen is down?":"画笔落下?","_red [R] green [G] blue [B]":"红[R]绿[G]蓝[B]","_red tint":"红色色调","_remove cubemap named [name]":"移除名为[name]的立方体贴图","_remove image named [name] from Pen+ Library":"从“画笔+”库中移除名为[name]的图片","_remove render texture named [name]":"移除名为[name]的渲染纹理","_render textures":"所有渲染纹理","_render tris and squares to [name]":"渲染三角形和方块到[name]","_reset square Attributes":"重置方形画笔属性","_reset triangle attributes":"重置三角形属性","_saturation":"饱和度","_set [setting] to [value]":"设置[setting]为[value]","_set cubemap [uniformName] in [shader] to [cubemap]":"将[shader]中的立方体贴图[uniformName]设为[cubemap]","_set imported image wrap mode to [clampMode]":"设置导入图片的环绕模式为[clampMode]","_set item [item] in number array [uniformName] in [shader] to [number]":"将[shader]中的数字数组[uniformName]的第[item]项设为[number]","_set item [item] in vector 2 array [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY]":"将[shader]中的2维向量数组[uniformName]的第[item]项设为[numberX][numberY]","_set item [item] in vector 3 array [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ]":"将[shader]中的3维向量数组[uniformName]的第[item]项设为[numberX][numberY][numberZ]","_set item [item] in vector 4 array [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW]":"将[shader]中的4维向量数组[uniformName]的第[item]项设为[numberX][numberY][numberZ][numberW]","_set matrix [uniformName] in [shader] to [array]":"将[shader]中的矩阵[uniformName]设为[array]","_set matrix [uniformName] in [shader] to [list]":"将[shader]中的矩阵[uniformName]设为[list]","_set number [uniformName] in [shader] to [number]":"将[shader]中的数字[uniformName]设为[number]","_set number attribute [attributeName] of point [pointID] in [shader] to [number]":"将[shader]的点[pointID]的数字属性[attributeName]设为[number]","_set pen square's [target] to [number]":"将方形画笔的[target]设为[number]","_set pixel [x] [y]'s color to [color] in [costume]":"将造型[costume]中像素[x][y]的颜色设为[color]","_set texture [uniformName] in [shader] to [texture]":"将[shader]中的纹理[uniformName]设为[texture]","_set texture filter mode to [filter]":"设置纹理过滤模式为[filter]","_set the [attribute] of point [id] to [value] in [def]":"将[def]中的点[id]的[attribute]设为[value]","_set the prefix for [prefix] to [value]":"设置[prefix]的前缀为[value]","_set triangle point [point]'s [attribute] to [value]":"设置三角形点[point]的[attribute]为[value]","_set triangle's [wholeAttribute] to [value]":"设置三角形的[wholeAttribute]为[value]","_set vector 2 [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY]":"将[shader]中的2维向量[uniformName]设[numberX][numberY]","_set vector 2 attribute [attributeName] of point [pointID] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY]":"将[shader]的点[pointID]的2维向量属性[attributeName]设为[numberX][numberY]","_set vector 3 [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ]":"将[shader]中的3维向量[uniformName]设[numberX][numberY][numberZ]","_set vector 3 attribute [attributeName] of point [pointID] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ]":"将[shader]的点[pointID]的3维向量属性[attributeName]设为[numberX][numberY][numberZ]","_set vector 4 [uniformName] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW]":"将[shader]中的4维向量[uniformName]设[numberX][numberY][numberZ][numberW]","_set vector 4 attribute [attributeName] of point [pointID] in [shader] to [numberX] [numberY] [numberZ] [numberW]":"将[shader]的点[pointID]的4维向量属性[attributeName]设为[numberX][numberY][numberZ][numberW]","_shaders in project":"作品中的着色器","_size":"大小","_stamp [sprite]":"图章[sprite]","_stamp pen square":"打印方形画笔","_stamp pen square with the texture of [tex]":"以[tex]的材质打印方形画笔","_tint pen square to [color]":"将方形画笔染色[color]","_tint triangle point [point] to [color]":"将三角形点[point]染色为[color]","_tint triangle to [color]":"将三角形染色[color]","_transparency":"透明度","_triangles drawn":"绘制的三角形数量","_turn advanced setting [Setting] [onOrOff]":"高级设置[Setting][onOrOff]","_width":"宽度"},"zh-tw":{"_Advanced":"個別更改"}});/* end generated l10n code */(function (Scratch) { +(function (Scratch) { "use strict"; if (!Scratch.extensions.unsandboxed) {