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Release Notes for k8s-capi-provider for R1

k8s-cluster-api-provider was provided as technical preview in R0 and has seen major work to make it ready for productive use in R1.

Following are the highlights of changes done for R1.

capi v0.4 and openstack capi provider 0.4

The Kubernetes cluster API has been updated to [version alpha 4] ( (aka 0.4), which came with changes to the templates. The SIG expects this format to now be close to what a beta and stable version will provide. We refer to the upstream release notes for more details.

Likewise the Cluster API provider OpenStack has been updated to the matching 0.4 version. Release Notes are available here.

k8s version 1.21.5

We are actually flexible to create clusters with various k8s versions -- we have validated 1.19.15, 1.20.11 and 1.21.5 and are defaulting to the v1.21.5 version.

kind update

We have upgraded kind to v0.11.1, which uses k8s-v1.21.1. This way we have very similar k8s versions for our workload clusters as on the management node. This also required to inject a sysctl to increase the max conntrack connections.

Multi-cluster management scripts

The scripts have been made more modular and have gained the ability to cleanly handle many clusters from the same management node. Please refer to the main ( file for an overview over the scripts. Compared to R0, some of the scripts have been renamed (e.g. -> and some have been added (e.g.

Cluster services

The OpenStack integration and the Cinder CSI can optionally be deployed from upstream git instead of the included copies, see parameters DEPLOY_K8S_OPENSTACK_GIT and DEPLOY_K8S_CINDERCSI_GIT. The cinder CSI deployment now does register the snapshotclasses API extension, so the snapshotting service does no longer error out. Both OpenStack and Cinder CSI integration are always enabled when creating a cluster with -- this has not changed from R0.

We optionally deploy the k8s metrics service and the deployment is enabled by default. It can be controlled by DEPLOY_METRICS.

The NGINX ingress controller was also added, also enabled by default and controlled by ``DEPLOY_NGINX_INGRESS`.

CNI (Calico)

We have not yet switched away from Calico as CNI, as it has been working fine for us thus far and we have not yet found the time to carefully analyze potential advantages of Cilium and to carefully validate it. This is still on our TODO list.

Dropped docker

docker used to be installed on the control and worker nodes. This is no longer the case, the kubelets now talk directly to containerd there. We inject the MTU size for the cluster now directly when deploying calico CNI -- this was previously handled via docker.

Note that docker is still used on the management node where kind gets deployed. However, the deprecated docker-shim is not used here, so we don't inject discontinued technology here.

MTU configurable

The MTU for the container clusters can be set from the tfvars config file now and will be applied on both the management node as well as the created clusters. We default to 1400, which works fine on all environments that we use for testing.

node_cidr configurable

The VMs for the k8s cluster now have a configurable CIDR. We default to now, supporting 4k nodes.

Application Credential

Rather than copying a clouds.yaml and cloud.conf on the management node that contains a copy of the user's original auth data which can vary a lot, we now create a v3 application credential, which allows us to work with the same credential setup always and also allows for revocation in case of leakages. See for more information.

No ./clouds.yaml copy needed

You no longer need to create a (stripped down) copy of clouds.yaml and secure.yaml in the terraform directory. If you have these files at their standard place ~/.config/openstack/, the terraform logic will now find what it needs to extract from there.

Speed up

The process of setting up the management node has been streamlined. As the image registration can take a while, we do it in the background now. (There is also an option to convert a qcow2 image to a raw image before registration, as the performance of these is better when ceph clusters are used as backing store due to advantageous copy-on-write capabilities.) While the cloud chews on the image registration we further set up the local k8s cluster (kind) and only wait for the image to become ready before the preparatory scripts completes.

The image stays registered, so we can reuse it from within the same project. The image carries the major version number from k8s (e.g. 1.21), so several "major" versions can coexist. Remove it to get a freshly downloaded one registered on the next deployment of a management node (or call manually).

The registered CAPI image also sets the standard image metadata according to SCS specs.

Cleaning up

Creating lots of test clusters, robust clean up methods are reqired. The cleanup handling has seen a lot of work, making sure we don't accidentally leave OpenStack resources around. make clean does now remove created VMs, networks, load balancers, persistent volumes for the workload clusters before it asks terraform to clean up the ressources associated with the management node. The fullclean target does it on OpenStack in case clean fails due to k8s capi not being in a good state any more.

Configurable namespace

A different namespace can be chosen from "default". Note that this does not have a lot of consequences, as the scripts don't deploy anything to the default namespace by default ...


calicoctl, a newer k9s, helm and sonobuoy are installed into /usr/local/bin for the user's convenience.

clouds.yaml moved

The clouds.yaml is no longer deployed to ~ on the mangement node, but to ~/.config/openstack/, where openstack CLI will always find it (irrespective of the current directory). The cloud.conf file that is fed as secret to the capi cluster still lives in ~. The clouds.yaml that ends up as secret as well is constructed on the fly (with a unneeded project_id added in), encoded and fed to the capi cluster -- this file is not stored on the file system.

SCS flavor name defaults

We are using defaults for the flavor names and image names that follow the SCS standards, so you don't need to touch them on a fully SCS compliant cloud. The flavors now can be chosen separately for the management node, the controller nodes and the worker nodes.


Tests have been added, the simple kuard.yaml as well as the included sonobuoy tool that allows for a full CNCF conformance test. The sonobuoy tests can be invoked from the Makefile with the check-* targets. The tooling has seen a significant amount of real-world testing during the Gaia-X Hackathon #1.

Helm charts for cluster management

As a technical preview, we now include the Helm charts developed by our partner StackHPC here -- they provide a more automated and more convenient way to manage more complex cluster scenarios. We intend to develop them further to make them become the standard in the SCS world.

In parallel to the scripts developed here in SCS, our partner StackHPC has developed a set of Helm charts for deploying Kubernetes clusters on OpenStack using Cluster API. These have been included for review as a technical preview with a view to further evaluate these and make them our standard in close collaboration with StackHPC.

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that is frequently used to share deployment recipes for applications running on Kubernetes, and these Helm charts apply the same principles to managing infrastructure. The charts define an opinionated "blueprint" for a Kubernetes cluster and its addons, and a cluster is deployed by specifying one or more YAML files containing variables for the cluster. Deploying the cluster and all its addons is then a one-line command:

helm upgrade my-cluster capi/openstack-cluster --install --devel --values clouds.yaml --values cluster.yaml

Addons are deployed using Kubernetes Jobs executed on the workload cluster, and use a combination of Helm charts and manifests using kustomize.

The Helm charts have the following features:

The charts and documentation are available on GitHub at stackhpc/capi-helm-charts.