pio project init
platform = teensy
board = teensy41
pio pkg install -l https://github.com/TeamSunride/Arduino-LSM6DSO32
* An example of how the LSM6DSO32 can be used by reading directly from the accel and gyro registers
* The built-in Fifo is not being used.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "LSM6DSO32.h"
// The LSM6DSO32 can be used with either SPI or I2C, and this library supports both, using Protocol: https://github.com/TeamSunride/Protocol
#define CS_pin 40
LSM6DSO32 LSM(CS_pin, SPI, 4000000); // spi protocol constructor
void setup() {
// Setup Serial on 115200 baud
// begin() initialises the communication protocol.
// default_configuration() configures the device. - Specific settings can be set after calling this:
// for example:
// LSM.set_interrupts_active_low(false);
void loop() {
// directly read from the accel and gyro registers - not using the fifo
Vector<double, 3> acc = LSM.get_accel();
Vector<double, 3> gyr = LSM.get_gyro();
Serial.printf("Acc: %lf, %lf, %lf\n Gyr: %lf, %lf, %lf\n", acc[0], acc[1], acc[2], gyr[0], gyr[1], gyr[2]);
// Be aware of the ODR (Output data rate) that is set - reading at a rate higher than this means you will be reading stale data when using direct reads.
// Note: The ODR can be set in setup() using e.g. LSM.set_accel_ODR(OUTPUT_DATA_RATES::ODR_833_HZ); and LSM.set_gyro_ODR(OUTPUT_DATA_RATES::ODR_833_HZ);
pio run
pio run -t upload -t monitor
Acc: 5.704111, 0.086136, 8.249905
Gyr: 0.140000, -1.330000, -1.540000
Acc: 5.503127, 0.143560, 7.733090
Gyr: -395.920002, 28.210000, 111.650000
Acc: 5.637116, 0.133989, 8.068063
Gyr: -231.210001, 15.400000, 46.130000
Acc: 5.665828, 0.114848, 8.202052
Gyr: -31.570000, 3.010000, 7.350000
Acc: 5.684969, 0.114848, 8.240334
Gyr: -23.100000, 2.730000, -0.560000
Acc: 5.704111, 0.105277, 8.269046