diff --git a/.github/workflows/chatops.yaml b/.github/workflows/chatops.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 767adbe..0000000
--- a/.github/workflows/chatops.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-name: Chatops
-on: [issue_comment]
- trigger-chatops:
- if: github.event.issue.pull_request != null && contains(github.event.comment.body, '/preview')
- env:
- CHECK_RUN_NAME: "Draft-Site-Build"
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- steps:
- - name: see payload
- run: |
- echo "FULL PAYLOAD:\n${PAYLOAD}\n"
- env:
- PAYLOAD: ${{ toJSON(github.event) }}
- PR_PAYLOAD: ${{ github.event.pull_request }}
- - name: verify env exists
- id: get_status
- run: |
- if [ -z ${NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN} ]; then echo "::set-output name=status::public"; else echo "::set-output name=status::private"; fi
- - name: make comment on PR if env does not exist
- if: steps.get_status.outputs.status == 'public'
- run: |
- ./_action_files/pr_comment.sh "Was not able to generate site preview due to absent credentials."
- env:
- ISSUE_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
- - name: Fetch context about the PR that has been commented on
- id: chatops
- uses: machine-learning-apps/actions-chatops@master
- with:
- TRIGGER_PHRASE: "/preview"
- env: # you must supply GITHUB_TOKEN
- - name: Set up Python
- uses: actions/setup-python@v1
- with:
- python-version: 3.6
- - name: install requests
- run: pip3 install requests
- - name: add check run
- id: create_check
- if: steps.get_status.outputs.status == 'private'
- shell: python
- run: |
- import os, requests
- sha = os.getenv('SHA')
- token = os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN')
- nwo = os.getenv('GITHUB_REPOSITORY')
- name = os.getenv('CHECK_RUN_NAME')
- url = f'https://api.github.com/repos/{nwo}/check-runs'
- headers = {'authorization': f'token {token}',
- 'accept': 'application/vnd.github.antiope-preview+json'}
- payload = {
- 'name': f'{name}',
- 'head_sha': f'{sha}',
- 'status': 'in_progress',
- 'output':{
- 'title': f'Building preview of site for {sha}.',
- 'summary': ' ',
- 'text': ' '
- },
- }
- response = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, json=payload)
- print(response)
- id = response.json()['id']
- print(f"::set-output name=id::{id}")
- env:
- SHA: ${{ steps.chatops.outputs.SHA }}
- - name: add label
- if: steps.get_status.outputs.status == 'private'
- run: |
- import os, requests
- nwo = os.getenv('GITHUB_REPOSITORY')
- token = os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN')
- pr_num = os.getenv('PR_NUM')
- headers = {'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.symmetra-preview+json',
- 'Authorization': f'token {token}'}
- url = f"https://api.github.com/repos/{nwo}/issues/{pr_num}/labels"
- data = {"labels": ["draft build pending"]}
- result = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, json=data)
- # assert response.status_code == 201, f"Received status code of {response.status_code}"
- print(result)
- shell: python
- env:
- PR_NUM: ${{ steps.chatops.outputs.PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER }}
- - name: Copy The PR's Branch Repository Contents
- uses: actions/checkout@master
- if: steps.get_status.outputs.status == 'private'
- with:
- ref: ${{ steps.chatops.outputs.SHA }}
- - name: convert notebooks and word docs to posts
- uses: ./ # use the code in this repo to instead of fastai/fastpages@master
- - name: setup directories for Jekyll build
- if: steps.get_status.outputs.status == 'private'
- run: |
- rm -rf _site
- sudo chmod -R 777 .
- - name: Jekyll build with baseurl as root for netifly
- if: steps.get_status.outputs.status == 'private'
- uses: docker://jekyll/jekyll
- with:
- args: jekyll build --baseurl /
- - name: deploy to netlify
- if: steps.get_status.outputs.status == 'private'
- id: py
- run: |
- sudo npm install netlify-cli -g
- netlify deploy --dir _site | tee _netlify_logs.txt
- cat _netlify_logs.txt | python _action_files/parse_netlify.py
- - name: make comment on PR
- if: steps.get_status.outputs.status == 'private'
- run: |
- MSG="A preview build of this branch has been generated for SHA: $SHA and can be viewed **live** at: ${URL}\n\nThe current fastpages site built from master can be viewed for comparison [here](https://fastpages.fast.ai/)"
- echo "$MSG"
- ./_action_files/pr_comment.sh "${MSG}"
- env:
- URL: ${{ steps.py.outputs.draft_url }}
- SHA: ${{ steps.chatops.outputs.SHA }}
- ISSUE_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
- - name: remove label
- if: always()
- run: |
- import os, requests
- nwo = os.getenv('GITHUB_REPOSITORY')
- token = os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN')
- pr_num = os.getenv('PR_NUM')
- headers = {'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.symmetra-preview+json',
- 'Authorization': f'token {token}'}
- url = f"https://api.github.com/repos/{nwo}/issues/{pr_num}/labels/draft%20build%20pending"
- result = requests.delete(url=url, headers=headers)
- print(result)
- shell: python
- env:
- PR_NUM: ${{ steps.chatops.outputs.PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER }}
- # defensively clear check run each time
- - name: clear check run
- if: always()
- continue-on-error: true
- shell: python
- run: |
- import os, requests
- sha = os.getenv('SHA')
- conclusion = os.getenv('WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION').lower()
- token = os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN')
- nwo = os.getenv('GITHUB_REPOSITORY')
- check_run_id = os.getenv('CHECK_RUN_ID')
- if not check_run_id:
- quit()
- url = f'https://api.github.com/repos/{nwo}/check-runs/{check_run_id}'
- headers = {'authorization': f'token {token}',
- 'accept': 'application/vnd.github.antiope-preview+json'}
- data = {
- 'conclusion': f'{conclusion}',
- }
- response = requests.patch(url=url, headers=headers, json=data)
- print(response)
- env:
- SHA: ${{ steps.chatops.outputs.SHA }}
- WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION: ${{ job.status }}
- CHECK_RUN_ID: ${{ steps.create_check.outputs.id }}
diff --git a/CNAME b/CNAME
deleted file mode 100644
index 18a648f..0000000
--- a/CNAME
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
deleted file mode 100644
index 6005098..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-_Adapted from [fastai/nbdev/CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/fastai/nbdev/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)_
-# How to contribute to fastpages
-First, thanks a lot for wanting to help! Some things to keep in mind:
-- The jupyter to blog post conversion functionality relies on [fastai/nbdev](https://github.com/fastai/nbdev). For idiosyncratic uses of nbdev that only apply to blogs that would require a large refactor to nbdev, it might be acceptable to apply a [monkey patch](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5626193/what-is-monkey-patching) in `fastpages`. However, it is encouraged to contribute to `nbdev` where possible if there is a change that could unlock a new feature. If you are unsure, please open an issue in this repo to discucss.
-- Please make sure your code runs correctly locally before making a pull request. See the [development guide] for more information about testing your code locally.
-## Note for new contributors from Jeremy
-It can be tempting to jump into a new project by questioning the stylistic decisions that have been made, such as naming, formatting, and so forth. This can be especially so for python programmers contributing to this project, which is unusual in following a number of conventions that are common in other programming communities, but not in Python. However, please don’t do this, for (amongst others) the following reasons:
-- Contributing to [Parkinson’s law of triviality](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Law_of_triviality) has negative consequences for a project. Let’s focus on deep learning!
-- It’s exhausting to repeat the same discussion over and over again, especially when it’s been well documented already. When you have a question about the project, please check the pages in the docs website linked here.
-- You’re likely to get a warmer welcome from the community if you start out by contributing something that’s been requested on the forum, since you’ll be solving someone’s current problem.
-- If you start out by just telling us your point of view, rather than studying the background behind the decisions that have been made, you’re unlikely to be contributing anything new or useful.
-- I’ve been writing code for nearly 40 years now, across dozens of languages, and other folks involved have quite a bit of experience too - the approaches used are based on significant experience and research. Whilst there’s always room for improvement, it’s much more likely you’ll be making a positive contribution if you spend a few weeks studying and working within the current framework before suggesting wholesale changes.
-## Did you find a bug?
-* Nobody is perfect, especially not us. But first, please double-check the bug doesn't come from something on your side. The [forum](http://forums.fast.ai/) is a tremendous source for help, and we'd advise to use it as a first step. Be sure to include as much code as you can so that other people can easily help you.
-* Then, ensure the bug was not already reported by searching on GitHub under [Issues](https://github.com/fastai/fastpages/issues).
-* If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, [open a new one](https://github.com/fastai/fastpages/issues/new). Be sure to include a title and clear description, as much relevant information as possible, and a code sample or an executable test case demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring.
-* Be sure to add the complete error messages.
-#### Did you write a patch that fixes a bug?
-* Open a new GitHub pull request with the patch.
-* Ensure that your PR includes a test that fails without your patch, and pass with it.
-* Ensure the PR description clearly describes the problem and solution. Include the relevant issue number if applicable.
-* Before submitting, please be sure you abide by our [coding style](https://docs.fast.ai/dev/style.html) (where appropriate) and [the guide on abbreviations](https://docs.fast.ai/dev/abbr.html) and clean-up your code accordingly.
-## Do you intend to add a new feature or change an existing one?
-* You can suggest your change on the [fastai forum](http://forums.fast.ai/) to see if others are interested or want to help.
-* Once your approach has been discussed and confirmed on the forum, you are welcome to push a PR, including a complete description of the new feature and an example of how it's used. Be sure to document your code in the notabook.
-* Ensure that your code includes tests that exercise not only your feature, but also any other code that might be impacted.
-## PR submission guidelines
-* Keep each PR focused. While it's more convenient, do not combine several unrelated fixes together. Create as many branches as needing to keep each PR focused.
-* Do not mix style changes/fixes with "functional" changes. It's very difficult to review such PRs and it most likely get rejected.
-* Do not add/remove vertical whitespace. Preserve the original style of the file you edit as much as you can.
-* Do not turn an already submitted PR into your development playground. If after you submitted PR, you discovered that more work is needed - close the PR, do the required work and then submit a new PR. Otherwise each of your commits requires attention from maintainers of the project.
-* If, however, you submitted a PR and received a request for changes, you should proceed with commits inside that PR, so that the maintainer can see the incremental fixes and won't need to review the whole PR again. In the exception case where you realize it'll take many many commits to complete the requests, then it's probably best to close the PR, do the work and then submit it again. Use common sense where you'd choose one way over another.
-* When you open a pull request, you can generate a live preview build of how the blog site will look by making a comment in the PR that contains this command: `/preview`. GitHub will build your site and drop a temporary link for everyone to review. You can do this as multiple times if necessary, however as mentioned previously do not turn an already submitted PR inot a development playground.
-## Do you have questions about the source code?
-* Please ask it on the [fastai forum](http://forums.fast.ai/) (after searching someone didn't ask the same one before with a quick search). We'd rather have the maximum of discussions there so that the largest number can benefit from it.
-## Do you want to contribute to the documentation?
-* PRs are welcome for this. For any confusion about the documentation, please feel free to open an issue on this repo.
-[development guide]: ../_dev_tools/README.md
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 54dce06..7496d27 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,236 +1,26 @@
-[//]: # (BADGES SECTION: change `fastai` with your GitHub username and `fastpages` with the name of your repo)
+[//]: # (This template replaces README.md when someone creates a new repo with the fastpages template.)
-# Welcome To `fastpages`
+# My Blog
-> An easy to use blogging platform, with support for Jupyter notebooks, Word docs, and Markdown.
+_powered by [fastpages](https://github.com/fastai/fastpages)_
-`fastpages` uses [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/features/actions) to simplify the process of of creating [Jekyll blog posts](https://jekyllrb.com/) on [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/) from a variety of input formats.
-### `fastpages` contain **special features for Jupyter Notebooks**, such as:
+## What To Do Next?
-- Interactive visualizations made with [Altair](https://altair-viz.github.io/) remain interactive.
-- Ability to hide cells (input, output or both).
-- Ability to have collapsable code cells that are either open or closed by default.
-- Embed Twitter cards and YouTube videos.
-- Define the Title, Summary and other metadata via a special markdown cells.
-- Support for local and remote images, including image captions with markdown.
-- Ability to add links to [Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/) and GitHub automatically.
-- The notebook to blog conversion is powered by `nbdev`, which is under active development. Check the [nbdev docs](https://nbdev.fast.ai/), particularly the [export2html](https://nbdev.fast.ai/export2html/) section, for a complete list of features that may be useful for notebooks.
+Great! You have setup your repo. Now its time to start writing content. Some helpful links:
-_See the [this section](#Writing-Blog-Posts-With-Jupyter) below for more details on how to configure these features._
+- [Writing Blogs With Jupyter](https://github.com/fastai/fastpages#writing-blog-posts-with-jupyter)
-[fastpages](https://github.com/fastai/fastpages) also supports writing blog posts with **Microsoft Word documents and Markdown** (see below for more details).
+- [Writing Blogs With Markdown](https://github.com/fastai/fastpages#writing-blog-posts-with-markdown)
+- [Writing Blog Posts With Word](https://github.com/fastai/fastpages#writing-blog-posts-with-microsoft-word)
-**[See the demo site](https://fastpages.fast.ai/)**
-- [Welcome To `fastpages`](#welcome-to-fastpages)
- - [Setup Instructions](#setup-instructions)
- - [Writing Blog Posts With Jupyter](#writing-blog-posts-with-jupyter)
- - [Configure Title & Summary](#configure-title-summary)
- - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- - [Colab & GitHub Badges](#colab-github-badges)
- - [Enabling Comments](#enabling-comments)
- - [Hide Input/Output Cells](#hide-inputoutput-cells)
- - [Collapsable Code Cells](#collapsable-code-cells)
- - [Embedded Twitter and YouTube Content](#embedded-twitter-and-youtube-content)
- - [Automatically Convert Notebooks To Blog Posts](#automatically-convert-notebooks-to-blog-posts)
- - [Writing Blog Posts With Markdown](#writing-blog-posts-with-markdown)
- - [Writing Blog Posts With Microsoft Word](#writing-blog-posts-with-microsoft-word)
- - [Using The GitHub Action & Your Own Custom Blog](#using-the-github-action-your-own-custom-blog)
- - [Optional Inputs](#optional-inputs)
-- [Contributing To Fastpages](#contributing-to-fastpages)
-- [FAQ](#faq)
-- [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)
-## Setup Instructions
-1. Generate a copy of this repo by clicking [on this link](https://github.com/fastai/fastpages/generate).
-2. **GitHub Actions will automatically open a PR** on your new repository ~ 30 seconds after the copy is created. Follow the instructions in that PR to continue.
-## Writing Blog Posts With Jupyter
-Create a markdown cell at the beginning of the notebook with the following contents:
- ```markdown
- # Title
- > Awesome summary
- - toc: false
- - branch: master
- - badges: true
- - comments: true
- - metadata_key1: metadata_value1
- - metadata_key2: metadata_value2
- ```
-Additional metadata is optional and allows you to set custom [front matter](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/front-matter/).
-### Configure Title & Summary
- - Replace `Title`, with your desired title, and `Awesome summary` with your desired summary.
-### Table of Contents
- - `fast_template` will automatically generate a table of contents for you based on [markdown headers](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/)! You can toggle this feature on or off by setting `toc:` to either `true` or `false`.
-### Colab & GitHub Badges
- - The `branch` field is used to optionally render a link your notebook to Colab and GitHub in your blog post post. It'll default to `master` if you don't specify it in the notebook.
- - If you do not want to show Colab / GitHub badges on your blog post (perhaps because your repo is private and the links would be broken) set `badges` to `false`. This defaults to `true`
-### Enabling Comments
-Blog posting is powered by [Utterances](https://github.com/utterance/utterances), an open-source and ad-free way of implementing comments. All comments are stored in issues on your blog's GitHub repo. You can turn this on setting `comments` to `true`. This defaults to `false`.
-To enable comments with [Utterances](https://github.com/utterance/utterances) you will need to do the following:
- - Make sure the repo is public, otherwise your readers will not be able to view the issues/comments.
- - Make sure the [utterances app](https://github.com/apps/utterances) is installed on the repo, otherwise users will not be able to post comments.
- - If your repo is a fork, navigate to it's settings tab and confirm the issues feature is turned on.
-### Hide Input/Output Cells
-Place the comment `#hide` at the beginning of a code cell and it wil **hide both the input and the output** of that cell. If you only want to hide just the input or the output, use the `hide input` [Jupyter Extension](https://jupyter-contrib-nbextensions.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nbextensions/hide_input/readme.html)
-### Collapsable Code Cells
-You may want to have code code be hidden from view under a collapsed element that the user can expand, rather than completely hiding the code from the reader.
-- To include code in a collapsable cell that **is collapsed by default**, place the comment `#collapse` at the top of the code cell.
-- To include code in a collapsable cell that **is open by default**, place the comment `#collapse_show` or `#collapse-show` at the top of the code cell.
-### Embedded Twitter and YouTube Content
-In a markdown cell in your notebook, use the following markdown shortcuts to embed Twitter cards and YouTube Videos.
- ```markdown
- > youtube: https://youtu.be/your-link
- > twitter: https://twitter.com/some-link
- ```
-### Automatically Convert Notebooks To Blog Posts
-1. Save your notebook with the naming convention `YYYY-MM-DD-*.` into the `/_notebooks` or `/_word` folder of this repo, respectively. For example `2020-01-28-My-First-Post.ipynb`. This [naming convention is required by Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/posts/) to render your blog post.
- - Be careful to name your file correctly! It is easy to forget the last dash in `YYYY-MM-DD-`. Furthermore, the character immediately following the dash should only be an alphabetical letter. Examples of valid filenames are:
- ```shell
- 2020-01-28-My-First-Post.ipynb
- 2012-09-12-how-to-write-a-blog.ipynb
- ```
- - If you fail to name your file correctly, `fastpages` will automatically attempt to fix the problem by prepending the last modified date of your file to your generated blog post, however, it is recommended that you name your files properly yourself for more transparency.
-2. [Commit and push](https://help.github.com/en/github/managing-files-in-a-repository/adding-a-file-to-a-repository-using-the-command-line) your file(s) to GitHub in your repository's master branch.
-3. GitHub will automatically convert your files to blog posts. **It will take ~5 minutes for the conversion process to take place**. You can click on the Actions tab of your repo to view the logs of this process. There will be two workflows that are triggered with each push you make to your master branch: (1) "CI" and (2) "GH Pages Status". Both workflows must complete with a green checkmark for your latest commit before your site is updated.
-4. If you wish, you can preview how your blog will look locally before commiting to GitHub. If you wish to do so, please see the [development guide](_dev_tools/README.md).
-## Writing Blog Posts With Markdown
-If you are writing your blog post in markdown, save your `.md` file into the `/_posts` folder with the same naming convention (`YYYY-MM-DD-*.md`) specified for notebooks.
-## Writing Blog Posts With Microsoft Word
-Save your Microsoft Word documents into the `/_word` folder with the same naming convention (`YYYY-MM-DD-*.docx`) specified for notebooks.
-## Using The GitHub Action & Your Own Custom Blog
-The `fastpages` action allows you to convert notebooks from `/_notebooks` and word documents from `/_word` directories in your repo into [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) compliant blog post markdown files located in `/_posts`. **Note: This directory structure is currently inflexible** for this Action, as it is designed to be used with Jekyll.
-If you already have sufficient familiarity with [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) and wish to use this automation in your own theme, you can use this GitHub Action by referencing `fastai/fastpages@master` as follows:
-uses: fastai/fastpages@master
-An illustrative example of what a complete workflow may look like:
- build-site:
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- ...
- - name: convert notebooks and word docs to posts
- uses: fastai/fastpages@master
- ...
- - name: Jekyll build
- uses: docker://jekyll/jekyll
- with:
- args: jekyll build
- - name: Deploy
- uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
- if: github.event_name == 'push'
- with:
- deploy_key: ${{ secrets.SSH_DEPLOY_KEY }}
- publish_branch: gh-pages
- publish_dir: ./_site
-Note that this Action **does not have any required inputs, and has no output variables**.
-### Optional Inputs
- - `BOOL_SAVE_MARKDOWN`: Either 'true' or 'false'. Whether or not to commit converted markdown files from notebooks and word documents into the _posts directory in your repo. This is useful for debugging. _default: false_
- - `SSH_DEPLOY_KEY`: a ssh deploy key is required if BOOL_SAVE_MARKDOWN = 'true'
-See the API spec for this action in [action.yml](action.yml)
-Detailed instructions on how to customize this blog are beyond the scope of this README. ( We invite someone from the community to contribute a blog post on how to do this in this repo! )
-# Contributing To Fastpages
-Please see the [development guide](_dev_tools/README.md).
-# FAQ
-- **Q:** Where are the markdown files in `_posts/` that are generated from my Jupyter notebooks or word documents? **A:** The GitHub Actions workflow in this repo converts your notebook and word documents to markdown on the fly before building your site, but never commits these intermediate markdown files to this repo. This is in order to save you from the annoyance of your local environment being constantly out of sync with your repository. You can optionally see these intermediate markdown files by setting the `BOOL_SAVE_MARKDOWN` and `SSH_DEPLOY_KEY` inputs to the fastpages action in your `.github/workflows/ci.yaml` file as follows:
- ...
- - name: convert notebooks and word docs to posts
- uses: fastai/fastpages@master
- with:
- ...
-- **Q:** Can I use `fastpages` for Jekyll docs sites or for things that are not Jekyll blog posts? **A:** At the moment, `fastpages` is a highly opinionated solution that works only for Jekyll blog posts. If you want to write documentation for your module or library with Jupyter notebooks, we suggest you use [fastai/nbdev](https://github.com/fastai/nbdev) which is expressly built for this purpose.
-- **Q:** What is the difference between [fast_template](https://github.com/fastai/fast_template) and fastpages? Which one should I use? **A:** Because `fastpages` is more flexible and extensible, we recommend using it where possible. `fast_template` may be a better option for getting folks blogging who have no technical expertise at all, and will only be creating posts using Github's integrated online editor.
-# Acknowledgements
-- [Nate Gadzhibalaev](https://github.com/xnutsive): We ported his excellent work on [#14](https://github.com/fastai/fast_template/pull/14) from [fast_template](https://github.com/fastai/fast_template) to this repo, which enabled many features.
-- All the contributors to [nbdev](https://github.com/fastai/nbdev), which powers many of the features in this repo.
+Please use the [nbdev & blogging channel](https://forums.fast.ai/c/fastai-users/nbdev/48) in the fastai forums for any questions or feature requests.
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ee60f8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-[//]: # (This template replaces README.md when someone creates a new repo with the fastpages template.)
-# My Blog
-_powered by [fastpages](https://github.com/fastai/fastpages)_
-## What To Do Next?
-Great! You have setup your repo. Now its time to start writing content. Some helpful links:
-- [Writing Blogs With Jupyter](https://github.com/fastai/fastpages#writing-blog-posts-with-jupyter)
-- [Writing Blogs With Markdown](https://github.com/fastai/fastpages#writing-blog-posts-with-markdown)
-- [Writing Blog Posts With Word](https://github.com/fastai/fastpages#writing-blog-posts-with-microsoft-word)
-Please use the [nbdev & blogging channel](https://forums.fast.ai/c/fastai-users/nbdev/48) in the fastai forums for any questions or feature requests.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_checkbox.png b/_checkbox.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 19b5b2c..0000000
Binary files a/_checkbox.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index e41136a..30a7d96 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
title: fastpages
description: An easy to use blogging platform with support for Jupyter Notebooks.
-github_username: fastai
+github_username: Shifu-Engineer
# you can comment the below line out if your repo name is not different than your baseurl
-github_repo: "fastpages"
+github_repo: "Simply-Abstract"
# OPTIONAL: override baseurl and url if using a custom domain
-url: "https://fastpages.fast.ai" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com
-baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. "/blog". WARNING: if you are not using a custom domain, the baseurl *must* be set to your repo name.
+url: "https://Shifu-Engineer.github.io" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com
+baseurl: "/Simply-Abstract" # the subpath of your site, e.g. "/blog". WARNING: if you are not using a custom domain, the baseurl *must* be set to your repo name.
# Email and twitter are optional:
diff --git a/_setup_pr_template.md b/_setup_pr_template.md
index c4080f7..c35821c 100644
--- a/_setup_pr_template.md
+++ b/_setup_pr_template.md
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-Hello :wave: @{_username_}! Thank you for using fastpages!
+Hello :wave: @Shifu-Engineer! Thank you for using fastpages!
## Before you merge this PR
1. Create an ssh key-pair. Open this utility. Select: `RSA` and `4096` and leave `Passphrase` blank. Click the blue button `Generate-SSH-Keys`.
-2. Navigate to this link and click `Add a new secret`. Copy and paste the **Private Key** into the `Value` field. In the `Name` field, name the secret `SSH_DEPLOY_KEY`.
+2. Navigate to this link and click `Add a new secret`. Copy and paste the **Private Key** into the `Value` field. In the `Name` field, name the secret `SSH_DEPLOY_KEY`.
-3. Navigate to this link and click the `Add deploy key` button. Paste your **Public Key** from step 1 into the `Key` box. In the `Title`, name the key anything you want, for example `fastpages-key`. Finally, **make sure you click the checkbox next to `Allow write access`** (pictured below), and click `Add key` to save the key.
+3. Navigate to this link and click the `Add deploy key` button. Paste your **Public Key** from step 1 into the `Key` box. In the `Title`, name the key anything you want, for example `fastpages-key`. Finally, **make sure you click the checkbox next to `Allow write access`** (pictured below), and click `Add key` to save the key.
### What to Expect After Merging This PR
-- GitHub Actions will build your site, which will take 3-4 minutes to complete. **This will happen anytime you push changes to the master branch of your repository.** You can monitor the logs of this if you like on the [Actions tab of your repo](https://github.com/{_username_}/{_repo_name_}/actions).
+- GitHub Actions will build your site, which will take 3-4 minutes to complete. **This will happen anytime you push changes to the master branch of your repository.** You can monitor the logs of this if you like on the [Actions tab of your repo](https://github.com/Shifu-Engineer/Simply-Abstract/actions).
- Your GH-Pages Status badge on your README will eventually appear and be green, indicating your first sucessfull build.
-- You can monitor the status of your site in the GitHub Pages section of your [repository settings](https://github.com/{_username_}/{_repo_name_}/settings).
+- You can monitor the status of your site in the GitHub Pages section of your [repository settings](https://github.com/Shifu-Engineer/Simply-Abstract/settings).
If you are not using a custom domain, your website will appear at:
-#### https://{_username_}.github.io/{_repo_name_}
+#### https://Shifu-Engineer.github.io/Simply-Abstract
## Optional: Using a Custom Domain
diff --git a/action.yml b/action.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fd3e1a..0000000
--- a/action.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-name: 'fastpages: An easy to use blogging platform with support for Jupyter Notebooks.'
-description: Converts Jupyter notebooks and Word docs into Jekyll blog posts.
-author: Hamel Husain
- description: Either 'true' or 'false'. Whether or not to commit converted markdown files from notebooks and word documents into the _posts directory in your repo. This is useful for debugging.
- required: false
- default: false
- description: a ssh deploy key is required if BOOL_SAVE_MARKDOWN = 'true'
- required: false
- color: 'blue'
- icon: 'book'
- using: 'docker'
- image: '_action_files/Dockerfile'