Come on in and contribute! StackInAWSGI is looking to grow, and it needs your help. This document is a guide to making really successful contributions.
Table of Contents
Check out the Issues and Milestones tabs. They offer great starting points for making an effective contribution. If you find an issue or think of something that you'd like to see in the stack, the Issues page is the place to put it.
Feedback counts as a contribution, too, and it's the easiest one you can make.
Except for feedback, every contribution begins with a pull request. In order to keep knowledge of StackInABox distributed, we encourage code review here.
We are aiming for 100% unit test coverage. Presently we have about 0% coverage. Once 100% test coverage is achieved then it will be required - no questions asked. Until then, please help us achieve that or at a minimum maintain the status quo.
To be clear about definitions, a unit test is one that:
- Tests expected functionality
- Does not utilize unpredictable functionality (e.g., time.time)
To run tests:
Please keep all work in a branch. This makes it easy to add/remove changes and track the history.
To be sure your contributions are compliant:
tox -e pep8
Here are the tenants in order of importance:
- Correctness - incorrect code is useless
- Simplicity - easy to use, easy to understand
- Consistentency - new interfaces should feel like existing interfaces
- Easy of use - users will only use it if it's easy and not burdensome
- Performance - almost doesn't matter. "Optimization is the root of all evil".
- Address performance when it becomes a problem. Don't make it a problem before it is.
- Few dependencies - must be simple, explicit and not require a lot of things to be installed
- Reduces the potential for issues with other projects
- Keeps the ability to integrate into other projects high
Make a successful contribution, and your name will be immortalized in the AUTHORS file! Thanks for your help. You make this project possible.