All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.1.0 (2021-11-08)
- emergency-remove-from-reserve task and documentation (12aa1b7)
- improved print-system-info task to show more data about the presale (9ee2caa)
- mynt mainnet deployment addresses (4dd449b)
- mynt production deployment configs (be35d54)
- setup of Mynt RSK testnet deployment (0bfd628)
- updated MyntToken address after deployment (e216281)
- beneficiaryPercent was being rounded to 15 instead of being 15.75 (e3222e5)
- fixed print-system-info task so it can work with already deployed tokens (a09a41b)
1.0.2 (2021-11-03)
1.0.1 (2021-11-03)
- added some logs and made it work on some steps were it was failing (1dc9aff)
1.0.0 (2021-11-03)
- print system info command (b14586b)
- tests: add revoke buy and sell order permissions and transfer reserve funds tests (9c8d0d7)
0.0.1-alpha.1 (2021-10-28)
- configure ACL in a single transaction (e39eeff)
- add Agent and Vault init (a6e1889)
- add buy and sell order tasks (e1de514)
- add continuous token and remove token manager (572a74a)
- add initialize script (#4) (93bcdf8)
- added ACL configs - WIP (f8c0881)
- added dao deployment - still wip (a4d7da0)
- added waffleMatchers-deploy-fixtures (a6225f1)
- deploy tokens only local (952fa28)
- deploy with flags (14a0f54)
- deployment can be configured to just deploy a single mocked token (eb303e3)
- deploys in separate files (8b7b73f)
- rsk deployment & helpers (40c3603)
- set deployment parameters in config (7a5a25e)
- set deployment parameters in hre (509e5ae)
- test: init bonding curve tests (3091119)
- test: presale tests (630c949)
- test: market maker tests (ddccdac)
- test: more presale tests (e69372c)
- test: openBuyOrder tests (d0703a2)
- wip introducing court-presale deployment using hardhat (0ee86bd)
- custom tasks imports were wrong (6c361a4)
- don't remove console logs on localhost and hardhat environments (209130f)
- downgraded to node 12 as several errors are happening in 14 (6c5d786)
- fixed mocked tokens deployment configuration (398ddce)
- fixed solhint errors (9fa5a4f)
- fixed tests. solidity version was broken (64c1134)
- husky exec permissions (e4af8ee)
- linting was not working as buidler:check does not return status 1 (bf253a1)
- remove unused dependency (6ad7c76)
- removed some old code left after refactoring (9e55c15)
- test replace evm_mine with timeAndMine plugin (63d9e60)
- tests fixed (241cf5c)
- use prev version of ethers to avoid unknown (4c95c63)