- ✅ Supported
⚠️ Partial support- 🕓 Not implemented yet
- ⭕ Not supported (might be too big for current scope, or very tricky one to handle)
Command | Basic syntax | Arguments | Notes |
.as() | Supports wrapped values and elements, type option is not implemented |
.children() | ✅ | - | 3 |
.closest() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.contains() | selectors are not implemented, includeShadowDom option is not implemented, 3 |
.document() | ✅ | - | 3 |
.eq() | ✅ | - | 3 |
.filter() | ✅ | - | 3 |
.find() | ✅ | includeShadowDom option is not implemented, 3 |
.first() | ✅ | - | 3 |
.focused() | ✅ | - | |
.get() | ✅ | includeShadowDom , withinSubject options are not implemented, 3 |
.hash() | ✅ | - | 3 |
.invoke() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.its() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.last() | ✅ | - | 3 |
.location() | ✅ | - | 3 |
.next() | ✅ | - | 3 |
.nextAll() | - | selector argument is not implemented, 3 | |
.nextUntil() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.not() | ✅ | - | 3 |
.parent() | - | selector argument is not implemented, 3 | |
.parents() | ✅ | 🕓 | |
.parentsUntil() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.prev() | - | selector argument is not implemented, 3 | |
.prevAll() | - | selector argument is not implemented, 3 | |
.prevUntil() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.readFile() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.root() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.shadow() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.siblings() | 🕓 | selector argument is not implemented, 3 | |
.title() | ✅ | - | 3 |
.url() | ✅ | decode option is not implemented, 3 |
.window() | ✅ | - | 3 |
Command | Basic syntax | Arguments | Notes |
.check() | 🕓 | 1, string and array argument is not implemented | |
.clear() | ✅ | - | |
.click() | ✅ | 1, position argument accepts only x, y coordinates | |
.dblclick() | ✅ | 1, position argument accepts only x, y coordinates | |
.rightclick() | ✅ | 1, position argument accepts only x, y coordinates | |
.scrollIntoView() | ✅ | 🕓 | |
.scrollTo() | ✅ | duration , easing and ensureScrollable options are not implemented |
.select() | ✅ | - | 1 |
.selectFile() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.trigger() | ️ ✅ | 1, position , x , y and options are not implemented |
.type() | ️ ✅ | 🕓 | 1 |
.uncheck() | 🕓 | 1, string and array argument is not implemented |
Command | .should() | expect() | Notes |
Assertions | ⭕ | 2 |
Command | Basic syntax | Arguments | Notes |
.blur() | ✅ | - | 1 |
.clearAllCookies() | ✅ | - | |
.clearAllLocalStorage() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.clearAllSessionStorage() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.clearCookie() | ✅ | 🕓 | |
.clearCookies() | ✅ | 🕓 | |
.clearLocalStorage() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.clock() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.debug() | ✅ | - | |
.each() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.end() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.exec() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.fixture() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.focus() | ✅ | - | |
.getAllCookies() | ✅ | - | |
.getAllLocalStorage() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.getAllSessionStorage() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.getCookie() | ✅ | 🕓 | |
.getCookies() | ✅ | 🕓 | |
.go() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.hover() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.intercept() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.log() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.mount() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.origin() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.pause() | ✅ | - | |
.reload() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.request() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.screenshot() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.session() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.setCookie() | ✅ | ⚠ | sameSite option is not implemented |
.spread() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.spy() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.stub() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.submit() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.task() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.then() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.tick() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.viewport() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.visit() | ✅ | 🕓 | |
.wait() | 🕓 | Waiting for aliases is not implemented yet | |
.within() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
.wrap() | - | Only JS values and promises | |
.writeFile() | 🕓 | 🕓 |
Command | Basic syntax | Arguments | Notes |
Catalog of Events | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Custom Commands | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Custom Queries | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.arch | ✅ | - | |
Cypress.browser() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.config() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.Cookies() | ✅ | - | |
Cypress.currentRetry() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.currentTest() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.log() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.dom() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.ensure() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.env() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.isBrowser() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.isCy() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.Keyboard() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.platform | ✅ | - | |
Cypress.require() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.Screenshot() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.SelectorPlayground() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.session() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.spec() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.testingType() | 🕓 | 🕓 | |
Cypress.version | ✅ | - |
Playwright force flag simply omits checks if element is visible and interactive, while cypress also emits an Event on
the target element. Thus, in some cases, playwright action with force
flag enabled, won't actually do anything.
assertions are supported (some of them are missing), but there are just too many of them for this
list (the whole chai BDD list).
assertions are not supported because their chained API is trickier to reimplement and as they rely too much
on synchronous browser APIs.
Playwright doesn't provide timeout option for some methods (e.g. page.locator()
), and instead uses
global config for this cause. By default,
playwright timeouts are much generous than cypress ones, so in some cases timeout
option is ignored.
Cypress allows test cases to specify which commands and actions can be hidden from command log. Playwright has no
comparable functionality, thus log
option is ignored.
Cypress and playwright visibility checks are different. Cypress additionally checks if the element is inside scrollable or hidden overflow part of the parent element.