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555 lines (412 loc) · 21.2 KB

File metadata and controls

555 lines (412 loc) · 21.2 KB


This class is a wrapper for cURL, a network communication tool shipped with macOS and Windows (Windows 10, Windows 11, Server 2019 and newer). Beside Upload and Download of files it allows many detailed settings. See for details


var $ftp : cs.FileTransfer
$""; "username"; "password"; "ftps")
$target:=Convert path system to POSIX(System folder(Desktop))
$result:=$$source; $target)
If ($result.success)
End if

For more examples see the method "test_curl".


    creates and returns a FileTransfer object allow to access (s)FTP(s) Servers.

result parameter

    All transfer function returns a result object


    Upload one or several files to server.


    Download one or several files from server.


    Returns directory listing from remote server.


    Creates a new directory on remote server.


    Deletes a directory on remote server.


    Deletes a file on remote server.


    Renames a file on remote server.


    Allows to pass any valid cURL command and directly execute it.


    tries to connect to the given server using the given credentials.


    returns in version information from cURL


    Sets a connection timeout - valid only for the initial connection, not for data transfer.


    Sets a maximal running timeout - from connection to transfer.


    Automatically create directories on remote server.


    Automatically create local directories.


    Switch from default passive mode to active mode.


    Allows to upload/download only a part of a file.


    Allows to use any additional cURL options.


    Allows to use another cURL installation.


    If enabled, will include progress information text.


    Display stop button in progress dialog.


    By default all commands are executed synchronously, meaning the command do not return till execution is completed or a timeout occurred. This allows all command to return the result or execution information..


    sets a maximum worker execution time, stopping everything.


    Terminates the execution of a running operation, such as upload or download.


    Returns informations about the execution of a running operation.


    Only useful in combination with setAsyncMode.


    Allows to show a progress bar during long running operations.

new Text; user: Text; password: Text; protocol:Text)

creates and returns a FileTransfer object allow to access (s)FTP(s) Servers.

Parameter Type Description
url Text -> host name/IP:Port
user Text -> Credentials: User name
password Text -> Credentials: Password
protocoll Text -> ftp or ftps or ftp-ftps or sftp
result cs.FileTransfer <- New FileTransfer object


The function creates and returns an object allow to access different file servers for typical ftp operations, such as upload or download a document, get directory, as well as create and delete a directory or rename, delete or remove a document.

A set of options allows to customize behavior.

Internally the class uses cURL to access the file server.

protocol parameter

Name Description
ftp not encrypted communication (clear text). For security reasons not recommend anymore. Useful for internal servers, not reachable from Internet
ftps encrypted communication (using TLS certificate). If a server does not allow encrypted communication, connection is aborted
ftp-ftps (default) Tries first to connect via TLS encryption. If unsupported by the server, fall back to unencrypted communication.
sftp encrypted communication (using ssh with self created certificate).

Note for SFTP protocol: the cURL version shipped with macOS or Windows is compiled for several protocols, including FTP and FTPS, but not for SFTP.
To use SFTP you need to bundle another cURL build (see setCurlPath for details) with your installation.
While FTPS uses standard SSL/TLS certificates (similar to HTTPS), SFTP is always based on self signed certificates, so a manual trust chain needs to be build first, by adding the host name (or IP) and its public key into the .ssh/known_hosts file. Usual way to do so, is to open the terminal and connect once manual to the server, by using:
ssh user@hostname (enter)
This shows the server public key, ask for confirmation and then stores it is the known_hosts file, accepting this certificate for future usage.

var $ftp : cs.FileTransfer
$""; "user"; "mypass"; "ftp")

File transfer commands

result parameter

All function returns a result object

Name Type Description
success boolean false if command failed
responseError Text error message if command failed
data Text optional: execution result
list collection optional: execution result


.upload(source: Text; target: Text; append: Boolean) -> result : Object

Parameter Type Description
source Text -> POSIX path to local file
target Text -> path to remote file
append Boolean -> optional: append existing file
result Object <- result object


Upload one or several files to server.

If file already exists it is overwritten.
If target is full file path (including file name/extension), file will be renamed (if different than source name)
If target is directory path (ending with /), source file name will be used.
If source contains several paths (separated by space), several files will be uploaded, this case requires to set a path as target.
If source or target contains spaces, encapsulate with quotes (char(34)).

Groups of source files are supported, such as:

  • file[1-10].txt // upload file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt ... file10.txt
  • file[001-100].txt // as above, but with leading zeros
  • file[a-z].txt // filea.txt, fileb.txt ... filez.txt
  • file[1-100:10].txt // file1.txt, file11,txt, file21.txt .. file 91.txt
  • file{one,two,three}.txt // fileone.txt, filetwo.txt, filethree.txt

Grouping requires that all source files are present, missing file will result in error

For uploading a single file, the result object returns false or true. If several files are uploaded, result object contains in .list a collection of file names.


.download(source: Text; target: Text) -> result : Object

Parameter Type Description
source Text -> path to remote file
target Text -> POSIX path to local file
result Object <- result object


Download one or several files from server.

If file already exists it is overwritten.
If target is full file path (including file name/extension), file will be renamed (if different than source name)
If target is directory path (ending with /), source file name will be used.
If source contains several paths (separated by space), several files will be downloaded, this case requires to set a path as target.
If source or target contains spaces, encapsulate with quotes (char(34)).

Groups of source files are supported, such as:

  • file[1-10].txt // upload file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt ... file10.txt
  • file[001-100].txt // as above, but with leading zeros
  • file[a-z].txt // filea.txt, fileb.txt ... filez.txt
  • file[1-100:10].txt // file1.txt, file11,txt, file21.txt .. file 91.txt
  • file{one,two,three}.txt // fileone.txt, filetwo.txt, filethree.txt

Grouping requires that all source files are present, missing file will result in error

For downloading a single file, the result object returns false or true. If several files are downloaded, result object contains in .list a collection of file names (full path).


.getDirectoryListing(target: Text) -> result : Object

Parameter Type Description
target Text -> path to remote
result Object <- result object


Returns directory listing from remote server. contains unfiltered answer from server. result.list contains collection, each representing one file/directory.

For most FTP servers, the answer is parsed and .list collection contains:

  • access // permissions
  • type // file or directory
  • owner
  • group
  • size
  • date
  • time // only for files of the current year, for older ones date only
  • name

Some (older?) servers are using different formats, in this case .list collection contains one item "line" for each single line.


.createDirectory(target: Text) -> result : Object

Parameter Type Description
target Text -> path to remote
result Object <- result object


Creates a new directory on remote server.


.deleteDirectory(target: Text) -> result : Object

Parameter Type Description
target Text -> path to remote
result Object <- result object


Deletes a directory on remote server.

Note: only empty directories can be deleted. Delete all files before you delete the directory. contains unfiltered answer from server. result.list contains collection, each representing one file/directory. See .getDirectoryListing for details.


.deleteFile(target: Text) -> result : Object

Parameter Type Description
target Text -> path to remote
result Object <- result object


Deletes a file on remote server. contains unfiltered answer from server. result.list contains collection, each representing one file/directory. See .getDirectoryListing for details.


.renameFile(source: Text; target: Text) -> result : Object

Parameter Type Description
source Text -> path to remote file
target Text -> path to renamed remote file
result Object <- result object


Deletes a file on remote server. contains unfiltered answer from server BEFORE renaming was executed. result.list contains collection, each representing one file/directory. See .getDirectoryListing for details.


.executeCommand(command: Text) -> result : Object

Parameter Type Description
command Text -> command
result Object <- result object


Allows to pass any valid cURL command and execute it. Result is returned directly.

Settings commands


.validate() -> result : object

Parameter Type Description
result Object <- result object


tries to connect to the given server using the given credentials.


.version() -> result : object

Parameter Type Description
result Object <- result object


returns in version information from cURL.

Example: curl 7.77.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin21.0) libcurl/7.77.0 (SecureTransport) LibreSSL/2.8.3 zlib/1.2.11 nghttp2/1.42.0
Release-Date: 2021-05-26
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher gophers http https imap imaps ldap ldaps mqtt pop3 pop3s rtsp smb smbs smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: alt-svc AsynchDNS GSS-API HSTS HTTP2 HTTPS-proxy IPv6 Kerberos Largefile libz MultiSSL NTLM NTLM_WB SPNEGO SSL UnixSockets



Parameter Type Description
timeout Real -> timeout in seconds


Sets a connection timeout - valid only for the initial connection, not for data transfer.



Parameter Type Description
seconds Real -> max time in seconds


Sets a maximal running timeout - from connection to transfer. Will abort even in the middle of transfer, it is the maximum time allowed. Half seconds are allowed, such as 1.5 for 1500 milliseconds



Parameter Type Description
auto Boolean -> automatically create remote directories if missing


Automatically create directories on remote server, if Upload uses a deep path with missing directories.



Parameter Type Description
auto Boolean -> automatically create local directories if missing


Automatically create local directories, if Download uses a deep path with missing directories.


.setActiveMode(mode:Boolean; IP: Text)

Parameter Type Description
mode Boolean -> false=Passive (Default) - true=Active
IP Text -> IP Adress from remote to contact from Server, - for default IP


Switch from default passive mode to active mode. The FTP/FTPS Server will open a 2nd connection back to the given IP address (or to the default address if "-" is passed).


.setRange(Range: Text)

Parameter Type Description
Range Text -> Range to transfer, such as 1-100


Allows to upload/download only a part of a file. Use 0-99 for first 100 byte, -500 for last 500 bytes, 500- for starting with byte 501 till the end.


.setCurlPrefix(prefix: Text)

Parameter Type Description
prefix Text -> Allows to set additional cURL options


Allows to use any additional cURL option, which is not exposed via explicit function. See for full list.


$ftp.setCurlPrefix("--limit-rate 25M") // limit used bandwidth to 25 Mbit.


.setPath(Path: Text)

Parameter Type Description
Path Text -> Path to local cURL installation


Allows to use another cURL installation. Useful if you want to use a newer version than provided by the system, to specify a cURL version on Windows Server 2012 R2 or 2016, or required if you want to use SFTP.

Precompiled versions for Windows can be downloaded from:

On Mac you need to install Homebrew and run:

homebrew install curl





Parameter Type Description
enable Boolean -> result will include progress data


If enabled, will include progress information text, allowing to get info about file size and transfer speed. Depending of total transfer time, the text will include additional lines with progress info. Automatically enabled if useCallback is enabled.


.enableStopButton(enable:Shared Object)

Parameter Type Description
enable Object -> Shared Object with Attribut Stop


Only useable if included or similar ProgressCallback method is used. If passed it enables the stop button in progress bar, allowing the end user to abort the operation. If Stop button is clicked, attribut of shared object enable.stop is set to true



Parameter Type Description
async Boolean -> asynchronous execution


By default all commands are executed synchronously, meaning the command do not return till execution is completed or a timeout occurred. This allows all command to return the result or execution information.

If Asynchronous mode is enabled, all commands returns immediately, not waiting for execution. The result will not include useful informations.

Useful in combination with .stop(), .status() and .wait() calls or with useCallback.

Note: asynchronous only works if the 4D progress continues to run. As long the 4D process is alive, open commands will continue to execute. If the 4D process terminals, all still running FTP operations will end.




sets a maximum execution time for the worker. By default all operations are stopped after 60 seconds, upload or download after 600 seconds. If your operation might take longer, set a longer timeout. The timeout is not considered when asynchronous mode is enabled.




Terminates the execution of a running operation, such as upload or download. Only useful in combination with setAsyncMode.




Returns informations about the execution of a running operation, such as upload or download. Only useful in combination with setAsyncMode.

Return object contains:

Name Type Description
terminated boolean true if command finished execution
responseError Text error message if command failed
response Text message if command succeeded
exitCode Text exit code returned by cURL
errors collection optional: execution errors received by 4D



Parameter Type Description
seconds Integer -> max time in seconds


Only useful in combination with setAsyncMode.
If upload/download commands are executed in a 4D form or another 4D worker, execution will automatically continue in background.
If they are executed in the current 4D process and you want to loop for poll for results, use .wait(1) instead of Delay Process.
The command returns after given wait time or before if execution is finished.


.useCallback(callback: 4D.Function; ID: Text)

Parameter Type Description
callback 4D.Function -> 4d function to call during progress
ID Text -> text to display in progress title, such as download file name


Allows to show a progress bar during long running operations or to get informed when command execution is complete.

The callback method is called whenever a new progress message is available from cURL and get's 3 parameter passed. The given ID, the progress text and the completeness ratio from 0-100%.


$ftp.useCallback(Formula(ProgressCallback); "Download 4D.dmg")
$result:=$$source; $target)
If ($checkstop.stop=True)  // user clicked stop button
End if

Method ProgressCallback

#DECLARE($ID : Text; $message : Text; $value : Integer; $sharedForProgressBar : Object)
// called from cs.FileTransfer if callback is set via .useCallback()

// $ID is set through code - $message comes from curl
// shared object to pass progress ID back/forth and to share stop button result


If (($ProgressBarID=0) && ($value#100))
	$ProgressBarID:=Progress New
	Use ($sharedForProgressBar)
	End use 
	Progress SET TITLE($ProgressBarID; $ID)
	// check if we want stop, if yes, add stop button
	If ($sharedForProgressBar.EnableButton#Null)
		Progress SET BUTTON ENABLED($ProgressBarID; True)
	End if 
End if 

If ($ProgressBarID#0)
	If (Progress Stopped($ProgressBarID))  // only if stop button is enabled
		Use ($sharedForProgressBar)
			Use ($sharedForProgressBar.EnableButton)
			End use 
		End use 
	End if 
	Case of 
		: ($value=100)
			Progress QUIT($ProgressBarID)
			Use ($sharedForProgressBar)
			End use 
		: ($value<0)
			$message2:=Replace string($message; " "; "")  // ignore totally empty messages, happens with gdrive
			If ($message2#"")
				Progress SET MESSAGE($ProgressBarID; $message)
			End if 
			Progress SET PROGRESS($ProgressBarID; $value/100)
	End case 
End if 

See test_curl - download for a full example