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🌱 Challenge II: Deploy your own Subgraph


Deploy a simple smart contract on the Polygon Mumbai testnet and deploy a subgraph for it.


We can’t wait for you to complete this and claim, your PFP’s 🖼️ and $GRT.

Hashtags Used

  • #graphathon
  • #graphIndia

Steps on how to Contribute ?

  • Open Remix IDE. Create a Solidity file Graphathon.sol and paste the following code.
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

contract Graphathon {

    event ChangeNameEvent (string name);
    event ChangeTwitterNameEvent (string name);
    event TransferEvent(address from, address to, uint amount);

    string public name = "The Graph";
    string public twitterName = "graphprotocol";

    function changeName(string calldata _name) public {
        name = _name;
        emit ChangeNameEvent(_name);

    function changeTwitterName(string calldata _twitterName) public {
        twitterName = _twitterName;
        emit ChangeTwitterNameEvent(_twitterName);

    function transfer(address payable to) public payable {
        emit TransferEvent(msg.sender, to, msg.value);
  • Compile the contract and deploy it to Mumbai testnet using Injected Provider as the environment. Note down the contract address.

  • Verify and publish your smart contract (Don't know how? See this)

  • Go to the Subgraph studio and connect your wallet.

  • Click on Create a Subgraph. Name your subgraph and select 'Polygon Mumbai' as the blockchain network. Your subgraph is created 🤩.

  • You need to install The Graph protocol CLI to work with the subgraph.

npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli


  yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli
  • Create an empty folder and open it in your code editor (I love VSCode ❤️). Change the directory to that folder and fire up your terminal pointing to that folder.
  • Now we will initialize the subgraph using the following command
graph init --studio SUBGRAPH_NAME
  • Select ethereum as Protocol

  • Press Enter for subgraph slug and Directory to create subgraph in.

  • Select mumbai as our network.

  • Enter the contract address of your deployed contract from above. It will automatically fetch the ABI as we have verified our contract.

  • Enter the block number in which the contract is created.

  • Enter Graphathon as the contract name.

  • Press Enter for Index contract events as entities.

  • You have successfully created your first Subgraph. (YOU ARE AWESOMEEE! 🙇🏻‍♂️)

  • You need to authenticate your subgraph. Refer dashboard for the key.
graph auth --studio 5a6288af6001705f65d514e5423b018d
  • Change the directory to your deployed subgraph folder
cd graphathon

Make use of the dashboard to see the commands

Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 5 58 53 PM
  • Now we build our subgraph using the following command
graph codegen && graph build
  • Final Step - Deploy your subgraph. 🥳🥳🥳
graph deploy --studio graphathon
  • You can give the version as v0.1

  • Play around with your contract. Transfer some ETH / MATIC or change your name or Twitter username using the Remix IDE.

  • Go to the Playground on the dashboard and query the data.

  • Create a new file with title and add the contract address and the subgraph endpoint in the file.

  • [VERY IMPORTANT STEP] Add the link of this file to this Graph-A-Thon challenge submission form.


Submission Guidelines

  • Create a new branch username_graphathon, e.g. yash251_graphathon

  • Create a file named for this challenge.

  • Add the contract address and the subgraph endpoint in the file.

  • Submit details on the Airtable form.

Submission Challenge II form

This is an important step, please don't skip it.