SignalR Chat app with MessagePack serialization
- Start project
- In Visual Studio -> Press F5 or click on the run button.
- In Visual studion code
- Open terminal in project's root folder run command
- Run command
npm install
- Run command
dotnet watch run --project SignalRChat_msgpack.csproj
- As a result, a new browser tab will open with address: https://localhost:7276/
- Open one (or more) browser tabs and paste the same address: https://localhost:7276/
These tabs are like a chat instances, which can send messages, and each will receive the messages from all other 'chat instances'.
Note: The project has MessagePack encoding of the messages enabled. If you want to turn off MessagePack -> comment out this line of code:
.withHubProtocol(new signalR.protocols.msgpack.MessagePackHubProtocol())
Then the messages will be sent as JSON.
- Open developer tools (F12)
- Open Network tab
- Refresh the page https://localhost:7276/
- Find the WebSocket tunnel with Name starting with 'chatHub?id='
- Select Messages tab
- Now in the app -> fill in the User and Message data -> click 'Send Message'
- New messages will appear in the WebSocket tunnel. Upon inspection you can see that the data is in binary format. The first message in the tunnel will state:
- Open Fiddler Everywhere
- Make sure Live Traffic is "Paused"
- Click on 'Open Browser'
- In the newly opened browser instance, paste the address: https://localhost:7276/
- A WebSocket tunnel session will appear in the Live Traffic grid. (WebSocket tunnels have Status Code = 101. You can use this to filter the Grid)
- Send a few messages with the app.
- All messages from/to this chat instance will be visible in the WebSocket tunnel -> Inspectors -> Messages
- The Message tab will show the serialized with MessagePack data that was sent from the server.