Follow bellow the instructions to configure Peatio using 3 servers.
First Server - MySql Just install MySql using procedures as Peatio installation described
Second Server - Bitcoind & RabbitMQ
Install Bitcoind Install RabbitMQ Follow the instructions to create Bitcoin.conf Add a new line in Bitcoin.conf:
rpcallowip=[IP address or dns name of your Peatio Webserver]
Third Server - Peatio Webserver
Install Peatio using the default procedures but do not install MySql, Bitcoind and RabbitMQ Add a new line in database.yml
host: [IP address or dns name of your MySql Server]
***you should to add this configuration before running the databse creation commands
Change the configuration in currencies.yml
rpc: [username]:[password]@[IP address of your RabbitMQ server]:18332
Change the configuration in amqp.yml
host: [IP address or dns name of your RabbitMQ server]
restart all daemons.